Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Jan 20, 2017

If you just wanna here about what i know the update adds goto the bottom

Game 1 experience:
i just played my first game of the new update and the owner was in the game, at first i was really happy but once i looked at everything i didn't fell like playing that much.
for starters they copied bed wars a bit (never thought you would here that xD)
all the teamed have there own exclusive colored blocks and amour (only for leather)
and sandstone was deleted from the game, this made me fell unsettled seeing that, because when you do something for a year and then its appearance changes you just don't fell like its right.
the trading has changed too, now you don't scroll thought the villager anymore changing how the games been since day one, now i know all these are to polish the game and make it look "Better" but it had the exact opposite effect for me, i dont like how everything is done now but i think ill eventually get use to it, and appreciate the updates polished look.

OH! one more thing i voted for there to be ender pearls in normal and now there is. so that's a thing now.
Post bellow what your thoughts on the eggwars update are

Game 2 :

So i died for the first time on the update this game!
theirs a 8-5 second respawn charge and whenever it happened i think (**** someone Broke my egg) but in reality im just doing the respawn charge, i get confused every-time for a second xD

And just like i said on game 1 i would get used to the blocks and armour, and i already have by the second game so thats good

but i noticed on the trade layout alot of the icons have changed and it takes a while to find what category you're looking for, but that is made up a bit for the quick grabbing fetcher witch alows you to just click and it apears in your inventory instead of you having to drag it there, but a con of this is that you cant but the items you get into the exact place you want it too go so you have to do 2 steps to get it in that place on your inventory instead of one step.

The generators are a little glitched, the gold generator is unstable... the map (gen stats above the generator) goes the same speed as the lv 1 gen after being upgrade to lv 2, i don't know if this is a problem with all gens but i noticed it on this specific one, also you cant just run over the a generator and get everything on it, there has been a change in it where you have to wait there for a second or two to collect big clusters of materials, i think this is a con more than a pro.

Game 3:
I only got 1 thing this time
-the amour you give in your teams color to another team makes the amour there color
this might work with blocks too

OK! thanks for reading my thoughts on the update.
to conclude:
-long time players may not like the layout of the game at first but its easily adaptable, and after 3 games i got use to it.
-leather amour and clay/glass blocks are set to your teams color
-Ender pearls are in normal items!
-Generators have statistics above the said gen, you have to wait on it to collect big clusters
-giving team-colored items given to another team will result in the item turning to the other teams color
-there is a respawn count of 8 seconds (or 5 idk i think its 8)
-no kits or ability's added (at least for normal eggwars)


If you have an opinion on the fetchers or know more about the new eggwars update, plese post it the the reply section :)

Cya and GG
+1 Exp
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Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
I really like the update, except the 8 seconds timer respawn. I think that's just too long. I'd be happier with 3-5 seconds, then you have anough time to build yourself in with any block.


Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
For starters they copied bed wars a bit (never thought you would here that xD
Hypixel probably also copied a lot from Cube, and other servers copy also a lot of things from each other, so I don't see the problem there. You have to understand that you can't be original anymore nowadays, I mean look at Skywars, everybody has it, but who copied who?

all the teamed have there own exclusive colored blocks and amour (only for leather)
and sandstone was deleted from the game, this made me fell unsettled seeing that, because when you do something for a year and then its appearance changes you just don't fell like its right.
This addition is maybe one of the best additions, I'm also used to a lot of things, but a lot of things have to change unfortunately. You need to make progress in everything in this big world, otherwise you'll get stuck and some things might force you to move on (if that even makes sense and you sort of understand what I mean) and believe me, you'll get used to it very quickly. It's also much cleaner than seeing sandstone everywhere and it's easier to see the difference between seperate teams or players.

the trading has changed too, now you don't scroll thought the villager anymore changing how the games been since day one, now i know all these are to polish the game and make it look "Better" but it had the exact opposite effect for me, i dont like how everything is done now but i think ill eventually get use to it, and appreciate the updates polished look.
It's nice to see that you would like to give the new update a chance, and I'm 90% you will change minds and you will think 'This update isn't so bad at all' Goodluck with getting used to it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I want to play it even though I can't :(
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Novice Member
Jan 20, 2017
You were right Iv gotten use to it all but Game 3 and i love the update now xD
i didn't expect to get use to it that fast tho, and i understand that there isn't alot of original stuff out there and im glad they changed the layout and added team-items now. It just proves that "copying" isnt always a bad thing, it just adds improvement to an already done work.
Thanks for the post! :)
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