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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Instead of complaining, you can improve yourself and learn new languages that are needed in the staff like Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
Yeah, give me a couple of years, I’m just going to go learn a new bloody language so I can become a staff member on a minecraft server.

On a real note though, this post is so true. All of it. It’s really quite sad to see how poorly Cube has evolved. Had they just recruited me when I applied it would’ve been way better. For me.


Forum Expert
Jun 27, 2020
Right I completely agree with hoshi and priley arguments. If I see an increase of bedrock staff I think they are doing an ok job, for now I think that they should focus on quantity as the bedrock team is so tiny but only for bedrock, on java then sure go quality YOU DO NOT NEED ANY MORE JAVA STAFF, bedrock needs the staff members and I'd say the standards should be much lower to accommodate the server.

Wait this has nothing to do with the argument.
And it doesn't make sense.
Oh well.
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Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
Right I completely agree with hoshi and priley arguments. If I see an increase of bedrock staff I think they are doing an ok job, for now I think that they should focus on quantity as the bedrock team is so tiny but only for bedrock, on java then sure go quality YOU DO NOT NEED ANY MORE JAVA STAFF, bedrock needs the staff members and I'd say the standards should be much lower to accommodate the server.

Wait this has nothing to do with the argument.
And it doesn't make sense.
Oh well.
it doesnt matter how much they need staff requirements are already so much lower, the issue is that there just are not bedrock players who are good applicants. They have said it many times, they get less applicants and almost all of the ones the get are not fit for the position. So I 100% disagree with this
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Dedicated Member
Oct 16, 2016
Lo voy a explicar en español para expresarme mejor...
No me parece correcto las medidas que se acaban de tomar:

-Me parece bien lo de el staff neerlandés, ya que en las últimas olas solo entraban staffs de dicha zona,con excepciones.

-Es cierto que hay varios staffs Hispanohablantes, pero hay cierto/s staff/s inactivos.

-Entiendo que se busque gente de otros continentes, pero no han pensado en abrir un host en

-Latinoamérica? Creo que sería una buena inversión, ya que la gente de dicho continente no puede jugar sin lag debido a distancia que tienen con el host.

-Me parece un poco injusto por aquellas personas que han aplicado antes de este cambio, se les estaría rechazando sin justificación válida. Quien sabe, a lo mejor nos estaríamos perdiendo un/a staff brillante que podría ayudar a Cubecraft a su época dorada....


Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2020
This is all controversial, really. As I am not part of the staff team, I do not want to or can't say much about it, but if the work between moderators isn't divided, then it actually may be overstaffed. Yes, the region surely shouldn't matter, and the Bedrock Staff applicants should be put into special consideration, but in overall, I also believe that Helpers don't "deserve" their rank, they prove themselves worthy for the responsibility and monitoring of the server.

EDIT: About the languages that are lacking in staff, people are obviously not gonna learn and be fluent in languages just for cube. They can also put those applicants into a special category. Or, if they really need, they got the translation team for help.
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
In fact, a lot of (ex-) staff members didn't have anything to do because other staff members were too fast,
I can assure you we all have enough to do, it just depends on what the Moderator
want to focus on ;). Yes, we currently are rather quick with handling all reports, but that is not the only thing we do as a Moderator.

While I'd say don't prioritize any languages at all and judge specifically by looking at quality, if you'd even recruit any helpers at all.
The problem is that recruiting now takes a long time. We asked several times feedback from our helpers and most of them said that the trail from applying till actually being accepted takes far too long. Making the list of people that can get accepted shorter, means a quicker application process. Our latest helper batches existed out of a lot of Dutch people and due to it being so overwhelming many, it took us all a bit longer to discuss them. Since we have enough Dutch speaking Moderators, I feel like this was the right call to make our work as sr mods less overwhelming and hopefully we will be able to go trough the application process quicker.


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
The decision that was made about the Helper process being changed so dramatically was correct, but as any thing you can imagine on this planet, it has some flaws too.
The problem was, that the requirements were lowered to an extreme level, which lowered the quality of this year's accepted Helpers to a certain point.
Whilst it did open the gates for some members that didn't meet every requirement before like the age requirement which was good, it did let some people to get into the team while they were barely known, simply because they joined the forums very recently, or just didn't post all that much.
My guess is, that they decided to ,,close" the applications from potential applicants which are from those countries, simply because they had enough staff members from there.
The other option they probably had in their minds was to higher up the requirements for them, but it would be simply unfair and ridiculous.
The other major flaw is the time it takes to get your application to a higher stage, as far as I have heard.
Waiting several months is absolutely insane, but on the other hand the Sr moderator team is extremely small for the hundreds of applications they've got to deal with every week or so, plus they must have to deal with quite a large number of better applicants, by discussing them and etc, which logically should take time, as there are many, if we judge people by the newer standards.
I think, that cycles should come and go every two months or so, just so no one will have to wait months in order to receive their final reply.
It is a very controversial topic and none of us really can give a accurate opinion, since we can't know what happens behind the scenes, and most importantly-we don't know HOW MUCH work there is that has to be done.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017
Hai! I don't agree with the changes that were made to the Helper Applications and listen the reasoning for this below [:

First of all, why only close the applications for just 4 countries? I've talked to some (ex-)staff members and we came to the conclusion that the region or language spoken by a certain staff member/applicant isn't that relevant at all. Your problem isn't the lack of unhandled language reports or such, is it? There's a lot of great Dutch, Spanish and English people out there that definitely deserve the role more than some of the current staff member you have right now. Anyhow, before we start an entire discussion about who - according to me - doesn't deserve the role as much as some other members do, this is not really the problem. The problem is that Cube is, in certain aspects, overstaffed. I remember writing about the lack of staff members in one of the CubeCraft Problems threads I've written, but now the situation has turned around. In my opinion you've carried it a little too far by recruiting a tremendous amount of staff members, while the work that has to be done stays the same. In fact, a lot of (ex-) staff members didn't have anything to do because other staff members were too fast, which is very demotivating and most definitely doesn't help the 'team' overall.

I hope you'll take this into consideration and will close the helper applications altogether.
Thanks for reading [:
In that you are absolutely right, too personal, my reports were always answered by the same people despite putting several languages (since I speak several). On the other hand, the staff must be more flexible, sanctions are taken very hard, I understand that there must be control, but I have friends who were banned for a simple word that is not even offensive even when talking between friends in the chat. They banned me from the Web permanently for trying to ban a friend to laugh with each other, (I know I shouldn't have done it), but after 2 years it is understandable that someone learns the lesson and despite things like that they continue to lose players. (It is not my case), this server is my favorite and here I will play whenever I can as long as I am not banned by "mistake".

Deleted member 469419

It's actually amazing that after 2 months+ of waiting my helper application got unsuccessful for unjustified reasons and being european: "Toxicity"... Yeah, amazing.

And, I agree with the suggestion
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Deleted member 469419

This new change/rule only applies to applications which were created after the announcement:

which means being european wasn't a reason for your denial
"Swearing in voice channels" VOICE!
Proof of that?
"Fake reporting" proof?? I've never reported anyone falsely..

I'm just tired...


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
I 100% disagree with this, and I’m saying this as a community member and I am not saying this because I’m staff. As an american, after about 6PM EST, Cubecraft becomes understaffed. Sometimes I find I’m the only staff member online on the forums and I see no active staff on the server either. More regional staff is needed because as of right now there is very few staff that are in other time zones. Most of the time I only see @Neptuune online and for a server that has 1k players at its lowest hours on Java, should have more than 1 moderator handling issues on the server. However, I think that at most we need 1-2 more mainly Java staff and need to focus a lot more on Bedrock. With Sentinel improvements, cheaters are more rare but we still don’t have a /report system for VIP’s or people who have bought ranks. We do need more Bedrock staff so that we could offer /report in the sometime in the future. This is because on Java we handle all /reports very fast to the point we could expand our report options or open it up to stone ranks. All in all, we need to give more work to the Java focussed team and hire more Bedrock staff.


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
It's actually amazing that after 2 months+ of waiting my helper application got unsuccessful for unjustified reasons and being european: "Toxicity"... Yeah, amazing.

And, I agree with the suggestion
Toxicity should mean, that either you have sweared at someone or you used unsuitable language for a potential Helper.
Staff members have to be nice and polite, instead of rude and immature.
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Deleted member 469419

Toxicity should mean, that either you have sweared at someone or you used unsuitable language for a potential Helper.
Staff members have to be nice and polite, instead of rude and immature.
In this 3 months I haven't targeted offences of any kind toward anyone my friend... And don't worry, I know what it means after being denied 4 times after long time of waiting
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Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Toxicity should mean, that either you have sweared at someone or you used unsuitable language for a potential Helper.
Staff members have to be nice and polite, instead of rude and immature.
In this 3 months I haven't targeted offences of any kind toward anyone my friend... And don't worry, I know what it means after being denied 4 times after long time of waiting
Again, please stay on topic.


Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2016
I like that there are many staff cause I believe they ban a lot of players since theyve started to accept so much staff the hacker amount decreased significantly the amount of hackers I run into
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