As said above, you were following Serket around the lobby which was quite annoying for her. Okay, I did /tell you saying "Please stop thinking that SerketSyndrome is your mother" but thats because you were needing permission from her to do anything, as well as you told her everything you were doing. It sounded like you were making her your mother, sorry if I offended you. You need to understand that Staff are very busy and important people, you cannot keep spamming and wanting to hear them speak in the chat. As said above again, I don't recall saying any racist or xenophobic comments against you, I would never say something like that, never. As James was warning you, as well as I, thats only because you were spamming the chat, I have read through my chat logs, and this is what you were saying:
- serketsyndrome!!! im going to left the server and come back right now pls wait me
- serketsyndrome!!! im going to left the server and come back right now pls wait me!!
- wait here
- SerketSyndrome stay here
- im friend from SerketSyndrome!!!
- serketsyndrome can u go to the forum and search mine post because i find a haxer, i've been waiting 6 HOURS!
- #dontvotedonaldtrump
- i dont want to page a GIAN WALL!
- because i am a mexican
- and i dont have money
- im not trying to spam jthecomputernerd!!!
- OK??!
- OK??!!!
- jthecomputernerd stop botterig me or i find your house and break your nose!!
These are the only things I said to you, that could of offended you:
- You need to stop being attached to Lindsey, shes getting creeped out.
- Please stop thinking that SerketSyndrome is your mother
As you can see by the words said by you above, you were giving threats, spamming, and telling what serket needed to do. Also, you were saying that people were being racist, I think you getting confused as you said about Doland Trump and wall with Mexican, not other people (im not saying that you were being racist).
This is my side of the story, if any Mods, Admins want me to send them the chat logs, private message me.
Thanks, Camezonda