Remove Java and focus on Bedrock

Hello everybody!
I think CubeCraft should remove the server on Java Edition.
In this thread I will give a couple reasons why.
Please be respectfull in the comments and feel free to give your opinion about this.
1. Bedrock can be played on all platforms

The first reason is the possible amount of players.
Java Edition can be played on PC, while Bedrock can be played on a lot of different platforms, like PlayStation, Xbox and mobile.
If CubeCraft only was available on Bedrock, everybody could play with their friends. Now it is impossible because there is no crossplay.
2. More players on Bedrock / Java is dead

Another reason is the amount of players on both plaforms.
Since Java is almost dead, people can easily switch to Bedrock.
This would lead to more active players on Bedrock and games getting full earlier.
3. More staffmembers on Bedrock & better anticheat

If CubeCraft decides to remove Java Edition, all staffmembers can go to Bedrock.
They can all download Windows 10 Edition and do their jobs there. More active moderators --> less hackers.
When they dont want to be on Bedrock, they should get fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems, since they are volunteers.
4. I like Bedrock

My last reason is a personal opinion.
I think Bedrock is more fun because of the low skill level.
When I play the Windows 10 Edition, I can easily kill everybody.
This is more fun and would help against depression and possible suicide.
To conclude

I hope I made my opinion clear and would like if you agree with me.
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