Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2013
But I'm talking about favourite games. Don't you have your favourite game? Then you would be a special moderator for that game if my suggestion was accepted.

Staff members all have their favourite games but all have the same job, to help around on the server. It is up to each any every one of us where we want to spend our time on the server!

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
I think the moderation team is fine as is for the most part. I have only seen maybe 3 hackers in the last few days which is less than what I see on other large servers. Personally I've always been more concerned with false punishments rather than hackers and more leeway with who gets to be staff would inevitably result in more false punishments.

But if we were of have staff per games who would moderate blockband?!?!? :P

Hey there,
Just informing you that your forum activity will decrease your chance of being accepted. Anyways good luck.

I don't think you are in a position to tell people what decreases there chances of becoming a staff member. People don't like one of his suggestions it not. Everyone, including many staff members, have had some really bad suggestions and cringy threads. xD
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
I think the moderation team is fine as is for the most part. I have only seen maybe 3 hackers in the last few days which is less than what I see on other large servers. Personally I've always been more concerned with false punishments rather than hackers and more leeway with who gets to be staff would inevitably result in more false punishments.

But if we were of have staff per games who would moderate blockband?!?!? :P

I don't think you are in a position to tell people what decreases there chances of becoming a staff member. People don't like one of his suggestions it not. Everyone, including many staff members, have had some really bad suggestions and cringy threads. xD
Global mods would moderate Blockband! :P
Also I also don't think people can tell people what lacks on their staff application, but you mean this post is cringy? xd
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Well-Known Member
First> we have to report rulebreakers and staff will accept. More staff members doesn't mean that we will have less hackers.
Second> you have to become first a [helper] and than can you promote to [MOD].
Third> If @Tacosbefriends sees good people that help the community will he accept them. There are a lot new helpers added this few months. Cubecraft wants only the best of the best.
Fourth> I have rather a staff member that knows what he does and helps the community than anyone that doesn't take it serious.
Fifth> New staff members is also the same as giving free ranks. Cubecraft searchs the perfect people for this 'job'.
Sixth> I think that we have the perfect staff team and that only the best of the best can join the staff team.

Your third, fourth, fifth and sixth reasons are all the same lol

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
So, here I go, I reciently noticed that the anti-cheat needs a bit more develpoment and you should take a look into it, but I think having staff members is also very important: not everything is about cheaters that an anti-cheat can easily and automatically ban (which doesn't happens for now). So I recommend the highest staff members to broadcast a message on the server saying you are looking for new staff members, so they can apply and get moderator rank if they deserve it. Also I think you need staff because there actually are 35 staff members and more than a half of them offline trying to moderate a server with 10.200 people online (right now). As you probably suppose, it's an impossible job with just a few staff members, so I recommend accepting more applications! I repeat, I'm not trying to get my application accepted, this is only something that I thought long time ago, not only since I sent the application. So I hope you see this message and take action because hackers are literally slowly destroying not only Cubecraft community, but entire Minecraft community, and right now the Cubecraft community is a big one in Minecraft. So please, do what I'm saying and I promise that everything will be better! Because for this server you probably need like 150 - 200 staff members online at the same time and fixing the anti-cheat would help 200% more.

Well, Cubecraft is indeed slow with the Applications. I can definitely agree. They're very cautious when it comes to this sort of stuff. They really wait till there is someone with good qualities and that actually fits the job. They don't immediately accept the first random guy they see. That's understandable.
But here comes the problem. Every once in a while the community pretty much is done with waiting. Their patience is pretty much at their limit.
That's when the crazy amounts of threads with "ADD MORE STEFF" come. And that's when Cubecraft rushes their applications.
Resulting into, well less fitted Helpers. Which over time simply get demoted or themselves see that they're not fit for the job so they simply resign.
I rather get Quality staff once a year than getting 30 helpers, with 1/8 of them abusing their power or not being mature enough, each month.
So now I'll talk about the staff for single minigames, which means that there can be a staff for a single game, for example: imagine someone in their apply says he wants to be SkyWars mod, or EggWars, or PvP Mod. There will also be Global Mods, which can also be chosen if you want to be one in the apply. That would help a lot because I'm pretty sure that if you accept a lot of staff members, they will probably stay at the famous games like SkyWars or EggWars, but if there's someone that like a non-popular game like Creative (by non-popular I mean that there's not as many players) then they can be Creative Moderator! And maybe, in the future they can get promoted to Global Moderator if they haven't applied for it in their apply.
Better stick to the old ways. Currently staff members need to be flexible.They need to handle different kinds of tasks. From doing reports to helping players out. They also definitely need to know the basic about each game and what can be considered appropriate or not. So having Staff members for single games is pretty unnecessary. I like to stay that way.
Most staff I know don't really have a favorite game. Some enjoy playing this and then they play that.
They don't really play one certain game over and over again. So I doubt they would want to stick to one game.

Hey there,
Just informing you that your forum activity will decrease your chance of being accepted. Anyways good luck.

I'm only helping you.
Wasn't really helpful.
Not really... o_O
Don't you see the difference between my last points?
Yes they are.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Staff have lives you know.
They shouldnt be treated as banning machines.
You can't just "expect" for every single hacker to get banned instantly

The reason that they don't just choose people out of the blue in applications is because they probably aren't qualified. Tacos looks through the applications carefully, looking for on-point details if qualification. It's not "everyone's a winner" it's "Only people who put a lot effort in their apps are to be a winner"

Get used to it.
There is also reports.cubecraft.net if you want to report hackers yourself. If we didn't have that, then this server would be flooded with hackers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Staff have lives you know.
They shouldnt be treated as banning machines.
You can't just "expect" for every single hacker to get banned instantly

The reason that they don't just choose people out of the blue in applications is because they probably aren't qualified. Tacos looks through the applications carefully, looking for on-point details if qualification. It's not "everyone's a winner" it's "Only people who put a lot effort in their apps are to be a winner"

Get used to it.
There is also reports.cubecraft.net if you want to report hackers yourself. If we didn't have that, then this server would be flooded with hackers.
Once again, let me tell you that there's a lot of hackers on the server, so I think you don't play popular games such as SkyWars, which is indeed flooded with cheaters, and by flooded I mean at least one per game, and that's more than enough to be A LOT, also nobody said that staff are banning machines, they're here to, obviously, ban players, mute, and other kinds of punishments, also they're here to help a player if they need help, so I don't think they're banning machines, but still don't know where you read that.

Also I in all honesty don't like the new reports page, there's a lot of new people on Cubecraft that join for first time everyday, and if they see a hacker, do you really think they'll go to the forums, register, create the report and even record proof videos? Of course not!! They'll just leave the server after trying the /report command. Because if every hacker got a report on the website, the server would really be clean of hackers, because it's a method that tries to interact with the community A LOT, but the community won't interact with it because it's too long and they have better stuff to do, not trying to get 1 of 200 hackers that are there on the server recording and even writing a post, because they just LEAVE. Also I can expect to have every single hacker banned, as there should be a better anti-cheat.
What I just said in this last paragraph and part of the first one is not an opinion, it is a TRUTH so please fix it and I pretty sure that you will get more players that won't leave thanks to hackers and maybe they'll buy ranks in a not too far future, so you can build a completely clean community, with no hackers and rule breakers.

Thanks for reading.


Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2014
@Wetaa all of your posts counterbalance each other. First, you are saying you want more staff and they should recruit more, and then you say that you would prefer quality over quantity. I really don't understand your point here.

Secondly, you quoted a post about a new /report command that would allow the staff member to go to the reported player in-game and watch them. Can you please tell me HOW would you believe this would work just as good or better than the current reporting system? You would need hundreds of staff members for this to even be comparable to the current report system.
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Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2014
Once again, let me tell you that there's a lot of hackers on the server, so I think you don't play popular games such as SkyWars, which is indeed flooded with cheaters, and by flooded I mean at least one per game, and that's more than enough to be A LOT, also nobody said that staff are banning machines, they're here to, obviously, ban players, mute, and other kinds of punishments, also they're here to help a player if they need help, so I don't think they're banning machines, but still don't know where you read that.

Also I in all honesty don't like the new reports page, there's a lot of new people on Cubecraft that join for first time everyday, and if they see a hacker, do you really think they'll go to the forums, register, create the report and even record proof videos? Of course not!! They'll just leave the server after trying the /report command. Because if every hacker got a report on the website, the server would really be clean of hackers, because it's a method that tries to interact with the community A LOT, but the community won't interact with it because it's too long and they have better stuff to do, not trying to get 1 of 200 hackers that are there on the server recording and even writing a post, because they just LEAVE. Also I can expect to have every single hacker banned, as there should be a better anti-cheat.
What I just said in this last paragraph and part of the first one is not an opinion, it is a TRUTH so please fix it and I pretty sure that you will get more players that won't leave thanks to hackers and maybe they'll buy ranks in a not too far future, so you can build a completely clean community, with no hackers and rule breakers.

Thanks for reading.
You really expect this server to be spotless of hackers? I am probably the 10th person to say this, but Sentinel learns how players move and stuff like that and it will eventually detect more things. But I just can't wrap my mind around how you expect CubeCrafts anti cheat to be able to detect every hacker on the server after only a few months after release. Have you looked at other servers? Their anti cheat doesn't ban every player, and look at how many players they still have. Hackers don't drive played away like you explained above.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Once again, let me tell you that there's a lot of hackers on the server, so I think you don't play popular games such as SkyWars, which is indeed flooded with cheaters, .
I would say 90% of my reports are hackers in skywars.

Also I in all honesty don't like the new reports page, there's a lot of new people on Cubecraft that join for first time everyday, and if they see a hacker, do you really think they'll go to the forums, register, create the report and even record proof videos? Of course not!!
When I read this, this is what I think:

A Steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker, *whaaa*
*Leaves the server and never comes back*
He sits down and waits for help to come to him.

What we SHOULD be thinking:

A steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker *whaaa*
BUT, he infers that if he records the hacker, he could possibly get him banned.
He does some searching for Cube on the web, *finds a report site*
Reports him after he learns the steps.

Which one would you rather have?

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
A Steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker, *whaaa*
*Leaves the server and never comes back*
He sits down and waits for help to come to him.

What we SHOULD be thinking:

A steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker *whaaa*
BUT, he infers that if he records the hacker, he could possibly get him banned.
He does some searching for Cube on the web, *finds a report site*
Reports him after he learns the steps.
The second one is most likely not going to happen. First of all, the new player wouldn't think his opponent was a cheater. That's because he isn't experienced in PvP and he is likely not aware of what's possible with normal skill and what's possible with illegal modifications.
Second, he wouldn't know that you can report players. He's a new player, do you really think he knows that you can report players and that he knows how to do that? I doubt it. And if he's still young then it's even more uncommon that he knows how to report players.
Third one, do you really think most people can record their games and then upload it to YouTube? No. Most players don't have that beast 60 fps pc. Some have like 15 - 30 fps. And recording with that would make it even more unplayable. About the YouTube part, some parents don't really allow their children to make an account and then start uploading videos there. Simple really.

But I'm also a bit against a /report command. And I don't know any ways to solve those problems mentioned above.

What we could do is change and add some massages.
First the crossteamers one:
"Teaming or Crossteaming is punishable offense, if you see someone teaming please report them on reports.cubecraft.net"
And add a new one:
"Seen a Hacker in-game? Be sure to record and report then next time on reports.cubecraft.net"

Or something like that. Simply adding automated messages to inform players that a report site exists. Many player do not know how to report rule violators.
I think it is better to write good documentation about how to report people, including how to create a YouTube account, Install the recording software and post the video on YouTube. Because some kids can not speak English it has to be made in multiple languages. To share this with these kind off people there has to be a command like /report that only outputs the location of this documentation.

Just like this (has to be in multiple languages too):

Hi [Player name], great to see you care about our community and want to help us. Please visit https://cubecraft.net/[link to documentation].
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
What you say is true, but the staff's are busy. You can just easy help > report the rule breakers,...
Good luck with your application. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
You really expect this server to be spotless of hackers? I am probably the 10th person to say this, but Sentinel learns how players move and stuff like that and it will eventually detect more things. But I just can't wrap my mind around how you expect CubeCrafts anti cheat to be able to detect every hacker on the server after only a few months after release. Have you looked at other servers? Their anti cheat doesn't ban every player, and look at how many players they still have. Hackers don't drive played away like you explained above.
I know some servers that got many players and their anticheat is like a god.

I would say 90% of my reports are hackers in skywars.

When I read this, this is what I think:

A Steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker, *whaaa*
*Leaves the server and never comes back*
He sits down and waits for help to come to him.

What we SHOULD be thinking:

A steve skinned player playing his first game of eggwars *yay*!
Then, he dies to a hacker *whaaa*
BUT, he infers that if he records the hacker, he could possibly get him banned.
He does some searching for Cube on the web, *finds a report site*
Reports him after he learns the steps.

Which one would you rather have?
I rather have the second one but sadly most of the people do the first one after trying /report command.

The second one is most likely not going to happen. First of all, the new player wouldn't think his opponent was a cheater. That's because he isn't experienced in PvP and he is likely not aware of what's possible with normal skill and what's possible with illegal modifications.
Second, he wouldn't know that you can report players. He's a new player, do you really think he knows that you can report players and that he knows how to do that? I doubt it. And if he's still young then it's even more uncommon that he knows how to report players.
Third one, do you really think most people can record their games and then upload it to YouTube? No. Most players don't have that beast 60 fps pc. Some have like 15 - 30 fps. And recording with that would make it even more unplayable. About the YouTube part, some parents don't really allow their children to make an account and then start uploading videos there. Simple really.

But I'm also a bit against a /report command. And I don't know any ways to solve those problems mentioned above.

What we could do is change and add some massages.
First the crossteamers one:
"Teaming or Crossteaming is punishable offense, if you see someone teaming please report them on reports.cubecraft.net"
And add a new one:
"Seen a Hacker in-game? Be sure to record and report then next time on reports.cubecraft.net"

Or something like that. Simply adding automated messages to inform players that a report site exists. Many player do not know how to report rule violators.

What you say is true, but the staff's are busy. You can just easy help > report the rule breakers,...
Good luck with your application. ;)
Yeah but as I said, some people are just too lazy or unable to record and report the hackers on a server that literally they just joined.
Thanks, I hope I get accepted so I can help banning all of those rule breakers <3
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