Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Remove line dash?

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
Only responding cause i was @'d. Although I don't play the mode anymore as i am too busy speedrunning other things and It is near unplayable due to FPS dropping on xbox.

I think it should stay but it definitely needs an update to it in order to make it more interesting as atm gameplay is extremely bland
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Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
Only responding cause i was @'d. Although I don't play the mode anymore as i am too busy speedrunning other things and It is near unplayable due to FPS dropping on xbox.

I think it should stay but it definitely needs an update to it in order to make it more interesting as atm gameplay is extremely bland
That’s true it needs update


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Line Dash has a lot of potential. And its concept is like nothing the Bedrock Network has. Most if not all Minigames are PvP oriented while Line Dash is an Arcade Game, together with MinerWare.
As someone who is not very good at Bedrock pvp I agree. It’s a good idea in theory but it adds much needed variety that is available on the Java network.


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
I know i have already said something related to this post but i am going to expand on what i was saying already. Literally the only people who are playing the game currently are leaderboard players and people who are trying to get onto leaderboard theres never any "Casual" Players anymore. Only the first week line dash had an active player count as people were still getting used to the game and i can honestly say in the 13k+ Games ive played of line dash Not once have i not lagged at the start, Been thrown in the air by tnt due to a bug, Have had people go through my trail as a bug, Most games even if u dont move because of your cage you will instantly "Get lost" As the barrier making it so u cant jump is put there it will kill you instantly
Some people always ask me why i critisise the game im #1 at so heavily its because It needs a fix to save the game as most days now i dont see it ever hitting 90+ Players at one time I have so many suggestions and bug fixes that i want implimented but because the game is never played its never looked at and there was a bug i reported it took them 3 weeks to fix it when it was removing 4 blocks from a map Which just goes to show the staff only care about games which are popular i have come to realise a long time ago there is no need trying to revive a already dead game as even if it does get updated for One day only people will play the update and never play it again Literally the leaderboard is a joke Me at 1st place has 11K+ wins and the person in 50th has <400 Which just proves that no one plays it at all apart from top 10 as i play with everyone in top 10 I really do like line dash thats why i grind it most days but its just not as fun with all the bugs it just gets frustrating
I hope that makes sense and if any of the dev staff end up reading this and want clarification on what i want added/changed just dm me on discord which is SALTY_shadow#0690 ill always be happy to give forward my ideas and changed that the game so desperately need to try and bring the game back some players and making it a game that people actually want to login and play thats not anyone in the top 10 on leaderboard
Sorry for making this so long lmao


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
I know i have already said something related to this post but i am going to expand on what i was saying already. Literally the only people who are playing the game currently are leaderboard players and people who are trying to get onto leaderboard theres never any "Casual" Players anymore. Only the first week line dash had an active player count as people were still getting used to the game and i can honestly say in the 13k+ Games ive played of line dash Not once have i not lagged at the start, Been thrown in the air by tnt due to a bug, Have had people go through my trail as a bug, Most games even if u dont move because of your cage you will instantly "Get lost" As the barrier making it so u cant jump is put there it will kill you instantly
Some people always ask me why i critisise the game im #1 at so heavily its because It needs a fix to save the game as most days now i dont see it ever hitting 90+ Players at one time I have so many suggestions and bug fixes that i want implimented but because the game is never played its never looked at and there was a bug i reported it took them 3 weeks to fix it when it was removing 4 blocks from a map Which just goes to show the staff only care about games which are popular i have come to realise a long time ago there is no need trying to revive a already dead game as even if it does get updated for One day only people will play the update and never play it again Literally the leaderboard is a joke Me at 1st place has 11K+ wins and the person in 50th has <400 Which just proves that no one plays it at all apart from top 10 as i play with everyone in top 10 I really do like line dash thats why i grind it most days but its just not as fun with all the bugs it just gets frustrating
I hope that makes sense and if any of the dev staff end up reading this and want clarification on what i want added/changed just dm me on discord which is SALTY_shadow#0690 ill always be happy to give forward my ideas and changed that the game so desperately need to try and bring the game back some players and making it a game that people actually want to login and play thats not anyone in the top 10 on leaderboard
Sorry for making this so long lmao
Shadow basically summing up every possible point I could've made. The mode is dying and as he says, there is no casual players. Its all top players most of the time


Forum Expert
Aug 28, 2016
Doofenshmirtzz Evil Inc.
I feel the need to give reaction on this topic. As most people know I'm a Linedash veteran.

I want to talk about Java first before talking about the Bedrock version. I was there when Linedash was only a Christmas Game called Snowdown. In may 2017 Snowdown changed to Linedash and it was a permanent game. The game had 3 maps at the beginning and after a few months 2 other maps were added. The game was really populair in the beginning and a lot of players really enjoyed it. Not only because it was just a nice game mode, but also because of the trophies you could get. Yes you had a trophy leaderboard at that time too. You could get a trophy by killing people (in Linedash in this case) in a special way. Killing by tnt's or snowballs or other tactics. Also, the Java version has a Normal Mode and a Chaos Mode (the most populair mode). In Chaos Mode you were running at high speed and the only power ups that appear are tnt bombs. Very fun! Later on the game began to get stale. No updates. No bug fixes (yes Java Linedash had a lot of bugs also). No map updates and so on. I know now why this was happening due the problems Cubecraft had at those times. In 2018 the game got featured, because it wasn't populair enough anymore. And today Linedash is still a featured game. And let me tell you, it stays forever a featured game if it's not getting updated. Today, just as in Linedash Bedrock, most times only leaderboard players plays it. However, and this is a big however, Java Linedash has a LOT of leaderboard players and good Linedash players in general. I don't lie if I talk about 200+ great Linedash players on Java who returns everytime to play the game. So you don't play everytime with the top 10 or whatever. You still play against 200+ Linedash players.

Now I want to talk about Linedash Bedrock. That's what we are talking about, right? In the beginning (june 2020?) I was told that Linedash will come to Bedrock. 24/7. I was like: What? Well we shall see if the game is still populair after some weeks. When I joined Bedrock for the first time and clicked on Linedash, I was kinda dissapointed already. It was just the exact same Linedash as the Java version, but without Chaos Mode. Also the same maps. Ok fine. I mean It's a Beta Game on Bedrock after all so I kinda understand why they did it like that.

I knew how to play Bedrock Linedash since my first game, because of my experience on Java. What I forgot however is that I was playing against players with different consoles. Some people were playing on Xbox, others on the Nintendo Switch and even Ipad/Smartphone players. Of course that's what Bedrock is all about. To bring Cubecraft to every console. In my opinion Xbox and PC players are kinda the same. It takes an Xbox player quite a while to understand Linedash but after some time, they are just as good as PC players. I prefer playing on PC, but that's just me. I really don't know how Ipad/Smartphone players are playing Linedash, but I think they always have a hard time playing the game against PC/Xbox players. Because of the different consoles people are playing, Linedash Bedrock was already made for a few players. PC and Xbox players (maybe Nintendo Switch).

This is not the main reason why Bedrock Linedash is not populair. It is one of the reasons though. The main reason is that the game has a lot of bugs. Much more than Java. It's not unplayable, but you have too many bugs you can die from. People don't understand what happens and they just leave Linedash because of that. The Border in the game is a complete nightmare compared to the border of Java Linedash. Instead the border shrinks in a natural way, the border on Bedrock Linedash just teleports POOF and it has shrunk. All the people outside the border dies instantly or they must run in 2 seconds to the inside of the border or they still die. Yay how fun.

Linedash (Java and Bedrock version) has an end game where players with a shrunked border must fight against eachother. On Java, it is a brilliant end game. Tnt bombs spawns everywhere within the border and no fps drops. On Bedrock however the end game is a complete nightmare too. Luckily tnt bombs will spawn everywhere. O wait no...they spawn OUTSIDE the border. Simply brilliant. Not. Also the endgame on Bedrock is really laggy. You can't run normally anymore and you can't make lines anymore. It just doesn't detect it anymore.

And then there's another thing. It's the thing people always use to move faster in the game. The jump button. It's no secret that people on Linedash (Java and Bedrock) can move faster when they spam the jump button. But It's still secret enough, because most people don't know about this feature. I want that a tip ingame appears like: You can run faster by pressing the jump button. Something like that. It will make the game more enjoyable and more exiting for everyone. Not just for the people who knows there's a 'secret' to run faster. Maybe then I will have a more fun time playing with people there on Bedrock Linedash.

Now let me react to the first post on this thread (finally). I voted no. As others said, the game has a lot of potential, but it NEEDS updates and it NEEDS bug fixes. If you don't undate it, the game will die. For the people who says that the game is dead already: Wrong. I still see enough people who play it, but I don't know how that will be in a couple of months when nothing will happen. So:

-Fix the bugs (It's kinda sad already that some bugs are still not resolved such as the Border and the Cage bug).
-Make new maps to keep it fresh. Just swap maps if it's about money or whatever.
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Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
I feel the need to give reaction on this topic. As most people know I'm a Linedash veteran.

I want to talk about Java first before talking about the Bedrock version. I was there when Linedash was only a Christmas Game called Snowdown. In may 2017 Snowdown changed to Linedash and it was a permanent game. The game had 3 maps at the beginning and after a few months 2 other maps were added. The game was really populair in the beginning and a lot of players really enjoyed it. Not only because it was just a nice game mode, but also because of the trophies you could get. Yes you had a trophy leaderboard at that time too. You could get a trophy by killing people (in Linedash in this case) in a special way. Killing by tnt's or snowballs or other tactics. Also, the Java version has a Normal Mode and a Chaos Mode (the most populair mode). In Chaos Mode you were running at high speed and the only power ups that appear are tnt bombs. Very fun! Later on the game began to get stale. No updates. No bug fixes (yes Java Linedash had a lot of bugs also). No map updates and so on. I know now why this was happening due the problems Cubecraft had at those times. In 2018 the game got featured, because it wasn't populair enough anymore. And today Linedash is still a featured game. And let me tell you, it stays forever a featured game if it's not getting updated. Today, just as in Linedash Bedrock, most times only leaderboard players plays it. However, and this is a big however, Java Linedash has a LOT of leaderboard players and good Linedash players in general. I don't lie if I talk about 200+ great Linedash players on Java who returns everytime to play the game. So you don't play everytime with the top 10 or whatever. You still play against 200+ Linedash players.

Now I want to talk about Linedash Bedrock. That's what we are talking about, right? In the beginning (june 2020?) I was told that Linedash will come to Bedrock. 24/7. I was like: What? Well we shall see if the game is still populair after some weeks. When I joined Bedrock for the first time and clicked on Linedash, I was kinda dissapointed already. It was just the exact same Linedash as the Java version, but without Chaos Mode. Also the same maps. Ok fine. I mean It's a Beta Game on Bedrock after all so I kinda understand why they did it like that.

I knew how to play Bedrock Linedash since my first game, because of my experience on Java. What I forgot however is that I was playing against players with different consoles. Some people were playing on Xbox, others on the Nintendo Switch and even Ipad/Smartphone players. Of course that's what Bedrock is all about. To bring Cubecraft to every console. In my opinion Xbox and PC players are kinda the same. It takes an Xbox player quite a while to understand Linedash but after some time, they are just as good as PC players. I prefer playing on PC, but that's just me. I really don't know how Ipad/Smartphone players are playing Linedash, but I think they always have a hard time playing the game against PC/Xbox players. Because of the different consoles people are playing, Linedash Bedrock was already made for a few players. PC and Xbox players (maybe Nintendo Switch).

This is not the main reason why Bedrock Linedash is not populair. It is one of the reasons though. The main reason is that the game has a lot of bugs. Much more than Java. It's not unplayable, but you have too many bugs you can die from. People don't understand what happens and they just leave Linedash because of that. The Border in the game is a complete nightmare compared to the border of Java Linedash. Instead the border shrinks in a natural way, the border on Bedrock Linedash just teleports POOF and it has shrunk. All the people outside the border dies instantly or they must run in 2 seconds to the inside of the border or they still die. Yay how fun.

Linedash (Java and Bedrock version) has an end game where players with a shrunked border must fight against eachother. On Java, it is a brilliant end game. Tnt bombs spawns everywhere within the border and no fps drops. On Bedrock however the end game is a complete nightmare too. Luckily tnt bombs will spawn everywhere. O wait no...they spawn OUTSIDE the border. Simply brilliant. Not. Also the endgame on Bedrock is really laggy. You can't run normally anymore and you can't make lines anymore. It just doesn't detect it anymore.

And then there's another thing. It's the thing people always use to move faster in the game. The jump button. It's no secret that people on Linedash (Java and Bedrock) can move faster when they spam the jump button. But It's still secret enough, because most people don't know about this feature. I want that a tip ingame appears like: You can run faster by pressing the jump button. Something like that. It will make the game more enjoyable and more exiting for everyone. Not just for the people who knows there's a 'secret' to run faster. Maybe then I will have a more fun time playing with people there on Bedrock Linedash.

Now let me react to the first post on this thread (finally). I voted no. As others said, the game has a lot of potential, but it NEEDS updates and it NEEDS bug fixes. If you don't undate it, the game will die. For the people who says that the game is dead already: Wrong. I still see enough people who play it, but I don't know how that will be in a couple of months when nothing will happen. So:

-Fix the bugs (It's kinda sad already that some bugs are still not resolved such as the Border and the Cage bug).
-Make new maps to keep it fresh. Just swap maps if it's about money or whatever.
Wow what a long post I truly appreciate that. Thanks for your suggestion! Ya I think I just wanted to get rid of linedash cu zits boring and another more fun game could replace it. So yeah
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Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Many good points all around but I will make one I haven't seen yet. I try playing PE a lot, and it's extremely challenging. Line Dash and SG are the only games remotely possible for me to play, so if removed, it would leave me and others with one game.

Plus it's a rare game that dosen't have "PVP"
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Forum Expert
Aug 28, 2016
Doofenshmirtzz Evil Inc.
Wow what a long post I truly appreciate that. Thanks for your suggestion! Ya I think I just wanted to get rid of linedash cu zits boring and another more fun game could replace it. So yeah
Just getting rid of a game because It's boring is too easy. Also a waste of money. In this case, we must think of solutions instead of problems. Updating it frequently and also fixing the bugs. Yes, fixing the bugs is time consuming. I know how it works here. But the clock is ticking. It's not the time to wait untill players come with bugs. Don't worry I will report as much bugs as possible, but I can't be online all day. Be pro active and test this game. You will see what I mean when you play it. At the end It's not my problem when devolopers don't have the time to update Linedash. I'm just here to say what needs to happen in my opinion. Now It's your turn Cubecraft.


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
Many good points all around but I will make one I haven't seen yet. I try playing PE a lot, and it's extremely challenging. Line Dash and SG are the only games remotely possible for me to play, so if removed, it would leave me and others with one game.

Plus it's a rare game that dosen't have "PVP"
Yes, that’s because u have a pc. I do not have a pc and I only play on PE and I have over 300 kills on skywars solo, and like 50 wins. I only have also like 400 deaths. Also in one game I got 6 kills in the candy skywars teams of 4 map. I got all but one of those kills by getting to the middle quick and sniping and snowballing people off. So on PE in skywars and eggwars you just have to focus more on strategy and sniping rather then be no brain rush rush pvp dumb dumb I’m in pc so I’ll win. let’s not even talk about minerware, where I can place every time without even trying. I don’t even have that much experience, I have plenty of friends who have been playing the game for years longer than me, but even if they are on Xbox or switch I beat them easily in a pvp in worlds. That’s just because I like playing servers and I am a very good strategist.


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
Just getting rid of a game because It's boring is too easy. Also a waste of money. In this case, we must think of solutions instead of problems. Updating it frequently and also fixing the bugs. Yes, fixing the bugs is time consuming. I know how it works here. But the clock is ticking. It's not the time to wait untill players come with bugs. Don't worry I will report as much bugs as possible, but I can't be online all day. Be pro active and test this game. You will see what I mean when you play it. At the end It's not my problem when devolopers don't have the time to update Linedash. I'm just here to say what needs to happen in my opinion. Now It's yourn turn Cubecraft.
Yeah once I like died for no reason that’s one reason that I never play linedash


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2019
As another player on the Bedrock Line Dash leaderboard, I fully agree with points made earlier. Those points being how the game, as a concept is good, but the game itself is unpolished. I also do think the lower player count results from the quirks of the game that people find frustrating (e.g. lagbacks, the border, dying to people who appear behind you, etc.).

The releases of several games recently - from megas back in march or april to lucky islands last month - have been met with their fair share of bugs, and the continuous development of games has (possibly) hindered bug fixes and general quality of life updates for the server. I feel that soon, if not already, the team should focus more on polishing the existing games and the server in general before progressing to more game releases whatever they may be. Personally, I tolerate the bugs and just play around them, but I understand that others dont tolerate them nearly as much, and line dash just happens to have a lot of bugs and quirks which turn away a potential playerbase.
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