konichiwa guys its scarce san here
Overwatch in Minecraft
Overwatch is a first person fps shooter game with a huge competitive scene. I got the game in september but couldnt play it because my computer was incompatible.
I was thinking , maybe this game could be added into cubecraft. Basically olayers are matced up into teams of 5 with various charecters that could be changed in game.
On death players would respawn in a matter of 5 seconds . There are varying gamemodes as well . First is zone control , where one must stand in a zone till the timer reaches zero . If two teams are in a zone then the timer will not count down. One team must attempt to bring the zone to zero and the other must stop them . The team that is supposed to stop tyem will not affect the counter in any way.
Escort the payload wont work.
Third is capture the flag. No explaination needed.
Now the charecters. There wont be a need to add all charecters at once , but instead just a few from different classes . The classes are support offense and tank.
Close to mid range shots (extremely high damage)
Medium hit points
Sub: wraith mode , basically unkillable but cannot attack and will not influence the countdown in this form (lasts 10 seconds)
Soldier 76
Mid to far range
Medium damage
Sub helix missiles ; slow moving projectiles
Orb of destruction : low damage
Orb of discord : makes opponents take more damage when hit( transfer between allies)
Orb of harmony : heals teamates( transfers between allies) low health
Road hog
Gatling ; close range medium damage
Sub : grappling hook (brings you close)
High health
Sniper: high damage bow with a high cooldown
Sub: poison trap
Left and right click for main and special
I know there are specials in the game too.
Maybe use a custom resource pack ?
Overwatch in Minecraft
Overwatch is a first person fps shooter game with a huge competitive scene. I got the game in september but couldnt play it because my computer was incompatible.
I was thinking , maybe this game could be added into cubecraft. Basically olayers are matced up into teams of 5 with various charecters that could be changed in game.
On death players would respawn in a matter of 5 seconds . There are varying gamemodes as well . First is zone control , where one must stand in a zone till the timer reaches zero . If two teams are in a zone then the timer will not count down. One team must attempt to bring the zone to zero and the other must stop them . The team that is supposed to stop tyem will not affect the counter in any way.
Escort the payload wont work.
Third is capture the flag. No explaination needed.
Now the charecters. There wont be a need to add all charecters at once , but instead just a few from different classes . The classes are support offense and tank.
Close to mid range shots (extremely high damage)
Medium hit points
Sub: wraith mode , basically unkillable but cannot attack and will not influence the countdown in this form (lasts 10 seconds)
Soldier 76
Mid to far range
Medium damage
Sub helix missiles ; slow moving projectiles
Orb of destruction : low damage
Orb of discord : makes opponents take more damage when hit( transfer between allies)
Orb of harmony : heals teamates( transfers between allies) low health
Road hog
Gatling ; close range medium damage
Sub : grappling hook (brings you close)
High health
Sniper: high damage bow with a high cooldown
Sub: poison trap
Left and right click for main and special
I know there are specials in the game too.
Maybe use a custom resource pack ?