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Forum Veteran
May 4, 2016
Just an idea for @Skifby: Maybe next month you could either advertise ts or discord in your op or find some web tool for people to scedule their fights (somthing like doodle.com but for teams of two). If the tournaments all go at this speed at some point there will be three tournaments open at the same time.
Yea.. I need to do something about this...
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Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
@Skifby Maybe set deadlines for when peoples duel needs to be complete? Like the tournament starts on the 1st and all first round matches need to be completed by the 5th or something?
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Forum Veteran
May 4, 2016

Hi guys...
Well, as a lot of people might know... the pvp tournament is a bit of a chaos. For the upcoming 'big' tournaments I'll have to use something like this:
Just an idea for @Skifby: Maybe next month you could either advertise ts or discord in your op or find some web tool for people to scedule their fights

This tournament
I'v decided to remove the loser round. why? because it would take to next your to finish it at this speed. sorry for that.

Next tournament(s)
Next tournament (November edition) will be a 1.8 tournament. 16 players max.

The December tournament will be a bit bigger again with a whole new concept! and maybe some prizes for the winners? cube, got that?

Again, sorry for all the people in the loser round (including me).
48 players is just a bit too much to host as a "normal" player, unfortunately.
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Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
That's a pity, was looking forward to playing in the loser tournament :P It was a bit chaotic with a lot of people forgetting or just not bothering with it! Hopefully next month goes by without a hitch :D
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Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
That would be cool... but soo hard to host..
I was thinking of it in more of a way that it would be 1v1 instead of everyone going into 1 game like you said. The person who survives the longest wins that round. I think that will be a bit easier to host but might have other problems with people complaining about camping and such


Dedicated Member
Sep 1, 2016

Hi guys...
Well, as a lot of people might know... the pvp tournament is a bit of a chaos. For the upcoming 'big' tournaments I'll have to use something like this:

This tournament
I'v decided to remove the loser round. why? because it would take to next your to finish it at this speed. sorry for that.

Next tournament(s)
Next tournament (November edition) will be a 1.8 tournament. 16 players max.

The December tournament will be a bit bigger again with a whole new concept! and maybe some prizes for the winners? cube, got that?

Again, sorry for all the people in the loser round (including me).
48 players is just a bit too much to host as a "normal" player, unfortunately.

Aww that sucks, but I guess you had to do something about it.

On behalf of all the active players in the loser's rounds, I'd just like to say 'gee, thanks a lot' to everyone who didn't bother to show up even though you put your name down for the tourney. Give yourselves a pat on the back, we are all very proud of you! We just love the fact that we've been kicked out because you couldn't be bothered to participate. Thanks a bunch! : D

P.S I don't know why I wrote this, the inactive players wont see it anyway : /
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