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just take the effort

  • yes do your job staf

    Votes: 12 100.0%
  • nah normal names are cool

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Forum Veteran
Jul 28, 2015
On Discord there seems to be a "problem" with people giving themselves inappropriate names and terrorizing the chat with their highly inappropriate names. Or is there..?
No. No there is not. Despite this there were (at the time of writing) 319 people online with a "normal name Vx" format. "Woah that's an awful lot of people! Are you sure there isn't a problem?!" Yes. Because I clicked on every single one of these names and grouped them into the following categories:
Normal: There isn't anything wrong with the name (anymore)
Weird font: Names that are in a 'weird' font, but still representing words, for example: ᴅᴜᴍʙɴᴀᴍᴇ#4356
Inappropriate name: The name is actually against the rules
Other: For example characters that don't represent a word/name
Starting character: Mostly names that start with an emoji, but still having a normal name after that emoji
Unsure: Things that were borderline against the rules that I wasn't entirely sure about
Different language: For example names in the Chinese alphabet

And now for the results:

What?! Almost 50% was a NORMAL name?! Yes. And if we were to say that the other, unsure and inappropriate names were all inappropriate, with the weird font, Starting character and normal names also being just Normal, then we would be getting this beautiful Pacman-like chart:

So, what do we learn from this data? That 86.8% of the normal names have become obsolete. "bUt TeLEGaMeR pEoPLE wHO HAvE aN EMoji aT ThE sTaRT oF THEiR nAMe aRE unTAgGabLe", well yes, but actually no. But I agree that it would be easier not to have people with an emoji at the start of their name. So easy solution for that:

Please for the love of god staff just take the bloody effort to rename someone WITHOUT the emoji it's so annoying having a million people with a "normal name" name.

cringykid35#6969 will become cringykid35#6969. It's that easy. The same goes for weird fonts,
ⓒⓡⓘⓝⓖⓨⓚⓘⓓ③⑤#6969 will become cringykid35#6969 It's that easy.

"BuT wON'T tHis TakE aWaY eSSeNtiaL sTAfF reSouRCes?1?1" no. This doesn't take that much extra effort, and on top of that it enhances the experience of the player. Imagine being on a Discord and being suddenly renamed to "normal name v3405789", not an extremely pleasant experience that would be, would it now? Besides as I have just demonstrated they have dug an extremely deep hole for themselves as they are now sat with at least 154 people who have a random nickname for no reason whatsoever. And another 123 starting with an emoji or a weird font.
There is literally no reason not to properly rename these people. It's just annoying having this many 'normal name' people in Discord.

We are ending up with these kind of situations in voice calls and multiple people in chat having a "normal name" which is just confusing because to which normal name was I talking again? Ah yes I think it was normal name v453050, or was it normal name v94598?

please let this stop.



Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
It's more strange this wasn't already a thing in the Discord server since it's way easier than what the staff does now (normal name v1600). So yeah, I support this of course.

I don't really see what the problem with having an emoji infront of your name is anyway since you can still be tagged.View attachment 158402
Have had a few times that I couldn't tag the correct person. I don't know what it is, but sometimes Discord allows it and sometimes not.


Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
Hello peeps, I would like to start off by saying that I'm sorry for any inconvenience that I've may have caused. For those of you unaware, I'm the one behind these nicknames. I admit it was an oversight on my part, I started doing it as a joke and it just carried on. But no more worries, it's gotten to a point where even I kind of find it pretty boring. So, for now, these nicknames will be a thing of the past. An ancient relic. Cheers!

Not sure if I should be proud, but for the records, the last "normal name v[insert number]' is #2324.

Dubby Plays

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2019
If I would be a mod, I would do that if the name is


I rename him in xXCoolestNameXx#2893.
But maybe changing it to "nOrMal nAmE" should be needed (so the user notice it and will automatically ask for a change). The fact is, that the hard thing to do as mod is changing it each time an user join the server, trying to understand how the original name should be. And I'm not sure about it, but a user with a renamed name could leave the server and when he rejoin, the name could return the untaggable one. And I think is not right for mods to do this hard job each time. Maybe adding bot that gives you tickets to change your name could be useful, but I don't know if cubecraft Discord staff know how to use them (I'm not so good at them neither)...

TL;DR (more clear): if I understand the name, I would try to fix it and make it taggable. If not, I would rename it in a cringy way, just to let the user see it and asking for change.
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