Forum Expert
Cykweenee, yup, definitely me ;) This is cool. random, and derpy, but cool :)
oh absolutelyYou're crazy!
After watching this video I realised that..
...I don't follow Rubik..
Okay so this took me about 2 hours but I'm done
@Zombiepower @Gainfullterror @KoiYT
I hope you all enjoyed it
P.S. I didn't do them both right after eachother due to my computer bugging out shortly after I finished the first part but I still did them
You sir, you are crazy. :p
I probably would have pronounced it the same way I used to and how you pronounce it as well because I have asked you how to pronounce it before because I was curiousSame!
I was going to see how he was going to mispronounce my name but then I realized I wasn't even following Rubik ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So Am II'm curious who have listened the whole video haha. Great job.
nopeNice my dude I bet your voice is broke :p .