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Dedicated Member
Jul 20, 2016
the desert
Phobia: my phobia is I think every single day that someone is going to rob our house or hurt me, it has scared me for a very long time, if someone can help me overcome it that will be great. Thanks for your time
sleep with a knife/baseball bat....idk if it will help u but it did for me


Forum Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
(I forgot the name of the phobia but the description was: ) "The fear of becoming so awesome the human race can't handle it and everyone dies" lmao


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2016
Barcelona, Spain
4) While this isn't a real phobia, I get scared when I hear sounds in the night.
I also get scared, not every day but sometimes I listen weird things like footsteps at 3 am or something like that :(

I'm scared of fire, although I'm a dragon... (This doesn't count like necroposting, right?)
Really are you scared of fire??? And you are @Natsu_Fire friend???? But I respect your fears <333

And I'm scared of worms I HATE Them, because they are pink, dirty and longer, I hate the way they crawl too ;-;
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Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
I have Nosophobia, I am afraid of getting a lethal disease and Thanatophobia, I'm afraid of dying (I'm not really afraid of dying, I'm actually afraid of not finishing my projects and lifegoals before dying)
Luckily, these phobias are not really affecting me too much, I just think twice before doing dangerous things or touching (even slightly, non-lethal) poisonous things.


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
I have Nosophobia, I am afraid of getting a lethal disease and Thanatophobia, I'm afraid of dying (I'm not really afraid of dying, I'm actually afraid of not finishing my projects and lifegoals before dying)
Luckily, these phobias are not really affecting me too much, I just think twice before doing dangerous things or touching (even slightly, non-lethal) poisonous things.
Example: I have a crested gecko, wild caught crested geckos can have a small amount of salmonella with them (such a small amount that even if you ate the gecko, you wouldn't get salmonella). Even though my crested gecko is a F6 (the 6th generation of captive bred geckos, so it is the grandchild of the grandchild of a wild caught gecko, remember only wild caught geckos carry salmonella), I wash my hands TWICE after touching him, once with alcohol and once with water and soap...

Don't judge me pls xD
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Flimsychip wrote on Eclipsed's profile.
you may be the person to ask, i made a thread about this but i found a very strange mysterious phenomenon in the outside void of cubecraft game lobbies. it seemed to be parts of the main cubecraft lobby that glitch in and out but disappear for good when you get close unless you leave and re-join.
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Happy birthday!
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El Gato ☠️😂❤️‍🩹
HMD ⛑︎ wrote on JokeKaedee's profile.
Hey:) ,nothing but thank you!
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