Good, I am disappointed the truth, I have been banned unjustly by the sentinel without having anything illegal besides not only once but twice, at the moment I am banned for 1 month and my appeal was denied, I do not know how to review the appeals but the truth In a big disappointment to see how they banned me and denied the appeal.As far as I'm concerned, factions hasn't been spoken about. Yes, it's one of the most popular game-modes out there, but it i think it wouldn't fit right into CubeCraft.
In the first time that I banned I had opptifine installed so I assumed that was the reason for banning so I decided to remove the opptifine to prevent the same thing from happening, try to communicate with some Server Staff but not achieve anything.
Now on the second time I banned sentinel being this time I play with the normal minecraft with nothing installed but unfortunately I have been banned.
I would like to know how appeals are reviewed, I doubt it will be at random.
Sorry for the English I am Spanish speaking and I do not know enough to do a sentence so long, so I use the translator