All maps are made by our own build team and no downloads will be given out, sorry!OMG! These maps look amazing. If it's not to much to ask may i have, if there is of course, a map download to the tower defense dino? I love it soo much... Thanks.
Oh. Okay.. >.>Is there "sum ting wong?"
Me and @superxsnap couldn't find it either :(the maps are great (like i said before) but i can't seem to find the end map in SCB why is that?
Grammar please* ;) I like the maps, especially Atlantic... I wonder why...Offical" (look in the tab thingy). Pls grammar pls..
Aw, ok. Can you tell them That they do an outstanding job. ThanksAll maps are made by our own build team and no downloads will be given out, sorry!