Hello all! I just have an idea that I think would make this server even better! Now I'm not sure if you have at any time discussed this idea before, but, what would really make this server more enjoyable is a roller coaster server! Now, I know that it would take a while to create the roller coasters (because I know the build team already has a lot of stuff that they're making I'm assuming) but, who doesn't love roller coasters?!?! It's fun ti ride, you can make rides with multiple people on them, and heres the catch… Its NOT free! Yes I know that sounds weird BUT why not make it so that there are TOKENS!!! Yes each new ride will require tokens to ride! Now you can decide whether or not to make it a one time payment for each ride or you unlock the ride permanently; you decide that. There can be a conversion or points into tokens or just keep it as plain points for the rides (This gives players more reasons to donate and play more games!). What you can also do is make it so that donators get a certain "percent off" for the rides. For example, lets say a ride costs 1000 points. A regular stone would have to pay the 1000 points but a donator would only have to pay lets say 500 points based on your rank or something like that… I don't know if something like that goes against the EULA but I just thought it would be a good idea :333 So let me know what you guys think of this. I hope you guys like roller-coasters!!!!! :D