Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Apr 13, 2020
a jolly rancher
By matching players with people around there skill level will make some problems. It would take ages for the games to start (without mixing in higher/lower players in teams). Some teams would end up having many skilled players while some are newbies. Why? To be able to fill up the game.
this is why it would rank to the closets rank i already clarified this in a reply before this so i won't go into to much details
Having skill gaps are needed to be able to become better. If you lose 50% and win 50% you will not gain a lot of PvP experience or become much better. By having a skill gap you get to know how different players play and learning from them. This makes games harder and means more if you win.
skill gaps may bee needed but some of the most competitive games are ranked such as csgo, call of duty, and ForTniTE. this also makes the playing field even for mobile players. also this system would help you learn better then just having a skill gap because it keeps you challenged without boring you because once you win X amount of games in X amount of time so when you the level you are in becomes easy you get challenged.
By seperating players because of there platform, skill level, etc games will take longer to start. And "Skill Level" (Which would most likely be your network level) doesn't prove how good you are.
1. you are ranked to the NEAREST player too you not only the people in your rank
2. i am not proposing to separate players by platforms
3. i don't want the system to be based on levels i want it to based on the formula i mentioned IN the forum post which is once you win X amount of games in X amount of time you move up a level
I just personaly find many flaws and issues with it.
i have addressed all these "flaws" already so maybe consider changing your vote. if your not convinced yet i suggestion reading the other replays on this thread


Novice Member
Oct 24, 2019
the void
This sounds like a great idea but unless cube adds this quietly, I doubt the community will let them get away with not having the rank shown.
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WorriedSkate940 wrote on Thjis's profile.
Remember, don't judge people by their worst moments, judge them by their best!
This new podium in the beta games lobby looks interesting...
It may be that the old Java lobby leaderboards are coming back? 👀

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!notcitingdow wrote on valentinoboo's profile.
Welcome to the Cubecraft forums!!!!
Deepslate3D wrote on TheMrRevZ's profile.
what's ur favorite bisector in the alphabet? mine is 14
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