a big update also can mean changes to the anticheat and an increased likelyhood of attracting certain types of people. This update in particular appeals to the type of crowd that likes to win at all costs and a part of that crowd will even resort to autoclickers to do it, in fact a lot do because of the fact most anticheats don't check for autoclickers that well and because of the fact autoclickers can be easily or hidden. And because, unlike reach or kill aura, they do not impact the game as much.
And the point isn't whether they are hard to beat, the point is that they shouldn't be doing it, and just because they may not be hard to beat doesn't mean they aren't annoying. It's a bit like trolling, it may not necessarily give your opponent an advantage but its extremely irritating when they do it and it is made worse by the fact that they shouldn't be doing it.