Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States

Hello Everyone
I am "DarkStray" / "realjaycg" / "Jay"
I am 5th place on the Eggwars Duos leader boards for the Bedrock servers
And I have some Questions about the community for the Community

For a while now I've been seeing a lot of people in the cubecraft community who were toxic to the external communities like "Child Punchers Guild". Even though I know the staff team may not want there to be as much toxicity as there is , it is still there I have some questions for everyone to answer.

These questions I will ask to see what the Community wants in these Event servers and how they I could improve them and set a new and better standard for these types of servers.

Also If any CubeCraft staff wants any early access to this Discord Server please direct message me on the forums. I will be glad to talk about what I want to do and how I want to do it. Any and all CubeCraft staff will have full access to any Staff Channel on the server. exceptionts to being able to chat in them such as #Staff-Rules and #Bot-Logs. If any Cubecraft staff wants any screenshots of the entire channels list to ensure this please ask one of our @Managers (TheDark1#1771 [me] and Ether0p12348#0001)

Please Remember to Answer All Questions With the Most Respect You Can
Some of these communities may be toxic but they are still part of the community, and we should treat them the same as us.
These communities all try there best to be the best they can

1) How do you feel about the current Bedrock communities like "Child Punchers Guild" and "CubeWorld"?

2) What do you think about these Communities?

2a) What are some things that you LIKE about these communities such as "CPG" and "CubeWorld"
2b) What are some things you DISLIKE about these communities such as "CPG" and "CubeWorld"
3) If you were to be a "Manager" of one of these servers what are some rules you believe they should have?

4) If you were to be a "Member" of one of these communities what are some good "Staff Morals" do you believe they should have?

5) If you were participating in an Event or Tournament, what would you like it to be like?

6) Other thoughts and opinions about these types of servers?

You do not have to read these :)

Some people may believe I am toxic about somethings and how I am annoying, I want CubeCraft to be the best it could be. The server and the Community

I am deciding to create my own CubeCraft Community and already have some base rules and morals for the staff team I want and believe should be running these types of servers, I am not spending little time and only using my opinions on this, but asking the cubecraft community themselves about it, I've been talking to both members of CPG and CubeWorld about what they like and dislike about the servers.

I decided to create A better Community server with new standards and morals in the staff, I want to make it a better place, a better community, I've been spending time on this. Less Toxicity, I know the server won't be perfect, Nothing really is, perfection is just a goal, an outlier. Nothing is perfect, but there is always improvement that can be made. And I want to begin that improvement with the community 🙂. Not by making a new one, not by becoming big, But by setting new standards to the external communities of CubeCraft and how they run and operate.

Not only am I going to making more in depth rules but making staff rules that the staff team must follow, and morals for the team.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Some people may wonder our current rules that will, I believe will change with the community

Member Rules

Staff Rules


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2020
too long didnt read, but I like that cpg does mini events for prizes. I also like how they keep the tournaments on track, unlike cube world. i generally dont like cubeworld as in the tournament my teammate was kicked for hovering in the void, and one of the opponents was afk,, and they played it anyways, even though that doesnt really follow a "duos" tournament. this tournament felt rushed. cube world mods also violate tos in some ways, such as spamming in dms. what i dont like about either server is that tournaments take forever to end. there should be anti camp rules for them as there are in these servers. also will there be a way for me to apply for mod?


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
too long didnt read, but I like that cpg does mini events for prizes. I also like how they keep the tournaments on track, unlike cube world. i generally dont like cubeworld as in the tournament my teammate was kicked for hovering in the void, and one of the opponents was afk,, and they played it anyways, even though that doesnt really follow a "duos" tournament. this tournament felt rushed. cube world mods also violate tos in some ways, such as spamming in dms. what i dont like about either server is that tournaments take forever to end. there should be anti camp rules for them as there are in these servers. also will there be a way for me to apply for mod?
There is no application for mod specifically but staff members will be looking at other members and how they act around the community.
The person most believe in the success of the server and all things Nexus stands by
If a member is to be seen of our liking we may ask that person about what they think and start talking to them, staff members shouldn’t be strangers they should know who they are working with.
The member may be questioned about what they believe they can do. Over a voice chat a member of the admin team will “brief” the user about what the server is about, the morals, the rules, and how the server will run to ensure of the best team possible. :)

(Sorry I’m on mobile I am not formatting this lol)
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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
i‘ve never heard of these before, so I can’t really answer these. Nice post though!
Welcome, if you were to be a member of one of these Community Event servers what do you believe they should be like and have?(questions 3-6 you don’t really have to know what it is like now to answer these either)
I am asking these questions as well to get a better understanding of the community and how we should work with them to ensure the best experience possible :)

R9 Slain

Novice Member
Nov 10, 2020
1) How do you feel about the current Bedrock communities like "Child Punchers Guild" and "CubeWorld"?

2) What do you think about these Communities?

2a) What are some things that you
LIKE about these communities such as "CPG" and "CubeWorld"2b) What are some things you DISLIKE about these communities such as "CPG" and "CubeWorld"3) If you were to be a "Manager" of one of these servers what are some rules you believe they should have?

4) If you were to be a "Member" of one of these communities what are some good "Staff Morals" do you believe they should have?

5) If you were participating in an Event or Tournament, what would you like it to be like?

6) Other thoughts and opinions about these types of servers?
1) I think they are okay right now, I know I don't really like chatting in them though because many of the members are rude. I feel a lot better sharing things on the Forums and the Discord over the ChildPunchers Discord because I feel like I am getting shot down. And the people on the forums and CubeCraft discord are a lot more friendly!

2) They are okay, but they can get better.
(I have No idea what CubeWorld is)
2a) I like the Idea of it
2b) I don't like how they do a lot of things, and what they allow on the server

3)[You got a typo here] If I was to be a manager of one of these servers I think I would look at more who I am giving staff to over an "application" if you like the response your accepted

4) I think they should follow there own rules, CubeCraft rules and to respect and be friendly towards the community!

5) I would want to join one that would be fun even for the people that may have lost :)

6) I think they could get better because the CubeCraft Discord is so much nicer than Child Punchers
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Reactions: DarkStray


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
1) I think they are okay right now, I know I don't really like chatting in them though because many of the members are rude. I feel a lot better sharing things on the Forums and the Discord over the ChildPunchers Discord because I feel like I am getting shot down. And the people on the forums and CubeCraft discord are a lot more friendly!

2) They are okay, but they can get better.
(I have No idea what CubeWorld is)
2a) I like the Idea of it
2b) I don't like how they do a lot of things, and what they allow on the server

3)[You got a typo here] If I was to be a manager of one of these servers I think I would look at more who I am giving staff to over an "application" if you like the response your accepted

4) I think they should follow there own rules, CubeCraft rules and to respect and be friendly towards the community!

5) I would want to join one that would be fun even for the people that may have lost :)

6) I think they could get better because the CubeCraft Discord is so much nicer than Child Punchers
Your opinions will be looked into :D
We will try to value the communities response and bring this into our own system

Thanks for helping on making Nexus the best it could be!
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