I dislike it because it is easy to exploit and because it is really pointless for a large majority of kicks
It's improving the server were it to be implemented. No more hours wasted by a stupid loss of internet connection. How can that possibly be a bad thing?
I wouldn't use the word improving because again easy to exploit and useless for a large majority of kicks
Internet connection isn't a very common thing hours into a game because if you have a terrible connection chances are you haven't made it all the way through the game and otherwise those can happen at any time and if there is a long time then it is more likely to happen earlier
Also want to point out this: Imagine UHC like this
Yeah that is cheap
Also I have never said anything about hackers rejoining
@iCheeetah did I was then the thread creator thought of a solution which then e defeats a large point of the purpose of the original idea since the anti-cheat kicks people who aren't hacking there's your first problem and even if you allowed for people who are kicked for hacking then a mob replaces them okay but most of the kicks for hacking are midway through PvP Welp now your defenceless and practically screwed
Also my argument isn't that they can go AFK then get kicked that would make no sense what I said is players can intentionally get kicked by cutting off all internet connections while hidden
I never said anything about AFK people kicks and I have no idea where you got at from
Also just saying having a certain amount of time before you can rejoin also kinda defeats the purpose of the whole suggestion
I Would Have Posted Earlier But I Didn't Realize I Didn't Already Post It