Let me just start this off by saying that we will not be removing this new trolling sub rule. This new rule was added as we were getting multiple reports from our partners and other players informing us that their EggWars experience was being ruined because players were blocking them in with obsidian purposely to kill farm them, or to trap them and keep them there without breaking their egg. I'm sorry, but we will not be allowing kill farming using this method. It will be a lot better if people played the game as intended, going to someones island, blocking them in or not, breaking their egg then eliminating the team. To be more clearer on the rule change, you're not allowed to block a player in with obsidian or any other material, if your objective is to either kill farm them, or just keep them there for nothing to do. You're still allowed to block players in, to avoid them from stopping you from getting their egg, that's completely fine and an understandable reason to block players/teams in.
I completely understand if people are upset about this new rule stopping them from having their fun with farming, but if you were in the shoes of the people getting killed over and over again, you wouldn't have the best experience and probably wouldn't want to join our network again. If for you to have fun on our network is to make other players experience bad, you're doing something wrong and it's near the same lines as ruining someones experience with a cheating client. A part of the trolling rule to avoid another players experience from being ruined. Sky basing can be seen as trolling as you're interrupting someones gameplay causing them to need to attempt to build up, avoid the lava around the base to get you, that's not fun. As said above, spleefing is not a form of trolling, because you're using it to kill or eliminate a player, you're not doing it purposely to ruin their experience. Now if you're blocking a player in to just kill them again and again, stopping them from escaping or just keeping them there for nothing to do, that is not fun, and will continue to be seen as a form of trolling.
I can see that players like to kill farm in EggWars as it adds to their kill statistics (which isn't shown on a leaderboard so it would be pointless to farm for this objective) or to obtain the points from the kill. The only way I could see this rule being amended to remove the kill farming part from it, is if points from kills are removed and only given to kills which are eliminations. I will being addressing this change in the future anyway. The rule will never be fully removed, as blocking a player in with obsidian and just keeping them there to laugh at and to do nothing with them, that's fully trolling and does not have a true purpose to block them in for. As for the announcement of the rule change, I planned to announce it on our Discord server the next time something was posted, but if it's insisted, I will make a mini post now.
I hope this clears up some things. Thanks! :)