Hello fellow CubeCrafters, my name is Tyler aka EastmanTheGreat. I have a suggestion that probably comes up a lot on here. I am a massive Egg Wars, and Money Walls fan. That's what I mostly play on CubeCraft. I have a suggestion for new maps on Money Walls. Egg Wars seems to have a couple more maps than Money Walls, and playing the same old maps on Money Walls gets a bit bare. Volcano is my favorite due to the lava in the middle that's easy to push people into if they don't have a Notch Apple. Arctic is a fun map to play on but getting glitched back on the snow constantly does get frustrating. And Prison, just let me say that Prison ends pretty fast due to all the open space. Prison is my second favorite because of how hard it is to get up the watch towers and to the Emeralds. I am wondering if there are currently any maps being built for Money Walls or if you guys have any plans on adding new ones? Please let me know!