Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Veteran
Jul 3, 2016
A crazy idea just popped up in my head. I'll just explain it quick of what I found out and I'd love to get some help from you guys to make it better.

I want a team map (could be solo) called 'Pokemon' or 'cubemon' which should be pokemon inspired in some way.
In that specific map, there would be a small chance to get a loot in the lucky block called 'pokemon ball' or 'cubemon ball' when playing in crazy mode.
When throwing your pokemon ball, there should spawn a random 'pokemon'.
There should be 2 or 3 diffrent types of 'pokemons' or some special kind of pets. (or even more if you can come up with some more ideas than 3)
I think of some flying mob like the new 'mob b' (idk what it's actual name is) shooting fire.
It's now I need your help. Can you come up with some crazy ideas of what 'pokemons' there could be in those pokemon balls? Just keep in mind that it should be pretty balanced. I'll list your ideas and give credit to you under here!

Rapidash- its a horse you can ride, it breathes flames too. Opponents will burn if they try to ride it. The horse is slower then a normal horse. (Idea from @Lightning McQueen)

Abra- 60-70% chance to stop projectiles midway using psychic powers. (Idea from @Lightning McQueen)

Magneton - flies (like a blaze) above your head, does low damage to opponents. Attacks using blue electric projektiles. Attracts iron objekts. (Idea from @Lightning McQueen)

Hank - It will high-five you when you summon it! The high five gives you strength 1 for 20 seconds but the hard slap damages you 2 hearts. One Hank could only be used once. (Idea from @SanCookie)

Entei: Creates a cloud of fire around you, 3x3 blocks, lasts x seconds. Sets opponents on fire. (Idea from @RemiO05)

Necrozma: Gives the nearest opponent 12 seconds of nausea. 1:30 min cooldown. (Idea from @RemiO05)

Mareep: Randomly spawns cobwebs in a radius of 10 blocks. (Idea from @RemiO05)
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Pineapplerator - Daily Quotes
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 27, 2017
Swedish noodles
I like the idea, would be fun with a lil pokemon running around with you but I think that some pokemons would probably be as OP as the cat, damage a lot and hard to kill since they are so small and fast.

It would also almost be better if you would be able to always get some sort of monster on crazy mode on all maps. Like a little blaze, zombie or similar but that they damage less than a normal monster. Would work as the pokemon ball but it would spawn a monster instead.

Lightning McQueen

Magneton - flies above your head, does low damage to opponents. Attracts iron objects.

Diglett- breaks blocks underneath opponents

Rapidash- its a horse you can ride, it breathes flames too. Opponents will burn if they try to ride it.

Abra- stops projectiles midway using psychic powers

Arceus- 0% chance of spawning but if it spawns anyways u will automatically ein


Forum Veteran
Jul 3, 2016
Magneton - flies above your head, does low damage to opponents. Attracts iron objects.
Will it damage using projectiles? Atleast, it's a crazy idea! :)
Diglett- breaks blocks underneath opponents
I like that idea. I would like the blocks to shatter or atleast break pretty slow, not instantly break all the blocks underneath.
Rapidash- its a horse you can ride, it breathes flames too. Opponents will burn if they try to ride it.
I LOVE this idea! I don't want the horse to be too fast tho. Just slightly faster than riding a pig.
Abra- stops projectiles midway using psychic powers
Like a shield? Cool idea! I suggest that there should be a 60-70% chance to stop the projectiles. Not exactly all of the projectiles as that would be pretty op.
Arceus- 0% chance of spawning but if it spawns anyways u will automatically ein
I suppose 'ein' was ment to be 'win'. If this would be a thing, I don't want it to spawn before atleast 15 minuits of the game has been played.
Keep discussing those until we can agree of what kind of pokemons we want!
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Lightning McQueen

Magneton will go close to the enemy and zap them with electricity, so you can kill magneton


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
  • Pikachu (Very rare): Shoots 2 lightning bolts on a random opponent.
  • Entei: Creates a cloud of fire around you.
  • Necrozma: Gives the nearest opponent 12 seconds of nausea.
  • Mareep (Obviously my dearest Pokémon): Randomly spawns cobwebs in a radius of 10 blocks.
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Forum Veteran
Jul 3, 2016
Pikachu (Very rare): Shoots 2 lightning bolts on a random opponent.
How much would 1 lightning bolt damage? What's range they can shoot from?
Entei: Creates a cloud of fire around you.
If someone walks in that fire cloud, would they start to burn? I think that would be cool-
Necrozma: Gives the nearest opponent 12 seconds of nausea.
This has to have a cooldown. Like a 2 min cooldown or something like that. Cool idea thougt! :D
Mareep (Obviously my dearest Pokémon): Randomly spawns cobwebs in a radius of 10 blocks.
Im speechless
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A pigeon

What if that high five gives you some positive potion effect? What do you think about that? And if you like the idea, what kind of effect do you think it shuold give you?
Thats not a pokemon it was a joke


Novice Member
Dec 26, 2017
I know. One of the Pokémons could be called “Kloska”. As he spawns, everyone dies immediately to save time and suffering, since he would kill everyone anyway... xd ;)
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