Hola CubeCraft He solicitado el Rango YT,No cumplo los requisitos pero Subo buen contenido, Seria muy feliz si me dieran el rango YT, Mi nick es: TheFoxGamerTh
Hello CubeCraft I have requested the YT Rank, I do not meet the requirements but I upload good content, I would be very happy if they gave me the rank YT, My nickname is: TheFoxGamerTh
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCvO9i9TrEBPvNmb6Y5Nfw
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCvO9i9TrEBPvNmb6Y5Nfw
Hello CubeCraft I have requested the YT Rank, I do not meet the requirements but I upload good content, I would be very happy if they gave me the rank YT, My nickname is: TheFoxGamerTh
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCvO9i9TrEBPvNmb6Y5Nfw
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCvO9i9TrEBPvNmb6Y5Nfw