When you resign one day, you'll understand. Only members know the frustration, maybe some new Staff members too. But, I don't expect you to feel how it is.
I dont get why you are saying I'm a staff member therefore I dont understand, I was a member for years before I got staff.
Also, I just really, really hate square shapes. I don't want my profile picture to be in that kind of shape. I've always liked the shape like I have now.
Your current profile picture is also a square-like shape.
Also, cropping actually does take time and effort. Maybe you're just not struggling with it, if you're not, don't be like "cRoPpInG TaKeS EfFoRt", since that's not only really disrespectful, you actually don't even know how it feels. Plus, you're a Staff member, you don't have to complain about anything.
Cropping literally does not take effort, I could make a 30 second tutorial on how to crop and save a profile picture as a jpeg. That's not disrespectful thats a fact.
You literally open MS Paint, set the size to 200x200, drag the image in, resize and save as JPEG.
Also me being staff member has nothing to do with this, because I'm explaining the system and what should and should not work for fact because I know photo editing, I think that makes me slightly more qualified to talk about it.
Whenever I want to make a report, cropping the picture really does take time and effort. Eventually, I get tired of it and don't see the point of putting effort in it anymore. At least try to understand this.
I explained to you that your images should not be saying they are too large because they technically should not be doing that. Yet you ignored that and wrote this.
Overall your reply to my feedback is pretty dry, your post can be summed up by just ignoring my points and writing.
"You are staff, you dont understand. NEXT!"