In most cases it is far better to let a suggestion develop organically than it is to have someone from management give their opinion and polarise the discussion.
1) For some suggestions, I don't think that's the case. For example:
What about this idea. I really doubt anyone could find anything negative to say about this idea ^
Plus, it's incredible easy to do with very little lines of code required.
2) Honestly, I'd rather have management which are giving their opinions and talking with the community than those who just ignore us.
3) If management actually talked to us more often and stopped being so blocked in communication, the community would realise that your comment is just an opinion rather than a final statement and that we can still contest it with different arguments.
When I first became a moderator, I felt a bit intimidated by management because they never really communicated or anything. They were just 'there', with power and whenever something bad happened, only then they stepped in. If you communicate with people more on the forums and stop locking threads for going against your opinions, then people will feel more comforted to disagree with your opinions.