If I’m going to be honest, a party of three speedrunners being on my team where I’m the only one who’s not a rusher annoys me. Definitely not an ideal team composition :P
I’m trying to upgrade generators, gather equipment, and play the game the way that’s normal to me, and my teammates are out massacring the other teams and breaking eggs. Then they eliminate everyone and we win, but to me it’s a disappointing win. I feel like it could be a little better if they interacted with me at least a tiny bit, even if it’s by giving me a wooden sword or iron ingots, or asking me if I want to come with them
But also, there were so many rounds where I’m the last person left on my team. Many times it’s because my teammates are eliminated, but sometimes it’s because all of them left or never existed in the first place.
There’s one other team left and your only teammate leaves, and you begin to panic a little bit because it’s just you now. The other team sees their opportunity and you know they’re coming for you soon xD.
It’s worse when they still have an egg, since there’s no one else to distract them while you attempt to break it. That’s kind of a challenge to do; especially since it’s most likely late-game at that point and they probably have obsidian or ancient debris all over it.
It’s not the missing teammate I don’t like; people can leave for various reasons, but rather the fact that I lost a valuable team member and my chances of losing probably skyrocket. It’s also disappointing when the teammate that leaves is one that you worked well with and gave items to
You know when someone’s about to leave because they just died and they’re at spawn standing still; likely considering leaving the game. I try to make them feel better and encourage them to keep going by giving them some items.
To be fair though, sometimes I was the one to randomly leave… My older iPad didn’t have a long-lasting battery and there were several instances of my battery dying mid-game xD