Really great update, it makes reports a lot cleaner, easier to deal with, but please remember to put in the times at which we see the people hacking/teaming in the videos, even if they are only one minute long, it really helps.
The new report system is what I think was the most needed for this server and the devs did a great job !
If you have suggestions to make the site more intuitive, easier to report, please suggest !
Even the smallest of things can make everyones life easier, like a door handle, a door would be so much harder to open without it !
Hello, I suggest that you can put more than one IGN in the first box. I just reported a team of 3 players and I had to put them IGN's in the last box because in the IGN box only let me put one, if I put more than one wouldn't let me send the report. Thank you.
Taken into account, I think this is necessary for reports for teamers, for hackers, It is better in my opinion to make multiple reports.
@Tacosbefriends (opinion ?)
Oh and one more thing: Right now on out handled reports it shows the message of the mod but not the mods name. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it's still possible to see the mods name by looking up the player at I think it wozuld be nicer to see who answered the report directly in the report portal.
I personally sign my responses to reports, whether the mod is to show his identity or not is up to his own discretion at the moment.
Yay! :D This is going to make banning players a lot more efficient. I asked about this in a previous thread but if it is not implemented make it so reports with the same ign merge into one that is viewed by the mods that way moderators don't have to go through multiple reports on the same player
I don't know if this is already the case, but good suggestion, I'll pass this on.
As it is now, we deny reports of players having already been reported while informing the person reporting the reason the report was denied.
what about the other open reports which were posted before this update?
They will also be treated, although you may no longer have access to them, you won't see our responses, but they will eventually be treated.