Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Oct 3, 2020
The Netherlands
Hello, this post is going to be a feedback / suggestions to Obsidian rank. I'm going to start with my opinion about the rank at this moment and end with some suggestions.

Okay my opinion about the rank at this moment is..... ITS A SCAM. I found it that way, because you only get cosmetics things (Except one). What I mean with that is the Uber Cubelet of course, but also the friends, party and that kind of stuff. The only thing that isn't cosmetic is that you can vote on WING RUSH, which is an ARCADE GAME!
Here I give a list which (I think) most people get these ranks:
Iron: Map selection - 0% scam
Lapiz: Its simply better then Iron with little votes - 50% scam
Gold: EggWars voting - 5% scam
Diamond Rank: SkyWars voting - 25% scam
Emerald: Fly and MinerWare - 50% scam
Obsidian: I don't found any reason for this rank, except the Uber Cubelet and if you spend much to much time on CubeCraft (like me) - 95% scam
(I don't see plus as a rank)

But above that I also want some things which you guys can add :)
1. While writing this Among Slimes just got released and maybe obsidian ranks could vote for easy - normal - hard tasks and 1 - 2 -3 imposters.
2. While writing this a new minigame is just getting developed and I would like to see only obsidian ranks can vote in it.
3. This is just something I would like to see and its that you can do /tell through lobbies if that is possible.
4. /colorrank so you can set your rank color to match your name.
5. /chat so you can set a colorcode which you automatic chat with, example: &F&L <- this will then always be your chat message instead of copy pasting it all the time (which I do).

One thing to mention after writing this: I was thinking about getting obsidian rank and this is just what I think of it. (Let me know if I missed some of the obi perks!) :)
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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
If you don't find the rank worth it, just don't buy it! A lot of people do have obsidian rank so not everybody agrees with you. Also you forgot two other reasons for players to buy the rank; Status (A shiny purple prefix and your name shows at the top of the player list) and also like Ender already said to support Cubecraft.
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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I definitely agree with your opinion about obsidian being a huge scam, which it is considering you don't get a lot of more perks while you pay significantly more money than you'd pay for eg emerald. I kind of like the things you suggested as well, except for the /colorrank thingy.
i mean, i just bought my rank to support the server, not for any of the perks or anything
Quite noble I guess, but that's not everyone's mindset. I could understand it if people wouldn't purchase the rank because it doesn't offer too much in comparison with emerald.
If you don't find the rank worth it, just don't buy it! A lot of people do have obsidian rank so not everybody agrees with you. Also you forgot two other reasons for players to buy the rank; Status (A shiny purple prefix and your name shows at the top of the player list) and also like Ender already said to support Cubecraft.
In my opinion that's a pretty lame thing to say. It is true, but why not give the rank more features so more people might purchase it? I see no harm in adding some of the things Frosty suggested to make the rank actually live up to its tremendous price.


Novice Member
Nov 28, 2019
I totally agree, for example in the case where you have to pay totally absurd money to be able to access the / fly command.

In other servers, I'm not going to name but I think everyone already knows which one I mean. With just 8 dollars you can get a nice tag and access to the / fly command

edit: Ranks had a high cost value in the time that minecraft was popular and in turn the server too, but it is not like that anymore, that's why I think the ranks are VERY overrated


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Whilst I do agree on the fact that obsidian rank should come with more necessary perks for compensation, I have to disagree on the fact that it’s a so called ‘scam’. You don’t actually pay to ‘buy’ a rank. You donate to support the server and as a reward, they give you access to the perks the rank has to offer. I’m not saying you must buy the rank only for being able to support CubeCraft, because the perks are definitely nice to have, but there are donators out there who have donated to get a rank mainly to support CubeCraft.

It’s been mentioned in the thread comments before that if you do not think the rank is worth it, you shouldn’t donate so much. It is not like you are being forced to get an obsidian rank.

Anyhow, like I mentioned before, I definitely agree on the fact that obsidian could use a number of extra neat perks, considering there is a significant difference in price between emerald and obsidian. I do not agree with most of your perk suggestions. However, I do like the idea of being able to vote for different modes, et cetera, in Among Slimes. It would make obsidian rank significantly more worth it even for such a small game.

A perk allowing you to change the colour of your rank prefix would honestly just be a terrible idea. These users would possibly be mistaken for staff for instance, or someone else. Whilst such a perk exists on other servers, it doesn’t mean it will fit well in CubeCraft. The ranks are supposted to represent the ores/blocks that already exist with their colours being the colours of those corresponding blocks. The rank tags on other servers where they allow higher ranked users to change their prefix or rank colour making it less confusing since they do not represent a specific colour, for instance. An example would as following:

A rank for every colour:
‘Blue’ rank allows you to change your prefix to any colour.

See what I mean?

I totally agree, for example in the case where you have to pay totally absurd money to be able to access the / fly command.

In other servers, I'm not going to name but I think everyone already knows which one I mean. With just 8 dollars you can get a nice tag and access to the / fly command
Whilst you are correct that compared to that server, the price to get access to the flight command is incredibly high, this is CubeCraft: Not that server. CubeCraft is unique with its rank perks too. So are most servers: Some don’t even have flight at all...


Novice Member
Nov 28, 2019
Anyway, it is overrated.

Before cubecraft had 10,000 connected players or even more, at that point the rank should cost a high price, but today there are no longer that many players, the server was updated and therefore the prices should also be updated.

You name a lot of really good things you get for buying rank, and you're absolutely right they're pretty cool. But you don't name the bad things, for example the bad Anti-Cheat, from the simple fact that you have to be rank to report a user, and even if you are rank you only have access to 3 reports per day.
All this affects when playing on the server


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Before cubecraft had 10,000 connected players or even more, at that point the rank should cost a high price, but today there are no longer that many players, the server was updated and therefore the prices should also be updated.
Updating prices is in my opinion a really bad idea considering lots of users paid the full price for obsidian as how it is now. If they lower the price, I honestly get why it feels like a scam.

But you don't name the bad things, for example the bad Anti-Cheat
The ‘bad’ anti-chat has got nothing to do with donating at all. Also, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Sentinel has been doing a way better job than before.

from the simple fact that you have to be rank to report a user, and even if you are rank you only have access to 3 reports per day.
I do not feel like explaining the same thing twice, so if you want to read my entire opinion on this, feel free to go to THIS thread. Just for you, I’ll give you a brief description of what I mentioned on that other thread:

You do not have to have a rank to report rulebreakers. The /report command is only there to make things less complicated and time-consuming. If you want to report someone, you will have to do so on the reports site.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2017
I just bought Obsidian to support cubecraft. I don't really care about the cosmetics i get. It is fun to have, but i don't do much with it. So for me it is just to support te server. Ofcourse it is your opinion about Obsidian.


Novice Member
Nov 28, 2019
Actualizar los precios es, en mi opinión, una muy mala idea, considerando que muchos usuarios pagaron el precio completo por la obsidiana como es ahora. Si bajan el precio, honestamente entiendo por qué se siente como una estafa.

El anti-chat 'malo' no tiene nada que ver con la donación. Además, no estoy seguro de que lo hayas notado, pero Sentinel ha estado haciendo un trabajo mucho mejor que antes.

No tengo ganas de explicar lo mismo dos veces, así que si quieres leer mi opinión completa sobre esto, no dudes en ir a ESTE hilo. Solo para ti, te daré una breve descripción de lo que mencioné en ese otro hilo:

No es necesario tener un rango para informar sobre infractores. El comando / report solo está ahí para hacer las cosas menos complicadas y consumir más tiempo. Si desea denunciar a alguien, deberá hacerlo en el sitio de informes .

Well that's your opinion.

The Anticheat is not doing a job properly in version 1.8 and the truth of why we don't see many hackers in 1.9 is because there is a really very active and efficient staff.

Many servers I tested, even servers that call themselves "non-premium" are servers with a very powerful Anticheat.

I do not think there is a problem with lowering prices, since that has already happened, if I am not mistaken before, the iron range cost around 17 dollars, and today that price is not there.

Guess who bought it for $ 17? Should I feel ripped off now? Clearly NOT, since the server was very popular at that time.

We have already seen this same example, with the YouTube rank.
Before you needed about 40,000 subscribers to get it, but nowadays you don't need that amount anymore. Simply having 10,000 subscribers and quality content you are welcome.


Oct 3, 2020
The Netherlands
Just a note:

All of you who bought it for support, I did it to. But doesn't the rank misses some perks in comparison to the other ranks? That's what I mean.
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Well that's your opinion.

The Anticheat is not doing a job properly in version 1.8 and the truth of why we don't see many hackers in 1.9 is because there is a really very active and efficient staff.
I’m not saying the Sentinel is one of the best anticheats, because it isn’t. You can say it’s an opinion, but it’s a fact that the anticheat is doing way better than it did before. I’ve seen the results of the anticheat improvements myself, because I used to be a staff member. I would get into Assassinations or SkyWars (1.8) and there would be a ton of cheaters. However, due to the improvements that were quite recent, the amount of cheaters has been significantly reduced. After the improvements, Sentinel was quicker with banning every cheater in those games than I could type the necessary commands.

Many servers I tested, even servers that call themselves "non-premium" are servers with a very powerful Anticheat.
These ‘many “non-premium” servers’ that you tested use pre-made anticheat plugins. Unlike CubeCraft, who use a self-developed anticheat system which the current anticheat developer is working really hard on each and every day, continuously.

I do not think there is a problem with lowering prices, since that has already happened, if I am not mistaken before, the iron range cost around 17 dollars, and today that price is not there.
I’m fairly certain you are mistaken, because I have never heard of such a ridiculous price for an iron rank. From what I know, it’s always been around the price it is now. Keep in mind that I am from Europe and we use euros here instead of dollars.

We have already seen this same example, with the YouTube rank.
Before you needed about 40,000 subscribers to get it, but nowadays you don't need that amount anymore. Simply having 10,000 subscribers and quality content you are welcome.
The minimum requirements for a rank such as YouTuber for content creators has got nothing to do with changes to prices of ranks in the store. It’s the same as how they lowered/decreased and changed the minimum requirements for staff ranks such as Helper.

They merely changed the requirements because they had an extreme amount of users who were critical about the requirements at the time who suggested to lower them significantly. That’s the exact reason why they decided to lower that. Do you realize the fact that 40K people is a lot?

Just a note:

All of you who bought it for support, I did it to. But doesn't the rank misses some perks in comparison to the other ranks? That's what I mean.
We know, we know: Haha! Yeah, I totally agree with you that the rank is definitely missing some perks considering you pay so much for it and get no differences whatsoever - except the loot, uber cubelet, less cubelets to craft a higher tier one, purple prefix, tab username and voting for Wing Rush... Again, I totally agree with the fact that it could use some extra, fun and necessary, perks.
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Novice Member
Nov 28, 2019
haha are you really wanting to have the last word, do you feel attacked or something? I can spend a whole day naming you the defects or what seems unfair that you will always have something to say.

I’m not saying the Sentinel is one of the best anticheats, because it isn’t. You can say it’s an opinion, but it’s a fact that the anticheat is doing way better than it did before. I’ve seen the results of the anticheat improvements myself, because I used to be a staff member. I would get into Assassinations or SkyWars (1.8) and there would be a ton of cheaters. However, due to the improvements that were quite recent, the amount of cheaters has been significantly reduced. After the improvements, Sentinel was quicker with banning every cheater in those games than I could type the necessary commands.

These ‘many “non-premium” servers’ that you tested use pre-made anticheat plugins. Unlike CubeCraft, who use a self-developed anticheat system which the current anticheat developer is working really hard on each and every day, continuously.

I’m fairly certain you are mistaken, because I have never heard of such a ridiculous price for an iron rank. From what I know, it’s always been around the price it is now. Keep in mind that I am from Europe and we use euros here instead of dollars.

The minimum requirements for a rank such as YouTuber for content creators has got nothing to do with changes to prices of ranks in the store. It’s the same as how they lowered/decreased and changed the minimum requirements for staff ranks such as Helper.

They merely changed the requirements because they had an extreme amount of users who were critical about the requirements at the time who suggested to lower them significantly. That’s the exact reason why they decided to lower that. Do you realize the fact that 40K people is a lot?

We know, we know: Haha! Yeah, I totally agree with you that the rank is definitely missing some perks considering you pay so much for it and get no differences whatsoever - except the loot, uber cubelet, less cubelets to craft a higher tier one, purple prefix, tab username and voting for Wing Rush... Again, I totally agree with the fact that it could use some extra, fun and necessary, perks.
Maybe that bunch of "non-premium" servers don't have their own Anti-Cheat developed by someone, but they work very well. So much so that they keep up to 10,000 players per day happy playing without finding any player cheating.
At this hour, the 1.8 skywars is completely full of cheating players. :P
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