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Team CubeCraft
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Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
My computer has never needed repair. I've had it since September and I haven't had a single problem. The only problems I ever had was when I was stupid and downloaded viruses. I really don't need a new computer if i'm running Battlefield 3 at medium settings with 30 - 50 fps. I might not have used one but I have a friend that uses one and he payed $1200 for it and guess what he got.... LAG! He can only play Minecraft at 10 - 25 frames with Optifine and lowest settings. Macs are also incapable of running windows. Sure, macs don't get viruses but I don't see why a person would need a mac unless they are watching hardcore **** while ******* *** on the most virus infested websites.

To inform you, MacBooks (and all Macs) are capable of running windows *better* then comparable spec windows made notebooks, and no, I'm not trolling, read for yourself, the comparison was done by a third party company who does not side for any of the two: http://www.cnet.com/news/macbook-pro-declared-best-performing-windows-laptop/

Reason behind that, is that Apple themselves provide the drivers for the hardware, instead of windows picking some shitty generic drivers that cut performance in half.

Theres also really good software (only for Mac) that allows you to run windows parallel to OSX, for the 3-or-whatnot apps that only work on windows that you have to use every now and again, and, it actually makes Windows look good for once, even though its not.

As for FPS, I'm on an almost 3 year old MacBook Pro, still running minecraft at over 40FPS whilst having pretty much like 20 other apps open, and on TOP of that, whilst running all my standard apps, I started a VM session with windows on it, across a different 1080p screen and played Portal 2 with Mr. @rubik_cube_man, had a steady 35FPS. Keep in mind, this is MacOSX with all kinds of apps open running Windows on top of it as an app, with a game inside it, whilst running it all on 1080p monitors (yes, more then one.), so screw you "Macs are also incapable of running windows." :)


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Oct 20, 2013
Co. Wicklow, Ireland
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Aug 24, 2014
To inform you, MacBooks (and all Macs) are capable of running windows *better* then comparable spec windows made notebooks, and no, I'm not trolling, read for yourself, the comparison was done by a third party company who does not side for any of the two: http://www.cnet.com/news/macbook-pro-declared-best-performing-windows-laptop/

Reason behind that, is that Apple themselves provide the drivers for the hardware, instead of windows picking some shitty generic drivers that cut performance in half.

Theres also really good software (only for Mac) that allows you to run windows parallel to OSX, for the 3-or-whatnot apps that only work on windows that you have to use every now and again, and, it actually makes Windows look good for once, even though its not.

As for FPS, I'm on an almost 3 year old MacBook Pro, still running minecraft at over 40FPS whilst having pretty much like 20 other apps open, and on TOP of that, whilst running all my standard apps, I started a VM session with windows on it, across a different 1080p screen and played Portal 2 with Mr. @rubik_cube_man, had a steady 35FPS. Keep in mind, this is MacOSX with all kinds of apps open running Windows on top of it as an app, with a game inside it, whilst running it all on 1080p monitors (yes, more then one.), so screw you "Macs are also incapable of running windows." :)
I meant that your Steve Jobs Billy Gates guy disallows macs to run windows, yet a windows computer can run any operating system.

AMD does provide there own drivers thank you very much. I can overclock, make my fan go faster change graphic settings etc.

There are more than 3 apps for windows. Windows has more compatibility when downloading software. Why do you think Filezilla doesn't have a server download for mac? Macs also won't let you open programs from unsigned developers unless you go through some bullsh*t.

If your playing at 40 fps I bet you payed $1000, $2000 for a piece of sh*t overpriced computer? "Oh its because it has more quality" Yeah right. There intel processor are the same exact thing any computer can get. My friend even wanted a 2.4 Ghz computer with 1 GB of ram for $1200. Totally is gonna be worth is money. Your 3 year old mac gets 40 fps like that and I get 50 to 60 on a laptop from 2008 with 5 to 20 notepad ++ things open, 5 to 10 folders, 5 browser tabs, skype and more. My computer that im on now can handle far, far more than your overpriced mac.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
I paid about 1000 but thats where quality comes in, a lot of windows computers are made of cheap plastic, whereas macs are made of resistant metal.

It's about the quality.
Bullcrap. The computer I listed above has a completely steal case with only some plastic so I can see the inside.


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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
First off, @Pedr_Davies before you post facts, at least read up on them, or consult someone.

I meant that your Steve Jobs Billy Gates guy disallows macs to run windows, yet a windows computer can run any operating system.

Right, Steve Jobs created Apple Inc. "Billy" Gates, which is Bill Gates and not Billy, created Microsoft, the parent company of Windows, so, if you want to brag about Windows being better, at least read up on who created it, dammit.

Next, Macs can run windows, and even Linux, so stop saying they disallow it, as theres proof everywhere of them being able to run it, as I have posted in my previous post as well.

AMD does provide there own drivers thank you very much. I can overclock, make my fan go faster change graphic settings etc.

Right, good for you, Macs don't need drivers to be downloaded or provided by third parties from the start, so, ya know, I din't have to install things to make my fans go faster. Also, my CPU automatically overclocks from 2.5Ghz all the way up to 3.1Ghz, called Intel Turbo-Boost (for the love of god, please do not post that this is bullish*it or something, READ UP ON IT before posting anything about this, I'm no liar when I post.), none of the messing around with over clocking and cooling needed either.

There are more than 3 apps for windows. Windows has more compatibility when downloading software.

Yes, simply because in the 1980's Windows launched earlier then Macs, and they launched with an _extremely_ shitty and underpowered OS, and everyone adopted it because it was cheap, see you pay cheap, because its built cheap. So developers were forced to develop for it to reach users, not because its better, or provides more compatibility, Mr. you should read up on things before saying them.

Why do you think Filezilla doesn't have a server download for mac?

Because no idiot would download that, the FTP server is included in the system, lol. (Again READ UP ON THINGS before making idiotic statements.)

Macs also won't let you open programs from unsigned developers unless you go through some bullsh*t.

"Bullsh*t" being right clicking the icon and clicking "Open" then clicking "OK". Too lazy? You should throw yourself off a cliff then. Also, its called protection, this stops idiot users from opening viruses, like you did. Apple has built an ecosystem with the App store to allow users to use apps that have been checked of not having malicious code inside, unlike windows where anything you download could be a virus.

If your playing at 40 fps I bet you payed $1000, $2000 for a piece of sh*t overpriced computer? "Oh its because it has more quality" Yeah right. There intel processor are the same exact thing any computer can get. My friend even wanted a 2.4 Ghz computer with 1 GB of ram for $1200. Totally is gonna be worth is money. Your 3 year old mac gets 40 fps like that and I get 50 to 60 on a laptop from 2008 with 5 to 20 notepad ++ things open, 5 to 10 folders, 5 browser tabs, skype and more. My computer that im on now can handle far, far more than your overpriced mac.

I believe apples prices are fair with the build quality. As I said, you don't pay it all for the hardware, you pay it for the OS as well, behind which there are _tons_ of developers, not like the 10 monkeys that work on windows development on a daily basis.

Its also called paying for quality and branding, you know, when you have money you appreciate it more, I guess you don't :)

Also, pricing for Apple products is high because business users usually purchase those systems, ever noticed how most large enterprises have Macs (usually iMacs) in their offices? Called being better for business then Windows, businesses value security and amount of productivity vs amount of repair needed, the latter is stupidly high on windows ecosystems.

Now, feel free to give me another reply in which you decide to defend windows, so I can prove more points, but, please, do it right, read what you post, google it, then post it, don't post "bullish*t" as you say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Well actually a 1984 mac can boot up faster than a 2007 windows computer.


evidence that macs were built with quality even in 1984, quality better than a 21st century windows computer. :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
First off, @Pedr_Davies before you post facts, at least read up on them, or consult someone.

Right, Steve Jobs created Apple Inc. "Billy" Gates, which is Bill Gates and not Billy, created Microsoft, the parent company of Windows, so, if you want to brag about Windows being better, at least read up on who created it, dammit.

Next, Macs can run windows, and even Linux, so stop saying they disallow it, as theres proof everywhere of them being able to run it, as I have posted in my previous post as well.

Right, good for you, Macs don't need drivers to be downloaded or provided by third parties from the start, so, ya know, I din't have to install things to make my fans go faster. Also, my CPU automatically overclocks from 2.5Ghz all the way up to 3.1Ghz, called Intel Turbo-Boost (for the love of god, please do not post that this is bullish*it or something, READ UP ON IT before posting anything about this, I'm no liar when I post.), none of the messing around with over clocking and cooling needed either.

Yes, simply because in the 1980's Windows launched earlier then Macs, and they launched with an _extremely_ shitty and underpowered OS, and everyone adopted it because it was cheap, see you pay cheap, because its built cheap. So developers were forced to develop for it to reach users, not because its better, or provides more compatibility, Mr. you should read up on things before saying them.

Because no idiot would download that, the FTP server is included in the system, lol. (Again READ UP ON THINGS before making idiotic statements.)

"Bullsh*t" being right clicking the icon and clicking "Open" then clicking "OK". Too lazy? You should throw yourself off a cliff then. Also, its called protection, this stops idiot users from opening viruses, like you did. Apple has built an ecosystem with the App store to allow users to use apps that have been checked of not having malicious code inside, unlike windows where anything you download could be a virus.

I believe apples prices are fair with the build quality. As I said, you don't pay it all for the hardware, you pay it for the OS as well, behind which there are _tons_ of developers, not like the 10 monkeys that work on windows development on a daily basis.

Its also called paying for quality and branding, you know, when you have money you appreciate it more, I guess you don't :)

Also, pricing for Apple products is high because business users usually purchase those systems, ever noticed how most large enterprises have Macs (usually iMacs) in their offices? Called being better for business then Windows, businesses value security and amount of productivity vs amount of repair needed, the latter is stupidly high on windows ecosystems.

Now, feel free to give me another reply in which you decide to defend windows, so I can prove more points, but, please, do it right, read what you post, google it, then post it, don't post "bullish*t" as you say.
First off, I was joking about the whole "Steve Jobs Billy Gates" thing, but I wouldn't expect much from someone using a mac.

Neither does my computer need downloaded drivers. Mine updates on its own with me having to go and download it again. Now, if you want a beta build you have to go online to download it.

I don't see how windows is cheap, its fucking $100 for each new operating system. When you buy a computer, your buying for windows still. Mac is a cheaper piece of shit considering it was built from Unix. Not from scratch, UNIX. Windows, however was built in MS-Dos, something hat MICROSOFT made.

Well sorry for not knowing FTP was built into the macs, I don't buy pieces of shit.

No I don't mean that, Mr. "I Think I Know Everything & Sine I Own This Server I Am Superior To Everyone Else".
That's the image i'm talking about. It blocks most programs from running.
Sorry though if you can actually just hit ok & continue, if it won't let you run it then that sucks considering on windows you can get a FUCKING ANTIVIRUS IF YOUR SO SCARED OF A VIRUS. On windows you'll just get a prompt then you can run it.

I don't think there prices are fair with quality. The only thing they change in there computers are the operating systems, the cpus, gpus or any of that can be obtained by anyone so I don't see why you think there quality.

Again, not seeing were the quality's at.

If you were a true gamer you would switch to a Pc, rather than paying 5,000 for 3.0 Ghz processor and possibly 4GB of ram.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
Co. Wicklow, Ireland
First off, I was joking about the whole "Steve Jobs Billy Gates" thing, but I wouldn't expect much from someone using a mac.

Neither does my computer need downloaded drivers. Mine updates on its own with me having to go and download it again. Now, if you want a beta build you have to go online to download it.

I don't see how windows is cheap, its fucking $100 for each new operating system. When you buy a computer, your buying for windows still. Mac is a cheaper piece of shit considering it was built from Unix. Not from scratch, UNIX. Windows, however was built in MS-Dos, something hat MICROSOFT made.

Well sorry for not knowing FTP was built into the macs, I don't buy pieces of shit.

No I don't mean that, Mr. "I Think I Know Everything & Sine I Own This Server I Am Superior To Everyone Else".
That's the image i'm talking about. It blocks most programs from running.
Sorry though if you can actually just hit ok & continue, if it won't let you run it then that sucks considering on windows you can get a FUCKING ANTIVIRUS IF YOUR SO SCARED OF A VIRUS. On windows you'll just get a prompt then you can run it.

I don't think there prices are fair with quality. The only thing they change in there computers are the operating systems, the cpus, gpus or any of that can be obtained by anyone so I don't see why you think there quality.

Again, not seeing were the quality's at.

If you were a true gamer you would switch to a Pc, rather than paying 5,000 for 3.0 Ghz processor and possibly 4GB of ram.
first of all, you dont mock halo. second of all you dont curse without censoring on the forums and third of all you dont start dissing an operating system you have never used/gotten used to.

AND dont call halo Mr 'I know everything' because he does know everything about tech. and he definitely knows more than you.
Good Day :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
first of all, you dont mock halo. second of all you dont curse without censoring on the forums and third of all you dont start dissing an operating system you have never used/gotten used to.

AND dont call halo Mr 'I know everything' because he does know everything about tech. and he definitely knows more than you.
Good Day :)
First off all, halo is a person, not a king I have to worship, second off, halo was cursing without censoring but its okay when he does it cause "he owns it".

You don't know a single thing about me. I may know more about him I may not. Me saying something on a forums can be tooken the wrong way and you guys took this the wrong way.


🦊 🐾
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
First off all, halo is a person, not a king I have to worship, second off, halo was cursing without censoring but its okay when he does it cause "he owns it".

I reply to someone in the same manner they write to me. If you swear when talking to me, I swear when talking to you.

Neither does my computer need downloaded drivers. Mine updates on its own with me having to go and download it again. Now, if you want a beta build you have to go online to download it.

Issue with that is that 90% of the time it downloads windows "generic" drivers, as they call it, and, a side effect of those is that they're built generically, for any hardware, and, by doing so, cut the performance of specific components down since they don't know how to address all of it.

Mac is a cheaper piece of shit considering it was built from Unix. Not from scratch, UNIX.

And I praise them for doing so. UNIX is a wonderful thing, it accepts instructions similar to how Linux does, and is _really_ stable, hence why Apple brags about it in they're press conferences, but you never see Microsoft brag about MS-DOS, ever noticed that? :P
So, I don't consider it a "piece of shit" because it runs on Unix, I thank them for doing so.

Also, based on your way of thinking, every car manufacturer out there is also a "piece of shit" because they use wheels made by Good Year, Continental, Pirelli or others, I mean, they should have built they're own, right? Totally.

Well sorry for not knowing FTP was built into the macs, I don't buy pieces of shit.

Right, so you are making an argument over the fact that Macs are "pieces of shit" and you never owned one? Right, on what basis are you saying that then? On the basis that you went to Apple.com and saw the price tags, looked in your pockets and found only a few cents, then got mad at them because you're poor?

No I don't mean that, Mr. "I Think I Know Everything & Sine I Own This Server I Am Superior To Everyone Else".

No, I'm just seeing that you're pulling stuff out of nowhere to make Macs have a bad appearance, and half of the things you say aren't true, hence me defending Macs.

That's the image i'm talking about. It blocks most programs from running.

Right, thats Java, not OSX, Java is a coding language, the company that makes it (Oracle) has created various implementations of it for each OS, but again, its a separate thing, not controlled directly by Apple, but by Oracle, so complain to them.

This is like complaining that a street car is bad because you're trying to run it off road and its getting stuck.

Just go to the Java security settings, which you can easily find in your system preferences (on any operating system) after you installed Java.

if it won't let you run it then that sucks considering on windows you can get a FUCKING ANTIVIRUS IF YOUR SO SCARED OF A VIRUS. On windows you'll just get a prompt then you can run it.

Is that also considering that you have to download an antivirus, keep it updated, and then still get a virus because your antivirus does not have it in its databases? ( lol )

I don't think there prices are fair with quality. The only thing they change in there computers are the operating systems, the cpus, gpus or any of that can be obtained by anyone so I don't see why you think there quality.

Quality is present in the way everything is implemented. The CPU may be an Intel processor that other non-mac systems integrate as well, but the quality is there when it comes to aesthetics, airflow, materials in which the computer is built with, MacBook Pro's for example have a full aluminum body, which, while making them more resistant to strain, also is a heat conductor, and also is the entire body of the computer, by doing so, MacBooks weight less, because all the components are held together by the casing, and not by some other body inside it, which then would have to be covered in plastic, like 90% of the windows based laptops out there do it.

And thats just one of the many quality design choices that go into a Mac.

If you were a true gamer you would switch to a Pc, rather than paying 5,000 for 3.0 Ghz processor and possibly 4GB of ram.

Right, 5000 USD can get you a 3.5GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5, 16GB of DDR3 ECC memory, Dual AMD FirePro D500 graphics processors, SSD's and whatnot. That all is just a copy paste of the specs of 3999USD Mac Pro. https://www.apple.com/mac-pro/specs/

So, please get your specs right before posting. :)

Also, again if this is all a complaint because of money, then perhaps you should get a job, you know? :P


Forum Expert
Dec 28, 2013
First off, I was joking about the whole "Steve Jobs Billy Gates" thing, but I wouldn't expect much from someone using a mac.

Neither does my computer need downloaded drivers. Mine updates on its own with me having to go and download it again. Now, if you want a beta build you have to go online to download it.

I don't see how windows is cheap, its fucking $100 for each new operating system. When you buy a computer, your buying for windows still. Mac is a cheaper piece of shit considering it was built from Unix. Not from scratch, UNIX. Windows, however was built in MS-Dos, something hat MICROSOFT made.

Well sorry for not knowing FTP was built into the macs, I don't buy pieces of shit.

No I don't mean that, Mr. "I Think I Know Everything & Sine I Own This Server I Am Superior To Everyone Else".
That's the image i'm talking about. It blocks most programs from running.
Sorry though if you can actually just hit ok & continue, if it won't let you run it then that sucks considering on windows you can get a FUCKING ANTIVIRUS IF YOUR SO SCARED OF A VIRUS. On windows you'll just get a prompt then you can run it.

I don't think there prices are fair with quality. The only thing they change in there computers are the operating systems, the cpus, gpus or any of that can be obtained by anyone so I don't see why you think there quality.

Again, not seeing were the quality's at.

If you were a true gamer you would switch to a Pc, rather than paying 5,000 for 3.0 Ghz processor and possibly 4GB of ram.
yo language man
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Dedicated Member
Jul 9, 2014
Well I have a windows 8 touchscreen laptop and it takes about 1 minute to boot up the screen and about 3 minutes to boot up the minecraft launcher so I would say mac is better :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2013
I have a mac and it runs fine 40-90 fps using optifine and on highest settings
I paid about 1000 but thats where quality comes in, a lot of windows computers are made of cheap plastic, whereas macs are made of resistant metal.

It's about the quality.
my sister's custom computer does mc on max settings w/ optifine at 600-800fps.
also, windows is an operating system, not a computer. you can choose whether your case is tacky or not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2013
my sister's custom computer does mc on max settings w/ optifine at 600-800fps.
also, windows is an operating system, not a computer. you can choose whether your case is tacky or not.
it was also around £800 to build.
mine can do around 1500fps w/ optifine and I built it for £1500 (I think)
soz for double post! :P
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