I'll go on cubecraft, send me a friend request and then we can meet up and sort it out from there : ) my IGN: Dragon_SanThanks. Da_Steel. I will be on tonight as well. Do you wanna connect by realms or what?
I'll go on cubecraft, send me a friend request and then we can meet up and sort it out from there : ) my IGN: Dragon_San
Thanks so much for your feedback!First
1- The Egg is In an Area so you can obi the entire garage and sit down at watch star wars Rouge One and still be safe
2- Its flat and square not much detail make it YOUR home add grass paths with mixed corsed dirt and gravel and Adistite
3- Your Video is private so Im not seeing much of your map
4- The Idea its self is a bit ehhh becuase normally you have deatails but funiture is unessasary wich shoots you down a bit
5- Im sorry but the garrage looks likes someones mouth are placed there once agian im sorry but its not wrong
6- The house it ehhh eek possibly you world edit and make a detailed house that looks stunning use youtube its your hub for awesomenss
7-What in the world is with that sand please explain if anyone os reading this is that a sinkhole if so just install Rival Rebels and change it to Mario Block XD
Just change it or make it like a hill or a rising
8- I know you need space around the house but to stick with the theme maybe put gold gen in the house
9- For sure move the egg IDK how im going to play that way but the idea is creative I will not lie
10- The Walls speak for the house also the second floor or whatever is above there should be 4 blocks space up for pvp room and no distactions for players and there should be plenty of combat room
Dont give up it would be an honor to play on your map so keep it up and I hope to see out improvment have a nice day!
Qoute: Do or do not, There is no Try
Sorry but with this and a lot of stuff in real life going on, I'm very busy lately. I doubt I'd be able to find the time to help you. Maybe someone else can help you - is there anyone on your own map's build thread that might be interested?@Da_Steel_Dragon can you help me XD I need you obi-wan your my only hope