Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2023
United States 🇺🇸
This one time recently I got put into a team in EggWars Teams of 4 with three rushers who were working together, and it was pretty awkward on my part. It’s like we’re technically on a team, but also not

I’ll be upgrading the generators, buying items, etc. (that’s how I play the game), and these guys on my team would be destroying every single egg in the game and eliminating all the players. It makes me feel like I have to earn their approval or something, like I have to prove that I too am a “good player” and I hope they don’t find me to be “useless.” I end up thinking that perhaps upgrading generators will prove my worth since doing so results in notifications in the chat :P. I end up being the egg defender since everyone else on my team is not there.
When my team won that game, it didn’t feel like a true win to me

While I feel like situations like that could be avoided for the benefit of everyone on a team, I also know that not every party is going to be made up of rushers.
While playing style barriers aren’t always pleasant, I think that any 3 people in a party, rushers or not, should try to cooperate with their one other teammate, or at least show them some approval if they cannot cooperate. That one person is sometimes the one who protects your egg from enemy players, for example. The game is designed to have 4 players on a team anyway

Overall, I give this an :unsure:
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UncleSpect wrote on 𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹's profile.
grats pro! 🎉
UncleSpect wrote on WorriedSkate940's profile.
grats warrior! 🎊
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hi jerry
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Why did you not join finny's party?
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