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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
the puch bow is good, it's not annoying . I like it :)
I mean I like it but I think it can be annoying. Like when I go to run someone base and think I have a shield and move my mouse to the empty spot in my hotbar where my shield should go :L

But in all seriousness, the punchbow isn't that big of a problem because it has a hard counter.


Dedicated Member
Aug 30, 2016
Increasing the price of the punch bow was a great first step thank you staff! however the punch bow is still there in all of its camping glory. There is not much good of it in my opinion, it makes everyone have to be extremely cautious crossing bridges, yes it can be helpful, but it is mostly a preventation to pvp, snipe someone off a bridge to not stab them later, bowspam someone to not have to stab someone. Using a bow doesn't take much skill, just look at how many campers there were before 25 diamond punch bow
Idk this may be asking for too much we did just get a punch bow nerf a few days ago. Please tell me why the punch bow is a good thing to keep around

I do not think the punch bow should be removed. You made a point saying that it doesn't take much skill to use a bow but that's actually not true. At longer ranges, you need more skill than you do with a sword. You must predict where a person is going to move, adjust your angle upwards and in front to time the arrow to hit the target when the target reaches a certain destination. It's not an easy feat. True it doesn't require much skill in close ranges to bow spam someone off an edge but at longer ranges it requires much more skill than swords at PvP. Even if the punch bow doesn't require as much skill in close range combat, it can still be very necessary in overpowered and normal mode to kill someone with instead of needing to spend 5-10 minutes breaking multiple sets of armor. I guess you could say I am also a little bias since I am not as good with swords as I am with bows and I wouldn't win nearly as many Eggwars games without a punch bow.

This is just my opinion on the subject <3.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
I can destroy both of the cons.

Campers: You have enderpearls. 64 diamonds. Save up for one.
Bowspammers: Get a sheild. Dont let them hit you. It just takes skill.

I re-create both of the cons

enderpearls: insanely expansive, why not just remove the punch bow? Its a lot easier to do that instead.
Sheild: maybe in 1.9, but there are a lot of 1.8 players like me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
I mean I don't want the punch bow removed, but you are definitely winning this debate. There are just more people that are ok with the campers than there are not. We don't really have good reasons to keep it but regardless, the majority of the players want to keep it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
I mean I don't want the punch bow removed, but you are definitely winning this debate. There are just more people that are ok with the campers than there are not. We don't really have good reasons to keep it but regardless, the majority of the players want to keep it.
1) A lot of people are against campers because campers are terrible for the game
2) Removing the punch bow won;t do anything to campers because the punch bow kills campers just as well as anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
1) A lot of people are against campers because campers are terrible for the game
2) Removing the punch bow won;t do anything to campers because the punch bow kills campers just as well as anyone else.

How does the punch bow kill campers? Your launching them back into their own island. Also are you for the punch bow or want it remove?. Because you said campers are terrible for the game but we shouldn't remove the punch bow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
How does the punch bow kill campers? Your launching them back into their own island. Also are you for the punch bow or want it remove?. Because you said campers are terrible for the game but we shouldn't remove the punch bow.
Let me ask you this do you think campers always stand in the direct center of their base or island?
Also do you want all fights to become wars of attrition in regard to armour and weapon Durability meaning spending anywhere from an extra 20-40 diamonds on Normal for an extra weapon and armour, possible "Notch Apples"?
That is do you think every fight should be done with meele I don't know about you ,but I sure don't want to get involved in a fight with possibly more than one team with no possible way to ultimately control their movement also I think the punch bow nerf was brutal if they were to unlock extra levels of power on the power bow don't you think people would complain about being constantly one shot or being near death half of the time?
My point with that question was that people only complain about it because they have DIED to it, also this makes hackers with KillAura ,but not AntiKnockback or what I call the Life Alert hack much more dangerous since now you can't stay out of their unfair range where they are twice as effective.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
Let me ask you this do you think campers always stand in the direct center of their base or island?
Also do you want all fights to become wars of attrition in regard to armour and weapon Durability meaning spending anywhere from an extra 20-40 diamonds on Normal for an extra weapon and armour, possible "Notch Apples"?
That is do you think every fight should be done with meele I don't know about you ,but I sure don't want to get involved in a fight with possibly more than one team with no possible way to ultimately control their movement also I think the punch bow nerf was brutal if they were to unlock extra levels of power on the power bow don't you think people would complain about being constantly one shot or being near death half of the time?
My point with that question was that people only complain about it because they have DIED to it, also this makes hackers with KillAura ,but not AntiKnockback or what I call the Life Alert hack much more dangerous since now you can't stay out of their unfair range where they are twice as effective.

I don't want the punch bow removed.


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
Breaks the flow of the game, especially if you are using a rushing strat, with this the other team can get 2 notch apples per player on my team. On op 2 pieces of diamond armor.

They can get a notch apple in the time it takes me to get a shield, so now I have to use skill to compensate for someone's lack of skill, equality.
Lmao if they're camping, they're sharing 1 gen, while you have the ENTIRE map to yourself once you kill everyone else.
Let's stop complaining and just adapt.


Dedicated Member
May 26, 2017
Lmao if they're camping, they're sharing 1 gen, while you have the ENTIRE map to yourself once you kill everyone else.
Let's stop complaining and just adapt.
Well I geuss your right, but someone like Donald J Trump or KronosReeper would say "mid camping is camping"
Also I would have to say that pizza, by far is the worst map to be bow so spammed, everyone is guaranteed 2 diamond gens, mid does not have more. Space, campers can have planet gen too. Most maps the campers can own 2 islands with a safebridge connecting the two. Also I love having golden apples or food in the off hand, if they bow spam I have to get rid of that and use a shield. Also something about shields, a. They can be disabled and b. They break, not to mention the mobility part or how different angles will kill you.
Also the punch bow is a huge annoyance on op that is a large reason why I don't play it. Pretending someone wasn't eating any golden apples or notch apples, I would have to swing my sharpnes V diamond sword, 25 times, I know that might not sound like much but that is ridiculous, 1 1.8 golden apple cancels out 7 hits! And with the 1.9 healing system... Now instead of whacking someone 2.689 E13 times or breaking diamond armor, they can shoot me 3-7 times with a bow and instantly kill me. How am I supposed to compete with that? TBH I suck at bow spamming but I think I can connect 2-3 arrows if I had to. Also for those of you who say that the punch bow is necessary in op, well you should reconsider your life decisions about liking op, please tell me why op mode is SO much fun if you have to use the cheekyest of strategies to win? It is more like a game of sumo+spleef combined with a punchbow spam fight. The punch bow is the only thing that makes it "playable" (not imo) therefore if we remove it than no one will play op anymore and I don't need to spend 10 hours looking for a non op game even when I have a gold rank! Sorry did I get off topic? Ender pearls are the only things that are effective against bowspammers and they cost too much.


Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
I just play OP half where all the items are cheap and you can easily kill someone with melee. No punch bow required. :P

I don't think the punch bow should be removed. It is an extremely useful item even in melee fights. While fighting, you can quickly switch to your bow, fire it at the lowest power (basically tap it) to knock the enemy away so you can start a combo or so you can gap up without receiving too many hits. The punch bow also helps decrease game length. During the end game (everyone has all the good stuff), a punch is useful for easily shooting someone off. If you have a person who just likes to constantly run away, a punch bow is the easiest and best way to end their life.
Campers and bow spammers are annoying but we shouldn't remove such a useful item from the game just because you don't like them. With the increase in price, you shouldn't run into those kind or people until the late game. If you play smart and fast, you won't see bowspammers very often.

To your e-pearl comment, I'm pretty sure it was added to deal with campers. If you say 'removing the punch bow will remove camping', it won't. Campers don't need bows to keep you off their base. They can use TNT cannons, suicide rushes to blow up your bridge, and just a normal pick to break it when you get close. E-pearls cost so much because they are meant to be a last resort if all other tatictics fail.

To sum it all up.... no, the punch bow should not be removed. :)

(Now it's almost 3 am and I'm tired. ill reply to any comments when I wake up.)


Dedicated Member
May 26, 2017
The ender pearls was more for bow spamming, if you get shot off throw one. Also it takes 13 hits to kill someone on op half, which is = to 3 on normal half.
Also campers need ranged weapons to camp effectively. I have never seen in game someone get killed by a TNT cannon. If you skybridge, there is nothing they can do, but create a staircase for suiciding, want to do an expirement? I bet that if you use no bow I can get to your island easily if you are camping. My ign is Blomhaven (you don't have to). Send me a friend request if you want?

Also if you need a quick source of KGB then w tap the haters away.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
WAIT WHAT, THE PUNCH BOW IS STILL AVILE!!?? Last time I played on Garden there wasn't one
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Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
The ender pearls was more for bow spamming, if you get shot off throw one. Also it takes 13 hits to kill someone on op half, which is = to 3 on normal half.
Also campers need ranged weapons to camp effectively. I have never seen in game someone get killed by a TNT cannon. If you skybridge, there is nothing they can do, but create a staircase for suiciding, want to do an expirement? I bet that if you use no bow I can get to your island easily if you are camping. My ign is Blomhaven (you don't have to). Send me a friend request if you want?

Also if you need a quick source of KGB then w tap the haters away.
I'm pretty sure enderprearls were not added for bowspammers. This update was based on community suggestions and enderpearls were always being suggested to reduce camping, nothing about bowspamming.
If you skybridge, they can just pillar up right in front of you and continue doing whatever they were doing, like TNT cannoning. Here is a thread with a video on how to effectively TNT cannon. (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/h...idgers-tutorial-by-a-noob.190536/#post-838076) As you can see, you can shoot the TNT quite far and land it perfectly to blow up the bridge right under an attacker.
I am not going to take you up on that experiment. I never camp so it would not be a fair test as I am not experienced in that field of play.
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