Hi! I really appreciate that. :)Hello there, I would like to give some constructive feedback with the art that you made (Just the first post). Having the green (circuit boards?) just below the ears is to me, extremely distracting, especially on the left as it seems like it's a hue between the arm and head instead of something that is intentional. (Note that I can easily be wrong about that and it was intentional.)
The style is pretty good overall. Seems like you have a passion for it which shows. I hope that my constructive feedback helps, if you want some more please let me know, I would love to help you improve your work even more
The green thing is just a light that comes from behind the character.
But it's true, I have to improve anyway, that's why I ask for other skins, so I stimulate my imagination and continue to practice. knowing your opinion is very important for me, thank you :)
Btw I want to confess y'all something!
My dream is to create short films about the life of my character, Wigaar.
That's why I'm creating so many photos that portray him in different situations. I do not know if I will ever succeed, I would need skills that I do not currently have, in the meantime I note some stories about him :)
Aaanyway, as soon as I have some free time again I will continue to work on your skins, I will be busy for a few days, I hope to free myself as soon as possible!
See you soon