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This discussion focuses on Lucky Islands, try to stay on topic!
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Lucky Islands is a game on CubeCraft which is quite similar to Skywars, however, chests are replaced with Lucky Blocks found throughout the map. These blocks drop items that can either help or harm you.

These are a few things that will be covered in this thread!
Lucky Block Loot
Solo Maps
Team Maps

Team Maps pt2
World Events
Tips + Tricks

This game requires a resource pack. Once you join the lobby it will either ask for permission to install itself or automatically do it. The resource pack allows you to see our custom designed Wands + Lucky Blocks.

After winning a game, either team or solo, you are rewarded 120 experience and 20 points. You also gain 2 points for each kill.
Special thanks to @Foxic + @_EliteLyra for their threads that helped me through this guide.

*If you feel anything is missing or this thread can be improved somehow please pm me your ideas.


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

In all gamemodes, you will need to gather gear and other items that will help you survive. Depending on which gamemode you may either good loot and be loot, or have to be cautious about what blocks you open.

While playing blessed mode, there's is a 0% chance to open a harmful/negative lucky block. Blocks will be on your side and help you the most in this gamemode.

Normal mode is a basic game of Lucky Islands, there's an equal chance of getting either good or bad loot from the lucky blocks.
Crazy mode is a wild ride from start to finish. Crazy items and events spawn from opening the lucky blocks.
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Basic Kits
Stone Sword

16 Stone
Leather Chestplate

Bought Kits
250 Points
3 Potions of speed(Speed 2, lasts 1.30)

400 Points
Leather Helmet
Chainmail Chestplate
Leather Leggings
Leather Boots

450 Points
10 TNT
2 Stone Pressure Plates
Trap Lucky Block

500 Points
Diamond Block

Egg Farmer
250 Points
16 Eggs

350 Points
12 Arrows

450 Points
2 Lucky Blocks

250 Points
3 Potions of Instant Health

350 Points
Enchanting Table
32 Lapis Lazuli
32 Bottle o' Enchanting

150 Points
12 Apples
3 Bread
3 Golden Apples

250 Points
Diamond Pickaxe

200 Points
8 Obsidian
Cage Trap

600 Points
Random Wand

400 Points
A Pet Wolf
A Pet Cat
A Pet Snowman

350 Points
2 Villager Spawn Eggs
16 Emeralds​


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Below are all/most of the drops that are obtained from lucky blocks. They can either be helpful, harmful or neutral.
(sorry if I forget some or don't list them please pm me ones I do miss)

Colour Code
Blessed, Normal and Crazy
Normal and Crazy
Just Crazy

~TNT Wand~
Shoot a block of TNT that will explode at the target you aim at.
~Regen Wand~
Heals you at the click of a button.
~Slime Wand~
Throw a slime at an enemy, but be aware these cubed creatures can turn on you.
~Shield Wand~
Summon a dome of ice around you to protect you and save you from falling.
~Dragon Breath Wand~
Summon a path of fire in front of you that will actually make your opponent stop in their tracks.
~Splash Potion Wand~
Throw a random potion, can be helpful or harmful, remember this is a game of luck.
~Frost Path Wand~
Summon a path of ice that will make you the next Elsa. Escape your enemy or bridge without the fear of being shot off.
~Invisibility Wand~
Turns you invisible, however, it's just you, not your armour. Be careful trying to sneak up on opponents with armour.

Bows and Such

~Explosive Bow~
Create an explosion where your arrow hits.
~Automatic Bow~
Shoot up to 20 arrows before a break to charge up.
~Frozen Shot Bow~
Trap your opponent in ice to either get close or escape.
~Shotgun Bow~
Shoot five arrows all at different angles.
~Normal Bow~
Get up to 12 arrows, normal or spectral and tipped.
~Grappling Hook Bow~
Shoot towards your preferred target then punch to get pulled towards it.

Animals and Mobs
~Armoured Zombie~
Spawn a zombie with random armour.
~Villager Tower~
Spawns several villagers riding each other with 32 emeralds to trade.
Spawns in a pig with a carrot on a stick and saddle to ride into battle
~Just a normal Pig~
A sneaky pig that turns into the Pig King if punched, Pig King spawns in baby pigman that explode.
Spawns in a blaze that drops a fire aspect blaze rod upon death.
Spawns in 9 chickens, occasionally having one upside down.
Spawns in a Wolf or Cat that are tamed, which you can rename.
Spawns a snowman in that will protect you by shooting snowballs at opponents.
Spawns Enderman that is holding onto a chest that is dropped upon death.
Spawns a witch riding a bat that will fly around throwing potions.
The boss mob that has a poison effect. Will shield at points to prevent you from hitting it. Drops 4 lucky Blocks, occasionally drops armour and sword.
Shulker will spawn where the lucky Block was broken, it will continue to hit you with their projectiles, this will land a nasty blow and give you levitation to float around.
~Spawn Eggs~
A random assortment of eggs will appear, hostile or friendly.
~Exploding Squid~
A squid will appear with a number above its head. Take cover or you might receive some nasty effects(Slowness + Blindness)
~Silver Fish~
Silverfish will spawn with a highlighted effect. Kill them to receive one iron per fish.

Tools and Weapons
~Diamond Sword~
Pretty basic, a few particles swirl down to reveal your diamond sword.
~Fire Sword~
An iron sword that, when clicked, shoots a ray of fire particles hitting whoever is in front of it.
~Knock Back Sword~
A wooden sword that has Knockback Two, breaks after a few uses.
~Stone Sword~
Stone Sword with varying enchants from Sharpness one to three.
~Set of tools~
An axe, pickaxe, and shovel in either stone or iron are dropped.
~Diamond Pickaxe~
A nice diamond pickaxe :)
~Shield(only on 1.9+)~
Gives you a shield to deflect arrows.

~3x3 Hole~
A hole start disappearing below you into the void
~Exploding Chest~
A chest that explodes upon opening.
~Pressure Plate~
This item can either give you something good or something bad, ranging from golden apples to fire explosions.
~Cage Trap~
Gives you a pressure plate where if someone steps onto it, it traps them.
~Lucky Block Trap~
Place this block and let an unexpecting victim come and open it, they'll get an explosion in the face.
~Zombie Cage~
Puts you into a glass cage with a zombie

Minerals and Ores
~Iron Block~

Spawns a lightning bolt along with an Iron Block
Spawns obsidian shooting up and landing around you.
Spawns an iron pickaxe and diamond, gold, iron ores for you to mine.
~Craft Fast~
A crafting table with materials spawn, ranging from iron to gold to even diamonds.

Spawns in either stone, dirt, or sandstone to help you build to your new destination.
~Ender Pearls~
Teleport anywhere within reach at the click of a button.
~Elytra(only on 1.9+)~
Glide around with your new elytra.
~Chorus Fruit(only on 1.9+)~
A block of end stone appears and from that, a chorus plant appears. Allows you to teleport a few blocks away

Drops a few bread, carrots or apples.
Gives five potions, 2 poison, one harming, one regen, and one speed.
Spawns a water source block.
Spawns a lava source block.
~Speed Potion~
Gives a player extreme speed that if running gives them the potential to run off the island.
~Armour Stand~
Spawn an armour stand with random armour or leather armour with a pumpkin/lucky block head.
A chest that may contain tools, food, blocks or other materials.
~Enchantment Table~
Spawns an enchantment table with XP and lapis.
~Archer Tower~
Spawns a stone tower that allows you to shoot from a peak.
~Melon Tower~
Melon tower with a melon staircase that leads you up to a lucky block.
~Hot Potato~
Once thrown, it explodes where it lands.
Spawns a beacon with a single gold to activate.
~Tracking Compass~
The compass that has the ability to locate the nearest player.
Spawns a 5x5 farm that provides carrots/potatoes and wood.
Cake spawns in one piece at a time, eat it while it's spawning to regen hunger and still have a full cake in the end.
A dispenser, lever, and fireballs, what could go wrong?
~Corrupted Vision~
You will receive blindness for a few seconds, however normal blocks around you will appear as lucky blocks, these blocks will not grant you any drops, however.
~Suddenly You Feel Ill~
You will receive nausea for eight seconds with the words 'Suddenly you feel ill' across your screen.
A random type of tree will spawn along with an axe.​
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Solo Achievements
Feeling Lucky
Open 25 lucky blocks in 1 game
Over 9000
Break over 9000 lucky blocks
Iron belly
Kill someone while starving.
What's a Lucky Block?
Win a game without opening any lucky blocks
Yer a wizard
Obtain one of every wand in one game.
Glow Blow
Hit an enemy with a spectral arrow shot from an exploding bow.
Glass case of emotion
Trigger a glass cage trap lucky block in the first 10 seconds of a game.
Lucky Cluck
Eat 7 cooked chickens in one game.
Blaze It
Kill a blaze with a blaze rod.
Pin Cushion
Survive getting shot by arrows 25 times in one game.
Kill an enemy using a Slime summoned by the Slime Wand.
Kill a player shortly after using the regeneration Wand.
Set yourself on fire using the dragon's Breath Wand.
Kill an enemy using a bow whilst under the effects of the Invisibility Wand.
Trap someone with a cage trap in solo Lucky Islands.
Open 3 negative lucky blocks in a row in Solo Lucky Islands.
You get this achievement randomly in Solo Lucky Islands.
Pig Mistake
Spawn a Pig King in Solo Lucky Islands.
Fire Proof
Equip Pig King crown in Solo Lucky Islands.
Say hello to my little friend
Shoot someone with an automatic bow in Solo Lucky Islands.
Fast and furious crafters
Craft at least 3 different armour pieces from the quick craft loot in Solo Lucky Islands.
Beginner's Luck
Win your first game of Solo Lucky Islands
Feelin Lucky Punk
Win 10 games of Solo Lucky Islands
Luck Streak
Win 100 games of Solo Lucky Islands.
Luck Freak
Win 1000 games of Solo Lucky Islands.
Probably a leprechaun
Win 10,000 games of Solo Lucky Islands

Team Achievements
Lucky Day
Win a game without anyone on your team dying
10 marathons
Walk over 262,180 blocks.
Shoot 25 TNT using wands in a single game.
Lucky Kills
Kill 1000 other players
Slay an ender dragon
Field medic
Heal a teammate with a splash potion.
As a team, kill 7 players without a teammate dying.
Lucky to be alive
Win a game of Lucky Islands with your whole team alive while your health is below 2 hearts
Ramblin' gambler
Talk to your teammates 7 times in one game
Squad goals
Equip your entire team with golden armour, without a teammate dying
High explosive
Kill three players in one game using the TNT Wand.
Kill an enemy that you have trapped using the Shield Wand.
Crazy cat person
Get every type of cat in a game of Team Lucky Islands
I believe I can fly
Get shot by a shulker in Team Lucky Islands
Knight Slayer
Kill the knight in Team Lucky Islands
Heavy raindrops
Get hit by lucky rain in Team Lucky Islands
Short memory
Open your own trap lucky block in Team Lucky Islands
Split your luck
Shoot a lucky block from a fortune ghast while it's in the air in Team Lucky Islands
Be a part of a kill with at least 2 assists in Team Lucky Islands
Just your luck
Win your first game of Team Lucky Islands
Luck of the draw
Win 10 games of Team Lucky Islands
Lots of luck
Win 100 games of Team Lucky Islands
Good luck charm
Win 1000 games of Team Lucky Islands
Good luck farm
Win 10,000 games of Team Lucky Islands


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Lucky Rain
Lucky blocks fall out of the sky.
Fortune Ghasts
Ghasts spawn in the center of the map, shoot them down to receive a lucky block.
Meteor Shower
Meteors(fireballs) rain down from the sky and explode on impact destroying blocks and possibly you.
Wither Shower
Withers rain from the sky and explode on impact destroying blocks and if hit you're given the wither effect
Ender Dragon
An Ender Dragon spawns flying around the map while destroying it and trying to attack you.
Bunny Mode
Hop around the map as you're given jump boost
Your health does not regenerate during this time period. However, health regeneration items still work.
Ender Pearl Generator
An ender pearl teleports into your inventory during specific time periods of this event. If your inventory happens to be full it is dropped on the ground.
Lucky Loot
Everyone is given a higher chance of finding better loot for 30 seconds
World Corruption
Part of the world has become corrupt, looking like it came out of the Nether avoid the fire that spawns as the corruption doesn't go away.​


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

I've gathered some tips which I find useful and may help you on your journey into Lucky Islands.

When first joining the lobby you are forced to install the resource pack, a useful tip from @Foxic was to set server resource packs on prompt to avoid crashing in-game.
Two useful tips from @ChaosConjurer were to outsmart your opponent and use the map as a weapon. An example of this would be on the map Bonsai, jump across the 2-3 block gaps at center, turn around and hit them into the void as they attempt to follow.
A few other useful trips are using the elytra to your advantage if playing Crazy mode and the ender dragon spawns, equip your elytra in case you're sent flying into the air.
I personally use the diamond block kit a lot, the high point cost might be a lot to handle, however, it will be a good decision in the long run. Being able to quickly craft a diamond sword and diamond pants may just save you from your neighbour rushing you.
While opening lucky blocks I'd personally advice standing 1-2 blocks away, this can prevent falling into the 3x3 hole or not taking as much damage as you would when opening a lucky block Trap.
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