Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021

On Bedrock, there are hardly any ways to earn loot for free. The only ways are from finishing lobby parkours and from seasonal events. This is in stark contrast to the Java server, which has many ways to earn cosmetics. Loot on the Java server mostly comes from Cubelets, which are lootboxes that are earned by playing games, crafting, or from ranks. Now, the Cubelet system isn't perfect, but it's better than having next to no free cosmetics. This is going to be a big thread, so I'll break it down into sections!

Level Rewards

The level system is currently one of two systems which reward you for playing. However, you get nothing from leveling up, apart from a bigger number. What I suggest is that each level gives you a unique reward, some of these would be small rewards, some would be large. You would get a prefix that corresponds to your level, you wouldn't have to use this prefix, as it would work like any other one. It would be called "Level ___", with the blank corresponding to your level. It should also change colour every ten levels or so.

The big rewards would come every five levels up to level 100 for now. More rewards could be added later and more rewards could be added between each 5 level milestone. These rewards could be unique cages, or egg skins or anything. There may be multiple rewards for big milestones like 25, 50, 75 or 100. This would encourage players to play the server by giving them rewards for levelling up. The main concern would be the amount of loot that the Devs would have to make. However, it doesn't all have to come out at once, so the Devs can take their time.


Points exist on the Java server as a blanket currency that can be used for countless systems. So if they were added to Bedrock, I think they should be changed. The biggest change I would make to them, would be to give each game its own points. You would earn Eggwars points for playing Eggwars, Blockwars points for playing Blockwars, and Skyblock points for playing Skyblock! These could be exchanged for cosmetics in shops, that would be located in their respective game lobbies! They would mostly sell cosmetics for their own games, however some global loot would be purchasable. As a sidenote, You would also receive EXP and (Skyblock) points for completing quests in Skyblock.


Leaderboards are the second system, that currently rewards players for grinding. However, it would be nice if you got rewards for reaching certain placements on the leaderboards. I suggest that you would get rewards for placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, top 10, and top 100 on the leaderboards. Different leaderboards for the same game would give you the same rewards. So placing 1st on Eggwars solos gives you the same rewards as 1st on duos. The rewards would depend on the gamemode, but mostly they would follow the same formula. For 1st, you would get a golden piece of loot, as in a "Golden Egg" for Eggwars, or "Golden Lucky Block" for Lucky Islands. You would get silver versions of these for second, bronze versions for 3rd, and iron versions for top 10.

For the other rewards, you would get a prefix that corresponds to your placement on the leaderboards, these would be unique to their leaderboards. So if you were 56th in Skywars Mega, you would get a "56th Skwars Mega" prefix. You would get these prefixes if you placed in the top 100 or higher. These prefixes would also change colour depending on your placement, such as 1st getting a golden prefix. As a final note, I believe these rewards should be lost if you lose your placement, however you could receive a new version of it if you lose your placement. Such as a "Cracked Golden Egg" for former 1st place in Eggwars. Although, I'm not as sure about that. Also you would get all the cosmetics from lower placements, so first place would have the second place rewards as well.


Finally, after you read all of that, I finally mention quests. Daily quests exist on a Java, with everyone getting three quests a day, one easy, one medium, one hard. On Bedrock, I think everyone should get 6 quests a day, two easy, two medium, two hard. These quests would be given randomly and would mostly be for one game. Such as "Eliminate 5 players in Skywars", but some would be global, such as "Win 5 games". Skywars Chaos wouldn't receive quests as you have to pay to access it. You would receive a set amount of EXP and points for completing quests; the type of point depends on the game the quest is for, if it is universal, you would get a couple of every type of point. There would also be special seasonal quests, just like on Java. Lastly on quests, you would be able to reroll some quests every day, I'd say three is the perfect number of daily rerolls.


Overall, Cubecraft needs more free loot. It's competitors, like The Hive, have loads of free loot. This leads to many people becoming bored of playing Cubecraft just to see a number grow bigger. As for concerns on the amount of work this would be for Cubecraft without them being able to monetise it. Maybe you would receive more points for a specific game, if you had the appropriate rank. Such as 20% more Minerware points if you have Minerware rank. Also, if this were to get added, it would have to be added in parts. As this is A LOT of work for the dev team. Also, this is my first big suggestion in a long time, it feels weird.


Cubecraft needs more free loot, as number go bigger isn't enough!

The First Clue

"To create a thread, one must have dedication, yet to reach the end you must search for this hunt's inspiration."​
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Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022

On Bedrock, there are hardly any ways to earn loot for free. The only ways are from finishing lobby parkours and from seasonal events. This is in stark contrast to the Java server, which has many ways to earn cosmetics. Loot on the Java server mostly comes from Cubelets, which are lootboxes that are earned by playing games, crafting, or from ranks. Now, the Cubelet system isn't perfect, but it's better than having next to no free cosmetics. This is going to be a big thread, so I'll break it down into sections!

Level Rewards

The level system is currently one of two systems which reward you for playing. However, you get nothing from leveling up, apart from a bigger number. What I suggest is that each level gives you a unique reward, some of these would be small rewards, some would be large. You would get a prefix that corresponds to your level, you wouldn't have to use this prefix, as it would work like any other one. It would be called "Level ___", with the blank corresponding to your level. It should also change colour every ten levels or so.

The big rewards would come every five levels up to level 100 for now. More rewards could be added later and more rewards could be added between each 5 level milestone. These rewards could be unique cages, or egg skins or anything. There may be multiple rewards for big milestones like 25, 50, 75 or 100. This would encourage players to play the server by giving them rewards for levelling up. The main concern would be the amount of loot that the Devs would have to make. However, it doesn't all have to come out at once, so the Devs can take their time.


Points exist on the Java server as a blanket currency that can be used for countless systems. So if they were added to Bedrock, I think they should be changed. The biggest change I would make to them, would be to give each game its own points. You would earn Eggwars points for playing Eggwars, Blockwars points for playing Blockwars, and Skyblock points for playing Skyblock! These could be exchanged for cosmetics in shops, that would be located in their respective game lobbies! They would mostly sell cosmetics for their own games, however some global loot would be purchasable. As a sidenote, You would also receive EXP and (Skyblock) points for completing quests in Skyblock.


Leaderboards are the second system, that currently rewards players for grinding. However, it would be nice if you got rewards for reaching certain placements on the leaderboards. I suggest that you would get rewards for placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, top 10, and top 100 on the leaderboards. Different leaderboards for the same game would give you the same rewards. So placing 1st on Eggwars solos gives you the same rewards as 1st on duos. The rewards would depend on the gamemode, but mostly they would follow the same formula. For 1st, you would get a golden piece of loot, as in a "Golden Egg" for Eggwars, or "Golden Lucky Block" for Lucky Islands. You would get silver versions of these for second, bronze versions for 3rd, and iron versions for top 10.

For the other rewards, you would get a prefix that corresponds to your placement on the leaderboards, these would be unique to their leaderboards. So if you were 56th in Skywars Mega, you would get a "56th Skwars Mega" prefix. You would get these prefixes if you placed in the top 100 or higher. These prefixes would also change colour depending on your placement, such as 1st getting a golden prefix. As a final note, I believe these rewards should be lost if you lose your placement, however you could receive a new version of it if you lose your placement. Such as a "Cracked Golden Egg" for former 1st place in Eggwars. Although, I'm not as sure about that. Also you would get all the cosmetics from lower placements, so first place would have the second place rewards as well.


Finally, after you read all of that, I finally mention quests. Daily quests exist on a Java, with everyone getting three quests a day, one easy, one medium, one hard. On Bedrock, I think everyone should get 6 quests a day, two easy, two medium, two hard. These quests would be given randomly and would mostly be for one game. Such as "Eliminate 5 players in Skywars", but some would be global, such as "Win 5 games". Skywars Chaos wouldn't receive quests as you have to pay to access it. You would receive a set amount of EXP and points for completing quests; the type of point depends on the game the quest is for, if it is universal, you would get a couple of every type of point. There would also be special seasonal quests, just like on Java. Lastly on quests, you would be able to reroll some quests every day, I'd say three is the perfect number of daily rerolls.


Overall, Cubecraft needs more free loot. It's competitors, like The Hive have loads of free loot. This leads to many people becoming bored of playing Cubecraft just to see a number grow bigger. As for concerns on the amount of work this would be for Cubecraft without them being able to monetise it. Maybe you would receive more points for a specific game, if you had the appropriate rank. Such as 20% more Minerware points if you have Minerware rank. Also, if this were to get added, it would have to be added in parts. As this is A LOT of work for the dev team. Also, this is my first big suggestion in a long time, it feels weird.


Cubecraft needs more free loot, as number go bigger isn't enough!​
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Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2020
I made a thread on this exact issue a while back, but this one is much more detailed and I completely agree!
Cubecraft bedrock needs incentives to play, otherwise there is just no point.

I will say with custom egg skins etc. all that money paying for designers may be slightly more difficult, so less custom model rewards and some more simple but still cool ones might work better.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I think one of the reasons cubecraft is hesitant to do this is because people might choose not to spend money on cosmetics if other ones can be obtained for free, which unlike purchasable cosmetics, require an amount of skill or dedication to obtain that increases their perceived value.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
I like the idea of incentives for leveling up and placing on the leaderboard, and I think Points have good potential! 👍

I have a little something against Daily Quests though; this is all in my personal opinion
I like the freedom to play whichever game I feel like playing at the moment, and I don't want Quests to choose what I play, even if there are rewards. Even though I don't have to do the quests, they would still be there, waiting to be done, and avoiding the quests would likely leave me with a sense of dissatisfaction. I would perhaps attempt to complete the quests, but would I really be having fun at the same time? Quests may be fun at first, but I think that after a while it would all become the same boring process; they would take away from the casual feel of the server, which is something that I personally like about CubeCraft.
I feel like quests could make the unique, fun, individual games blur together and make playing the server a bland daily process instead of being the place for having a good time. I think that the server should stay more focused on gameplay than on points in my opinion, although it would be cool if points were implemented

Although I just stated my somewhat strong opinion on quests (quests in general honestly; I should’ve considered the re-rolling feature when I was writing that :P), I do think quests are a decent idea. I like the idea you had for re-rolling the quests. Also, I could see 2 or 3 quests working alright (I personally think 6 is too many) 👍


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
Adding something like this would make having certain cosmetics a bit more rewarding and entices players to play more especially those who grind a lot for a certain thing, we need those dedicated players to keep the playercount up

and it's pretty boring to have the default loot every time if I'm being honest lol, though I guess I'm not really used to it but this would still be a really fun addition

Great suggestion, updooted


Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
Adding something like this would make having certain cosmetics a bit more rewarding and entices players to play more especially those who grind a lot for a certain thing, we need those dedicated players to keep the playercount up

and it's pretty boring to have the default loot every time if I'm being honest lol, though I guess I'm not really used to it but this would still be a really fun addition

Great suggestion, updooted
Yeah, grinding on Cubecraft just feels empty, It also means you don't see players showing off cool cosmetics in the lobbies. Also as you said, f2p players are stuck with the default loot, waiting for seasonal cosmetics to arrive.
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