Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
The bugs problem has been going on for a very long time, and i'm happy to hear your sad update of letting more mods look at bug reports that gave everyone
false hope was not the only step in ensuring bugs get fixed faster.

The time when the next steps should be taken couldn't come sooner. The plans in place to execute these following steps should be shared with the community, i see no harm in disclosing these plans as it would most definitely make us feel more included and aware of what cube may become because as of now, it's not a server my friends and i want to continue playing.

As a community i feel we should also be enlightened with our new community managers plans to include the community more and be more transparent with future plans, if that is at all possible because the community is nothing like what it was in just a few months ago
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
How is that negative reasoning? I get you can’t just wave your magic wand and instantly all bugs are fixed but if you say “this is a step forward in fixing bugs” and the amount of bugs being fixed stays the same because it’s actually only a step forward in the bug reports being handled, then that’s just very unclear communication. A step forward in dealing with bugs will make us think the bugs will be dealt with in a better way and if that is not the result then that is for anyone positive or negative the only conclusion…
A step forward in bug handling IS a step forward in fixing bugs because it's an integral part of the process. Same way that gathering the ingredients for a cake is an integral part of making the cake.

Then smth kinda different, am i right in thinking it’s still you, youn and camezonda who handle the forwarded suggestions? If yes, may I know why the community manager isn’t involved in handling suggestions (which are what the community - which is what they’re supposed to manage - wants)?
And why in general the communication with the community has pretty much stopped since it isnt youn anymore?
We're getting everyone involved who needs to be, moderation things will be pinged to AnimalTamer/CapitanGato for example. Things related to the Java/Bedrock network will be myself, Younisco, Elenah, Jelliobean & Marieke. Generally we'll just try to pull in the correct people for specific suggestions if required.

But yeah we're happy to start communicating more about what we are doing, I'll bring it up this week coming often.

In the mean time I am updating our suggestion tracker to be more efficient in us dealing with older suggestions first.


Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
A step forward in bug handling IS a step forward in fixing bugs because it's an integral part of the process. Same way that gathering the ingredients for a cake is an integral part of making the cake.
I disagree. Handling the bug reports quicklier has no influence on dealing with the bugs if you will still wait with doing that. In your cake example: if you’re gonna bake a cake in one week then it doesn’t matter if you’re getting all of your ingredients today or spread out over the week. If you’re only speeding up and not improving in other ways (like in the cake example getting better ingredients) that will not change anything about the cake (or fixed bug) you get in the end.
We're getting everyone involved who needs to be, moderation things will be pinged to AnimalTamer
Correct me if I’m wrong but the community manager is supposed to make sure the community is happy, and communicate with it right? Then doesn’t that mean they should be involved in all suggestions since all of them have an influence on the community and are what the community wants?
But yeah we're happy to start communicating more about what we are doing, I'll bring it up this week coming often.

In the mean time I am updating our suggestion tracker to be more efficient in us dealing with older suggestions first.
gud me happy
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
I disagree. Handling the bug reports quicklier has no influence on dealing with the bugs if you will still wait with doing that. In your cake example: if you’re gonna bake a cake in one week then it doesn’t matter if you’re getting all of your ingredients today or spread out over the week. If you’re only speeding up and not improving in other ways (like in the cake example getting better ingredients) that will not change anything about the cake (or fixed bug) you get in the end.
We didn't have enough ingredients before, now that we do we can start figuring out how to bake the cake. (we're really taking this metaphor pretty far xd) I think we can agree to disagree here, I don't think it matters too much, I was just trying to help you understand how we see it.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the community manager is supposed to make sure the community is happy, and communicate with it right? Then doesn’t that mean they should be involved in all suggestions since all of them have an influence on the community and are what the community wants?
Two people can act as a connection in order to make the process easier. A community manager can identify what upsets a community or what they are feeling, then pass that along to us but we generally still need to deal with the suggestions since we know the most about the network contents itself.

Like you could realistically argue that the community manager should be involved with everything because they manage the community and the community IS what makes up the network. So it's not realistic to say so. I think acting as a communicator is the best way for them to function. But that's an opinion really.

gud me happy
and I am Story. :shreklook:


Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
we're really taking this metaphor pretty far
Yes cuz cakes r nice
I think we can agree to disagree here
hmm ok
Two people can act as a connection in order to make the process easier. A community manager can identify what upsets a community or what they are feeling, then pass that along to us but we generally still need to deal with the suggestions since we know the most about the network contents itself.

Like you could realistically argue that the community manager should be involved with everything because they manage the community and the community IS what makes up the network. So it's not realistic to say so. I think acting as a communicator is the best way for them to function. But that's an opinion really.
okay i get your point, but at least have the community manager actually communicate with the community then cuz… i havent seen any of that since youn changed his job
if that's what the community manager is supposed to do hire a new one
this is a pretty good summary of what i mean 😬
and I am Story. :shreklook:
tsk now you made my mum ask why i laughed >:( that’s always so annoying like jeez is laughing a crime nowadays
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Novice Member
Sep 1, 2017
nah just put that as "PTL" and ignore all player that screams for "FIX GLITCHES"
cough cough hypickle sb moment
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Novice Member
Jul 29, 2020
Correct, but there's no "as if" about it, it's literally what's going on
Well, not really I think.

There is always a phrase in Chinese as we will say „螳螂捕蝉 黄雀在后”. I don’t particularly want to translate it to English because it will be too obvious, but you can of course Google the meaning of it, as you will know :D
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Novice Member
Feb 15, 2021
I was going to talk about the bug reports forums in a thread, but I think I'd better mention it here.
I would like to know when a bug is considered low or high priority, this way when your report is Closed you have no hope that it will be solved in just a couple of days because it's low priority for example.

Lucky Islands
I did a bug report from lucky islands a few months ago about Blessed on bedrock not working since overpowered mode was released (4 months ago) and it still doesn't work. I don't know if Blessed is working on java but voting for Blessed is practically voting for normal.
Is this bug considered low or high priority? If 4 months have passed and it still has not been solved, I suppose it will be a low priority? Although Lucky Islands in bedrock reaches 3 thousand players?
If we want to escalate this issue further, if a person buys the Lucky Blocks rank ONLY to be able to vote for Blessed in their games and they just can't because Blessed is bugged, wouldn't that be some kind of scam? Maybe I'm exaggerating but the point here is that I think that not even the staff members know when to take a bug as low or high priority and from what I see it does not have much to do with the number of players in a game.

Since op was released for blockwars, the tools had not been enchanted, this made killing a person take more than 20 hits and was a completely boring modifier (this happened in CTF & Core), I waited a week to see if the bug had been resolved and to my surprise it was not fixed even though the update was relatively new, last week I made a bug report about that and a bug where you can have infinite TNT (yes, infinite TNT), I have played many games in which people use that bug to destroy your defenses in 1 second completely ruining the game experience. In my report a moderator told me "I've looked into the issue and will forward it on to our developers" but when blockwars came out a few days ago the bug had not been solved!
I saw a guy asked in discord staff-help "when the bug where tools are not being enchanted in blockwars op will be fixed" and they tagged the developer who worked on the blockwars update (Austin), fortunately he answered and said "this happens on bridges or CTF / Core "and I was like" .____. " I mean, I made a bug report! How do you not know in which games this happens?
AAAANNND..... And then he fixed the bug in 3 minutes because someone told him in discord and my report that I made a week before was not seen by any developer then?

So I really want to know how mods forward bug reports, who do they send them to? How does the whole process work? all this makes me doubt if the bugs are really forward? or you have no idea when a bug is low or high priority?

And no, the infinite tnt bug has not even been resolved and I have not seen that they have mentioned that the / kit command is going to return....​

Logged Bug Reports
I made a bug report about some loot inconsistencies in bedrock in February (when we had the another bug reporting system) my report was logged and 7 months later it has not been resolved. I understand that it may be a low priority but 7 months to fix two tiny inconsistencies?
I decided to do the same report now with the new system a few days ago and just copied the link and a moderator said "If the issue is logged there really is no reason to make a new report, it's just low priority." Well, if I had not directly copied the link, I am 100% sure that my report would have been accepted.

- Even now there are bugs in the new parkour maps that I don't even want to mention and with all this going on you don't even feel like reporting more bugs xd

Some moderators tell you to check #changelog in discord to find out when the bugs are fixed but I have noticed that many times they are fixed and it is not mentioned, a few days ago I made some parkour reports that were fixed, they were not mentioned in #changelog but camezonda answered my bug report saying that it had been solved which I really liked about the other system, that someone told you that it had already been solved and if you noticed that there were still bugs you could make another report

I think many things would change if at the time a report is accepted the moderator told you if it is a low or high priority bug and an estimated time of when we could see a solution as Story has done in some planned suggestions he says "you can see this change within the next 4 months" for example.
If you find difficult to mention how long a bug could be fixed at least mention if it is low or high priority, in this way we do not get false hopes.

And it would be good if someone answered your report when it was fixed or have more consistency in #changelog


Novice Member
Feb 15, 2021
^ And finally, you say that it is not logical to put developers to only fix bugs because they all work on game updates and "bug fixes" constantly, something that obviously seems like a big lie…
It’s fine to have game updates! But if you leave them with a lot of bugs it’s better not update them… You should try, even temporarily, to have a group of developers who are exclusively in charge of fixing bugs for a few weeks


Novice Member
Jul 29, 2020
Just as a side note, it is practical for a team to specifically leave an amount of time every working cycle for potential bug fix on their plan instead of scheduling all their time on new updates.

Again I know it is easier said than done, but I do think it would be better if CubeCraft's team would work like that.
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Dedicated Member
May 22, 2021
Make this an All Networks tag. You don't know what it's like on Bedrock. Lobby takes about 5 seconds to load in, FFA lags even on minimum chunks, MinerWare is a straight no.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
Make this an All Networks tag. You don't know what it's like on Bedrock. Lobby takes about 5 seconds to load in, FFA lags even on minimum chunks, MinerWare is a straight no.
That's true, I mainly play on Java, but many of my friends don't play on PC so I play with them on the Bedrock Network and sometimes the lobby takes ages to load, which is annoying because it happens every time you change lobbies, join the Network, or you join back the lobby after a game. There are more bugs but I think this is one that should be fixed as soon as possible.
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Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
well this is an issue across both networks
Yea I already made lots of threads about that and cube have made it quite clear there view is that content take priority over bugs even tho the majority of the community want bugs fixed all of the feedback and suggestions about it are denied because its not a 'feasible way to run the server'
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Novice Member
Jul 29, 2020
don't know what it's like on Bedrock. Lobby takes about 5 seconds to load in, FFA lags even on minimum chunks, MinerWare is a straight no.
No, you don't know. MinerWare on Java takes less time for the server to kick you for timed out than to load you into the game :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
I also had some Issues with the bugg report system
I reported an issue with the shields

They closed it and said in changelog that they fixed it


I joined cube, started playing eggwars and guess what ?

Now I reported it again and it's closed and forwarded, but a month later it's still not fixed.

I suggest Cubecraft don't feature a game until the bugs in that game are fixed for the next time they are featured. It makes no sense to purposefully release a game that has bugs in it.
Also I disagree with this part, because at the moment there are just too many bugs, Idk why


Dedicated Member
May 22, 2021
I also had some Issues with the bugg report system
I reported an issue with the shields

They closed it and said in changelog that they fixed it

View attachment 200497

I joined cube, started playing eggwars and guess what ?

Now I reported it again and it's closed and forwarded, but a month later it's still not fixed.

Also I disagree with this part, because at the moment there are just too many bugs, Idk why
Since when is Java on 1.17.1? Or is it a test server?
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