Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
May 4, 2017
This is off-topic. Stop message farming! 2 times message farming in one thread? WOW, @Tacosbefriends .
Please you must to stoppppppppp!

It's also not your task for saying who that is message farming. If he is really message farming will say that some staffmembers to him. The staffmembers have never said to him that he is message farming, so he isn't doing.
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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
This is off-topic. Stop message farming! 2 times message farming in one thread? WOW, @Tacosbefriends .
Please you must to stoppppppppp!
Not message farming at all
Asking a genuine question isn't just message farming and if someone just calls them out on getting off-topic they are going to justify why they asked

So that post was actually much more of a way to message farm


Forum Expert
Nov 20, 2015
somewhere deep in the woods
I came on the forums and felt like posting something a bit more different and a bit more relaxed and casual.
I was looking through my screenshots and oh my... the amount of screenshots I have is unreal. As I was looking through them though there were a couple that really made me think and remember :p I just thought I would share them here for no particular reason other than I felt like it.

First ever CCG screenshot
View attachment 136230
This is the first ever screenshot I took on Cube, playing with Jonathan329 xD ( @Joany ) back when the freedom of random teaming was available and building forts to have 1v1's happened pretty much at the end of almost every game, *sighs* Those were the days... :p (This was back on the 24th April 2015 for anyone wondering (not that many if any were but still ;D ))

I actually miss being a minecraft noob


View attachment 136231
This tab-list I happened to take a screenshot for some reason took be back quite a bit. I didn't even realize I had it but for me there is so much nostalgia. Whats in it speaks for it's self :p Good old SG days. This was actually taken not long before the 1.9 update
(30th November 2015) I'd tag people but I don't want to be annoying :p

Random screenshot of me fishing mid SG game with a friend!
View attachment 136241
And.... This!
View attachment 136244

Yeah, this thread is a bit random and all over the place but what I really want to say is lets not lose the community we were and still are today. Looking back through these screenshots today has really made me realize how important we are as a community for each other. It hit me just how many people I have gotten to know on here and how much I miss the old times. Eventually everyone here now will have old times in this community if you haven't already and hopefully we will all be able to say we enjoyed them and that we enjoyed the time we had here.

View attachment 136242 View attachment 136243

Thanks for taking time to read through this, I know some of it is cringe but you're all awesome for putting up with it xD
hahahahah I died at Joan's name :D
the good old times tho :/ shame they'll never come back
Edit: the first screenshot in my screeenshot folder:
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Happy February 1st everyone! :)
Hope you all have a great month!
Reesle wrote on broricharddixon's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳
Wtf did anyone even know this??? You can craft a honey bottle into 3 sugar if you so wish lol that's so random wow. Tell me if you knew this or not?
Since yesterday, for some reason I have a chance to be placed in NAbungeecord when I join the server even though I'm currently in the UK. The server's trying to make me play on 150 ping when I should be having around 20 ping...
BicolourSine41 wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
I already got the lunar bundle, maybe u should enter a friend (btw im so sorry for not entering u. We should play more together so i wont forget ♥️ )
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