It is just one day, a day like any other who loved me through playing in Cubecraft. But this day is over, with a tired mind, overwhelmed and sad, a mind that no explanation to disasters that are happening on this server. In February 2016, cubecraft has lost 2 of the best moderators who had the Network. The players on this server, we were really fans of these two members of the staff, really wanted, and even one has managed to know them a little. NGCC has changed a lot, in less than 1 year, and I do not mean to maps, forms, lobbies, etc ... I mean the so incompetent staff they have working for them. Many of the people who belong to Stuff, lead remain so since the server just did not fit or 1000 people. These moderators, or administrators, honestly, when we see players in the server, or in the same forum, give the impression of not having any idea what they do, only know the basics, banear and mute. Many are not qualified to help people to learn to control a situation, one does not know well or write their own language. Muchisimos Minecraft users send dozens of applications a day to be helper. and almost all are denied. And I know perfectly, that a person who has been rejected, it would far better than any moderator there now, saying it clear that not moderate sucks. I write this message because I'm pissed off, pissed off cubecraft, and trash in which it is becoming. A while ago, I bought the diamond range excited, excited because he admired Cubecraft. But now, not only I do not feel like playing on this server, but play minecraft in general. To give you an idea of what players complain, I am going to put a couple of examples. Cubecraft worries over ban the word '' CubeLag 'on your chat, instead of having a good hosteo, and directly eliminate lag. Of course, this word is forbidden because they know perfectly well that there lag, but better fix is to silence customers playing in cubecraft. Cubecraft not provide languages. We all know that cubecraft requires English, forum and server. But instead of admitting members who know several languages, let not the usual useless. And above, the few there, throw; so much easier to progress cubecraft. And the moderators say, I do not say anything I'm just playing to disconnect, it seems to me very badly say that. There are people who want that position, and that if they had estararían all day working hard, because they love it. But instead the comfort makes trust, and trust is disgusting. I hope cubecraft progress towards a global server, where any language, where employees are the most qualified minecraft and do not come to be friends with anyone you talk to. And sumerguiendose not follow the bad organization that owns. I hope someday, CubeCraft love again. Thank you.