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Novice Member
Sep 13, 2021
I am an experienced and well-known lucky islands player. I grind the game hours a day. Here are all the things I want changed about the game, so let’s get into it.

  1. Lucky Block Drops
  2. On the drop where you get a full-grown tree, the axe is glitched. The axe spawns inside the tree and flies off the island. You only catch it about 20% of the time. Maybe make the axe spawn one block away or remove the drop entirely. The drop with the sapling and the bonemeal is just fine.
  3. The knockback sword needs something to balance it. Maybe a levitation wand that can bring you out of void when you are falling. It would levitate you with levitation 3 for 5 seconds with a cooldown. This would also be cool for when you are falling from a high place. I know the shield wand balances the sword too, but I think there should be something else.
  4. Remove the fake lucky block wand. It is cringe and only works on noobs. Maybe there should be a rare drop that gives you a fake lucky block or two. The fake lucky blocks shouldn’t just explode. They should do any outcome from regular lucky blocks that is bad (example: lava, exploding squids).
  5. In OP mode, 3 witches are too much. It is impossible to avoid getting poisoned or other bad potions. It is also impossible to leave the island because one could throw a harming potion while you bridge. You can’t even kill them because they are on those bats. I think the witch drop in normal/crazy mode should spawn 1-2 normal witch with a 10% chance of the witch riding a bat, and OP mode drop should spawn 3-5 witches without a bat but have a 10% chance of each witch riding a bat.
  6. The drop with 3 shulkers in OP mode is a little too powerful. It is possible to kill all 3 of the shulkers if you destroy the bullets, but they teleport when they are low and usually end up on the bottom of the island where no one can kill them. If possible, please disable shulker teleportation. If not, have it spawn 2 shulkers.
  7. The drop where it gives you a loot chest should have better loot. More material-based loot that you can use to craft things with would be nice. Or even better, use the loot table for end city loot.
  8. Horses die too easily. Make the ones in normal mode spawn with gold armor, and the ones in OP mode spawn with diamond armor. Also, no one really uses horses because half the time they end up in the void when you try to jump from island to island.
  9. Remove the useless drop that everyone hates where a chicken, a pig, and a cow spawn. Maybe replace it with a zombie, a creeper, and a spider or something.
  10. The pig and saddle drop is useless. Maybe add a use for it. Maybe the pig should have the ability to fly like the “When Pigs Fly” lobby gadget.
  11. Add a drop for pop-up towers like the ones in Hypixel. It would add lots of variation to the game and some cool uses in PvP
  12. Add the instant walls from eggwars. Make a drop that gives you 3 of them. They should be craftable too.
  13. Add fireballs like the ones in Hypixel bedwars. They should be like the ghast ones so you can knock them back if you have the right timing. The drop should give you a fireball, or a fireball wand that can shoot a fireball.
  14. In the drop with the ores and the iron pickaxe, on some maps, the ores spawn as the bottom block of the island resulting in the ores falling in the void when mined. This often happens on the map luck and pirates.
  15. The auto-building tower drop is glitched. The stone brick walls are invisible and glitch you when you try to go near them.
  16. There should be a drop that gives you a golden apple or two, with a 5% chance of it being enchanted.
  17. The drop that spawns a hole in the ground should just go to the bottom of the island then stop destroying blocks because it is impossible to block clutch onto the hole if you fall in. Also, if you try to use the shield wand, it just breaks through the shield wand, and you fall through it.
  18. Please fix the shield wand. Half the time you try to use it to clutch or when you fall in the void, you die of fall damage when using it. Maybe make the bottom blocks of the shield wand hay blocks or something like that.
  19. Cats are WAY TOO OP! They have a faster speed than a sprinting player, they have insane knockback, and way too much damage. Especially in OP mode when you get two of them. Also, they are just OP wolves. I don’t want cats to be removed because they are so cute. I think they should have another use such as bringing you items that are on the ground or mining lucky blocks for you. They should have way less speed and not attack people. They weren’t able to attack players in regular Minecraft, so why do we need it here?
  20. On the splash potion wand, green should be for good potion, and red should be for bad potion. When I was starting out, I kept thinking green was good and using it on myself.
  21. The brewing stand drop should have more variety than just poison, instant health, regeneration, speed, and strength. There should be instant damage splash potions, jump boost potions, luck potions (luck potions would make all lucky blocks good when you mine them with the effect on), unluck splash potions (makes all drops bad for the duration of the effect), and levitation potions and splash potions (they aren’t in creative inventory but can be made with commands).
  22. Add a drop that spawns a ghast 7 blocks above the lucky block, only if there is unobstructed sunlight above the lucky block.
  23. Fix the glitched endermen. Half the time I look at them anywhere about their legs (it’s supposed to only be the eyes), they get mad at me. Sometimes when I stare them right in the eyes, they don’t even get mad.
  24. Lucky blocks are really sponges, as you probably know, so they soak up water nearby. Please fix that.
  25. Elytras are glitchy and sometimes you have to spam the space bar to even get them to work.
  26. When flying to the bottom of the map Pirates with an elytra, you can get stuck at the bottom. It won’t let you place or break any blocks down there. This needs to be fixed.
  27. Choose a special day of the year where an event happens on Cubecraft Lucky Islands (this could draw in more players) where lucky blocks have a chance to upgrade your rank. This only happens to a max of 5 players so unless 5 players have reported of getting the drop, you never know if you will get it. The drop would be around a 0.1 chance or something like that.
  28. Player trackers should have a 0.5 less chance being dropped by a lucky block, but a 2x chance of dropping when there are fewer than 4 players left. They should not drop at all if the player already has one in their inventory.
  29. Fix the grappling hook bows. Half the time I use them, I end up in the void. They need to be more accurate.
  30. No one likes the drop with the spawn eggs. Maybe remove it or replace it with a drop that spawns a creeper (this could be useful to kill players hiding in islands).
  31. The Frosty the Snowman drop is too OP. It shoots snowballs at too high of a rate. Maybe make the rate it throws snowballs at be longer.
  32. Add some kind of lightning wand or bow.
  33. Add a flame bow drop that lights all the nearby blocks on fire when it lands, as well as the entity it hits.
  34. Add a drop that gives you a crossbow and arrows. The crossbow should have a 5% chance of being enchanted with quick charge, and another 5% chance for each level of quick charge.
  35. Fix the glitchy shields. They should only block projectiles and only 80% of the time. I don’t think they should have a use in melee combat.
  36. Add a purpose for the knight. It should drop some kind of unique item you can’t get anywhere else, like the pig king.
  37. Change the pig king boss to the “Technoblade” boss. It would have the skin of Technoblade and give you a Technoblade crown (replacing the pig king crown) when killing it, along with all the other items.
  38. Add a warden boss that is like a less powerful version of the warden that you summon by stepping on a skulk shrieker that is placed in the spot of the lucky block when broken. When you kill it, you get a warden head that lets you shoot a powerful projectile that causes a huge explosion (higher than the explosive bow) that sets fire to the blocks around it when used (with no ammo requirement) and 5 uses.
  39. There should be a wand that when used, shoots arrows out of your player to all directions as a sort of defense. It would be kind of like the automatic bow but less short of a shot interval. This would last about 3-5 seconds. The wand would have a cooldown somewhere around the cooldown of the fake lucky block wand.
  40. Add a drop that gives you either a water bucket or a lava bucket.
  41. Make an item that works like the “Thor’s Hammer” lobby gadget.
  42. Add the totem of undying as a very rare drop. It does nothing if you fall in the void but works when dying on land.
  43. Add a drop that spawns a hoglin.
  44. Fix the glitched ironfish. They also have a higher reach then they normally have. They can hit you when you are on a 2-block tower. They also have too much knockback.
  45. Baby zombies shouldn’t spawn. They should all be fully grown zombies.
  46. Add a drop that spawns a creeper (3 creepers in OP mode).
  47. Crazy Mode
  48. There should be an event called “Lightning Storm” that makes lightning strike randomly around the map.
  49. Treasure islands should be easier to get to, and they aren’t even worth looking for as they are. They only have a few lucky blocks, some iron, and a beacon. I think the iron blocks should be replaced by diamond and lapis blocks and there should be an enchanting table. There should also be a chest with XP bottles because no one ever gets any levels.
  50. There should be an event that makes it night for the duration of the event (if the time is set to night, it turns to day for the event).
  51. Make an extremely rare event (maybe a 2% chance) of getting the “Rickrolled” event where it plays Never Gonna Give You Up.
  52. Add an event that spawns a wither at the middle.
  53. Make an event that spawns a warden at the middle (for the 1.19 update).
  54. Make an event that causes ironfish to spawn all over the map in groups of 2-4.
  55. Make a “Killer Bees” event where swarms of hostile bees spawn in swarms around the map.
  56. Add an event called “The Floor Is Lava” where the blocks under each players’ feet turns to red terracotta, then yellow terracotta, then red terracotta, then magma block, then to lava, with change intervals of 10 ticks (0.5 seconds).
  57. The fortune ghasts make the sound of shooting fireballs but never shoot anything. Either make them shoot their fireballs or remove the sound. It always scares players.
  58. Add an event that gives each player a warning of 30 seconds before every player gets levitation 1 for another 30 seconds.
  59. Add an event that makes arrows spawn 5 blocks above players so they can never stay in the same place too long. If any of the 5 blocks above the player is obstructed, the arrow doesn’t spawn.
  60. General Gameplay
  61. Add a final deathmatch for games that are over 15 or 20 minutes long. All players are teleported to middle, and all lucky blocks are removed from the map. If the players still haven’t killed each other for another 5 minutes, a wither or an ender dragon should spawn (kind of like Hypixel bedwars).
  62. The voting system should be completely reworked. Each mode should be a toggle. This would mean you could toggle on crazy and OP mode so you would have crazy mode events, but OP drops. You could also toggle on blessed so it would be cray and OP mode, but all drops are OP and never bad. The normal mode toggle would be incompatible with the OP mode toggle so you couldn’t turn on OP and normal. Sorry if this is kind of confusing.
  63. The kit that comes with the player tracker is completely useless. No one is gonna pay 600 points for a player tracker.
  64. All kits should be more OP in OP mode. (Example: The armor kit should get enchanted armor, and the warrior kit should get an iron sword). The wizard kit is probably the only kit that is affected by the OP mode filter (because the wands are more OP).
  65. So many player try making a nether portal out of the obsidian. Maybe troll the noobs who try to make a nether portal by causing an explosion when someone tries to light a properly built nether portal.
  66. If a player doesn’t move for over 2 minutes, they should receive the glowing effect until they move. If they don’t move for 5 minutes, they start taking damage until they move.
  67. WHY DID TEAM LUCKY ISLANDS HAVE TO BE REMOVED! It was one of the least dead games on Cubecraft. Also, the maps didn’t need to removed. I feel like Cubecraft is just trying to die right now.
  68. Players shouldn’t ever be put into a game when there is less than 3 seconds of the countdown left, or at least only rankers. I get so frustrated when I don’t get to vote because there is only 3 seconds left of the countdown when I get into the game.
  69. Make a default vote that you vote at the start of the 10 second countdown every game unless you change it manually (only for rankers).
  70. Never add back the spider map during Halloween. It is a fun map, but the islands are so small, and the middle is really annoying. Half the lucky block drops end up in the void or in a cobweb. Either rework the map or make a different map (Pro tip for this map: Always have a ladder with you so you can get out of the cobwebs).
  71. In the 1.19 update, make a map for every update Cubecraft missed (example: Nether map with only nether update stuff for the nether update, cave themed map for caves and cliffs)
  72. Have lucky islands map making competitions. This will get more players to want to play Cubecraft and is a fun building opportunity that lets players have a chance to impact the game they love.

If you read this whole thing to the end, congratulations on not dying of boredom! Hopefully some of these ideas get implemented. I understand how much work this would be to code (I am a coder myself). I’d also like to say how much I am thankful to all the staff members working 24/7 on Cubecraft to make it the fun place it is. Out of everything you can do in the wide world of Minecraft, Cubecraft Lucky Islands is my favorite thing to do. I don’t want people to take this as a complaint. I want people to think of this as feedback and suggestions. Thank you for reading this!

small bob 294

Novice Member
May 15, 2021
Shouldn’t this be in feedback and suggestions? Also a lot of these things are bugs, so you could probably report them in their proper place to be fixed asap.


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
It's great to see so much detail in a suggestion! I like a lot of your ideas for balancing the drops and making them more useful. Though, as said above, the glitches/bugs you have listed should be reported here instead!

~ Moved to Feedback & Suggestions.
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Cube Nerd

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2021
I am an experienced and well-known lucky islands player. I grind the game hours a day. Here are all the things I want changed about the game, so let’s get into it.

  1. Lucky Block Drops
  2. On the drop where you get a full-grown tree, the axe is glitched. The axe spawns inside the tree and flies off the island. You only catch it about 20% of the time. Maybe make the axe spawn one block away or remove the drop entirely. The drop with the sapling and the bonemeal is just fine.
  3. The knockback sword needs something to balance it. Maybe a levitation wand that can bring you out of void when you are falling. It would levitate you with levitation 3 for 5 seconds with a cooldown. This would also be cool for when you are falling from a high place. I know the shield wand balances the sword too, but I think there should be something else.
  4. Remove the fake lucky block wand. It is cringe and only works on noobs. Maybe there should be a rare drop that gives you a fake lucky block or two. The fake lucky blocks shouldn’t just explode. They should do any outcome from regular lucky blocks that is bad (example: lava, exploding squids).
  5. In OP mode, 3 witches are too much. It is impossible to avoid getting poisoned or other bad potions. It is also impossible to leave the island because one could throw a harming potion while you bridge. You can’t even kill them because they are on those bats. I think the witch drop in normal/crazy mode should spawn 1-2 normal witch with a 10% chance of the witch riding a bat, and OP mode drop should spawn 3-5 witches without a bat but have a 10% chance of each witch riding a bat.
  6. The drop with 3 shulkers in OP mode is a little too powerful. It is possible to kill all 3 of the shulkers if you destroy the bullets, but they teleport when they are low and usually end up on the bottom of the island where no one can kill them. If possible, please disable shulker teleportation. If not, have it spawn 2 shulkers.
  7. The drop where it gives you a loot chest should have better loot. More material-based loot that you can use to craft things with would be nice. Or even better, use the loot table for end city loot.
  8. Horses die too easily. Make the ones in normal mode spawn with gold armor, and the ones in OP mode spawn with diamond armor. Also, no one really uses horses because half the time they end up in the void when you try to jump from island to island.
  9. Remove the useless drop that everyone hates where a chicken, a pig, and a cow spawn. Maybe replace it with a zombie, a creeper, and a spider or something.
  10. The pig and saddle drop is useless. Maybe add a use for it. Maybe the pig should have the ability to fly like the “When Pigs Fly” lobby gadget.
  11. Add a drop for pop-up towers like the ones in Hypixel. It would add lots of variation to the game and some cool uses in PvP
  12. Add the instant walls from eggwars. Make a drop that gives you 3 of them. They should be craftable too.
  13. Add fireballs like the ones in Hypixel bedwars. They should be like the ghast ones so you can knock them back if you have the right timing. The drop should give you a fireball, or a fireball wand that can shoot a fireball.
  14. In the drop with the ores and the iron pickaxe, on some maps, the ores spawn as the bottom block of the island resulting in the ores falling in the void when mined. This often happens on the map luck and pirates.
  15. The auto-building tower drop is glitched. The stone brick walls are invisible and glitch you when you try to go near them.
  16. There should be a drop that gives you a golden apple or two, with a 5% chance of it being enchanted.
  17. The drop that spawns a hole in the ground should just go to the bottom of the island then stop destroying blocks because it is impossible to block clutch onto the hole if you fall in. Also, if you try to use the shield wand, it just breaks through the shield wand, and you fall through it.
  18. Please fix the shield wand. Half the time you try to use it to clutch or when you fall in the void, you die of fall damage when using it. Maybe make the bottom blocks of the shield wand hay blocks or something like that.
  19. Cats are WAY TOO OP! They have a faster speed than a sprinting player, they have insane knockback, and way too much damage. Especially in OP mode when you get two of them. Also, they are just OP wolves. I don’t want cats to be removed because they are so cute. I think they should have another use such as bringing you items that are on the ground or mining lucky blocks for you. They should have way less speed and not attack people. They weren’t able to attack players in regular Minecraft, so why do we need it here?
  20. On the splash potion wand, green should be for good potion, and red should be for bad potion. When I was starting out, I kept thinking green was good and using it on myself.
  21. The brewing stand drop should have more variety than just poison, instant health, regeneration, speed, and strength. There should be instant damage splash potions, jump boost potions, luck potions (luck potions would make all lucky blocks good when you mine them with the effect on), unluck splash potions (makes all drops bad for the duration of the effect), and levitation potions and splash potions (they aren’t in creative inventory but can be made with commands).
  22. Add a drop that spawns a ghast 7 blocks above the lucky block, only if there is unobstructed sunlight above the lucky block.
  23. Fix the glitched endermen. Half the time I look at them anywhere about their legs (it’s supposed to only be the eyes), they get mad at me. Sometimes when I stare them right in the eyes, they don’t even get mad.
  24. Lucky blocks are really sponges, as you probably know, so they soak up water nearby. Please fix that.
  25. Elytras are glitchy and sometimes you have to spam the space bar to even get them to work.
  26. When flying to the bottom of the map Pirates with an elytra, you can get stuck at the bottom. It won’t let you place or break any blocks down there. This needs to be fixed.
  27. Choose a special day of the year where an event happens on Cubecraft Lucky Islands (this could draw in more players) where lucky blocks have a chance to upgrade your rank. This only happens to a max of 5 players so unless 5 players have reported of getting the drop, you never know if you will get it. The drop would be around a 0.1 chance or something like that.
  28. Player trackers should have a 0.5 less chance being dropped by a lucky block, but a 2x chance of dropping when there are fewer than 4 players left. They should not drop at all if the player already has one in their inventory.
  29. Fix the grappling hook bows. Half the time I use them, I end up in the void. They need to be more accurate.
  30. No one likes the drop with the spawn eggs. Maybe remove it or replace it with a drop that spawns a creeper (this could be useful to kill players hiding in islands).
  31. The Frosty the Snowman drop is too OP. It shoots snowballs at too high of a rate. Maybe make the rate it throws snowballs at be longer.
  32. Add some kind of lightning wand or bow.
  33. Add a flame bow drop that lights all the nearby blocks on fire when it lands, as well as the entity it hits.
  34. Add a drop that gives you a crossbow and arrows. The crossbow should have a 5% chance of being enchanted with quick charge, and another 5% chance for each level of quick charge.
  35. Fix the glitchy shields. They should only block projectiles and only 80% of the time. I don’t think they should have a use in melee combat.
  36. Add a purpose for the knight. It should drop some kind of unique item you can’t get anywhere else, like the pig king.
  37. Change the pig king boss to the “Technoblade” boss. It would have the skin of Technoblade and give you a Technoblade crown (replacing the pig king crown) when killing it, along with all the other items.
  38. Add a warden boss that is like a less powerful version of the warden that you summon by stepping on a skulk shrieker that is placed in the spot of the lucky block when broken. When you kill it, you get a warden head that lets you shoot a powerful projectile that causes a huge explosion (higher than the explosive bow) that sets fire to the blocks around it when used (with no ammo requirement) and 5 uses.
  39. There should be a wand that when used, shoots arrows out of your player to all directions as a sort of defense. It would be kind of like the automatic bow but less short of a shot interval. This would last about 3-5 seconds. The wand would have a cooldown somewhere around the cooldown of the fake lucky block wand.
  40. Add a drop that gives you either a water bucket or a lava bucket.
  41. Make an item that works like the “Thor’s Hammer” lobby gadget.
  42. Add the totem of undying as a very rare drop. It does nothing if you fall in the void but works when dying on land.
  43. Add a drop that spawns a hoglin.
  44. Fix the glitched ironfish. They also have a higher reach then they normally have. They can hit you when you are on a 2-block tower. They also have too much knockback.
  45. Baby zombies shouldn’t spawn. They should all be fully grown zombies.
  46. Add a drop that spawns a creeper (3 creepers in OP mode).
  47. Crazy Mode
  48. There should be an event called “Lightning Storm” that makes lightning strike randomly around the map.
  49. Treasure islands should be easier to get to, and they aren’t even worth looking for as they are. They only have a few lucky blocks, some iron, and a beacon. I think the iron blocks should be replaced by diamond and lapis blocks and there should be an enchanting table. There should also be a chest with XP bottles because no one ever gets any levels.
  50. There should be an event that makes it night for the duration of the event (if the time is set to night, it turns to day for the event).
  51. Make an extremely rare event (maybe a 2% chance) of getting the “Rickrolled” event where it plays Never Gonna Give You Up.
  52. Add an event that spawns a wither at the middle.
  53. Make an event that spawns a warden at the middle (for the 1.19 update).
  54. Make an event that causes ironfish to spawn all over the map in groups of 2-4.
  55. Make a “Killer Bees” event where swarms of hostile bees spawn in swarms around the map.
  56. Add an event called “The Floor Is Lava” where the blocks under each players’ feet turns to red terracotta, then yellow terracotta, then red terracotta, then magma block, then to lava, with change intervals of 10 ticks (0.5 seconds).
  57. The fortune ghasts make the sound of shooting fireballs but never shoot anything. Either make them shoot their fireballs or remove the sound. It always scares players.
  58. Add an event that gives each player a warning of 30 seconds before every player gets levitation 1 for another 30 seconds.
  59. Add an event that makes arrows spawn 5 blocks above players so they can never stay in the same place too long. If any of the 5 blocks above the player is obstructed, the arrow doesn’t spawn.
  60. General Gameplay
  61. Add a final deathmatch for games that are over 15 or 20 minutes long. All players are teleported to middle, and all lucky blocks are removed from the map. If the players still haven’t killed each other for another 5 minutes, a wither or an ender dragon should spawn (kind of like Hypixel bedwars).
  62. The voting system should be completely reworked. Each mode should be a toggle. This would mean you could toggle on crazy and OP mode so you would have crazy mode events, but OP drops. You could also toggle on blessed so it would be cray and OP mode, but all drops are OP and never bad. The normal mode toggle would be incompatible with the OP mode toggle so you couldn’t turn on OP and normal. Sorry if this is kind of confusing.
  63. The kit that comes with the player tracker is completely useless. No one is gonna pay 600 points for a player tracker.
  64. All kits should be more OP in OP mode. (Example: The armor kit should get enchanted armor, and the warrior kit should get an iron sword). The wizard kit is probably the only kit that is affected by the OP mode filter (because the wands are more OP).
  65. So many player try making a nether portal out of the obsidian. Maybe troll the noobs who try to make a nether portal by causing an explosion when someone tries to light a properly built nether portal.
  66. If a player doesn’t move for over 2 minutes, they should receive the glowing effect until they move. If they don’t move for 5 minutes, they start taking damage until they move.
  67. WHY DID TEAM LUCKY ISLANDS HAVE TO BE REMOVED! It was one of the least dead games on Cubecraft. Also, the maps didn’t need to removed. I feel like Cubecraft is just trying to die right now.
  68. Players shouldn’t ever be put into a game when there is less than 3 seconds of the countdown left, or at least only rankers. I get so frustrated when I don’t get to vote because there is only 3 seconds left of the countdown when I get into the game.
  69. Make a default vote that you vote at the start of the 10 second countdown every game unless you change it manually (only for rankers).
  70. Never add back the spider map during Halloween. It is a fun map, but the islands are so small, and the middle is really annoying. Half the lucky block drops end up in the void or in a cobweb. Either rework the map or make a different map (Pro tip for this map: Always have a ladder with you so you can get out of the cobwebs).
  71. In the 1.19 update, make a map for every update Cubecraft missed (example: Nether map with only nether update stuff for the nether update, cave themed map for caves and cliffs)
  72. Have lucky islands map making competitions. This will get more players to want to play Cubecraft and is a fun building opportunity that lets players have a chance to impact the game they love.

If you read this whole thing to the end, congratulations on not dying of boredom! Hopefully some of these ideas get implemented. I understand how much work this would be to code (I am a coder myself). I’d also like to say how much I am thankful to all the staff members working 24/7 on Cubecraft to make it the fun place it is. Out of everything you can do in the wide world of Minecraft, Cubecraft Lucky Islands is my favorite thing to do. I don’t want people to take this as a complaint. I want people to think of this as feedback and suggestions. Thank you for reading this!
wow, what do you think about double lava? or is it only on bedrock?
  • Unsure
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