I think that this is a terrible suggestion. Eggwars isn't supposed to be a 10 minute game and I believe that the bows pro-long it to the length that it should be in the first place. This is one of the most strategic dependent mini-games I've ever played and I have fallen in-love with it. I've put over 16 hours in, in only 2 days. I couldn't stand to see the bow go because honestly it's the only thing that can save a man when he's down and out.
i.e red breaks my teams egg, kills my 3 teammates, now it's me and 4 other users and all I've got is a punch 1 bow. I CAN NOW POSSIBLY WIN if the other team is dense (all just rush the main bridge)
Nonono bows are way to important they hold my sh** down when I need it and I couldn't PvP properly anymore if I didn't have a power 1 in my left hand. -1 from me fam