You have 4 teams of 10 people each team. You have 4 islands and bridges which function is to connect 4 islands
Each team have 10 minutes before the bridges are built. In this 10 minutes, players have to go to the mine and get iron, gold and some diamond for his armor. In this new game mode there are new kits such as the wizard kit which have a enchantment table and some lapislazuli.
I think it could be an interesting game mode and it can draw the attention of many players
Each team have 10 minutes before the bridges are built. In this 10 minutes, players have to go to the mine and get iron, gold and some diamond for his armor. In this new game mode there are new kits such as the wizard kit which have a enchantment table and some lapislazuli.
I think it could be an interesting game mode and it can draw the attention of many players