#The Maze
beginning = print("Hello! Welcome to the Maze...")
goal = print("You will have to reach the end of the maze, you can do this by entering the many rooms of the maze")
powerups = print("Powerups are available to assist you in completing the maze..")
maze = print("One of the rooms will contain a key to unlock the door to freedom...")
attackordefend = print("If you are given a sword, you have two options, attack or defend")
room = eval(input("Press 1 to begin playing!"))
if room == 1:
print("You have entered Room 1, you will have to fight the Spider Boss, you have picked up a sword")
attack = eval(input("You will now begin to fight the boss, press 1 to attack the boss, and press 2 to parry the bosses's attack"))
if attack == 1:
attackordefend = eval(input("You have successfully dealt 100 damage to the Spider Boss, press 3 to parry, and press 4 if you would like to keep attacking"))
if attackordefend == 3:
print("Your parry was unsuccessful and you have died!")
if attackordefend == 4:
print("Your attack was successful, you may proceed to the next room!")
if attack == 2:
print("Your parry was unsuccessful and you have died!")
print("Please try a different number choice!")
def player_health(health):
print((health) + (50))
attackordefend_2 = print("If you are given a sword, you have two options, attack or defend")
room_2 = eval(input("You have now completed the first room, press 2 to continue playing.. You have to collect a key to the next room, but you have to kill the Zombie Boss in order to get it"))
if room_2 == 2:
attackordefend_2 = eval(input("In order to proceed to the next room you must beat the Zombie Boss, there may be some powerups that assist you...press 1 to attack the Boss, press 2 to parry the Bosses' attack"))
if attackordefend_2 == 1:
print("You have successfully defeated the Zombie Boss, pick up the key to next room and proceed")
if attackordefend_2 == 2:
eval(input("The Boss has attacked you and done 100 damage to you, press 5 if you would like to use a healing powerup and attack the Boss again"))
def player_health(health):
print((health) + (50))
return health
print("You have now regenerated 50 health!")
attackordefend_2 = eval(input("Press 7 to continue your attack, or press 8 to parry the Bosses' attack"))
if attackordefend_2 == 7:
print("Your attack was successfull and you have beat the Zombie Boss, please pick up the key and proceed to the next room")
if attackordefend_2 == 8:
print("Your parry failed and you died! Please try again!")
def player_strength(strength):
print((strength) + (50))
attackordefend_3 = print("If you are given a sword, you have two options, attack or defend")
room_3 = eval(input("You have now completed three rooms.. Now awaits the final room... Press 3 to continue"))
if room_3 == 3:
attackordefend_3 = eval(input("You will need to beat the Snake Boss in order to reach freedom, Be careful the Snake Boss is very strong and quick! Press 1 to attack"))
if attackordefend_3 == 1:
eval(input("Before you attack, I recommend you use a strength powerup, press 5 to use the powerup"))
def player_strength(strength):
print((strength) + (50))
return strength
print("You will now give 50% more damage!")
attackordefend_3 = eval(input("Press 6 to continue attacking!"))
if attackordefend_3 == 6:
print("You have successfully beaten the Boss, please pick up the key and proceed.")
freedom = eval(input("You have now reached the End of the maze, press 1 if you would like to exit the maze"))
if freedom == 1:
print("You may now exit the Maze! Thank you for participating!")