Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Jan 26, 2017
Not the best idea, but it reminds me of the Helper rank, which are there to monitors lobbies, look for gamebreaker rules, help on the forum and a lot of other stuff!
If you want to do so and apply for it, head to this thread and have a look!
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Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
Nononononononono noooooooo.
This will never be added for the public. Only trusted staff members are able to ban. If this was added, you could just go around and ban whoever you want. Amount of reports or how long you have played for does mean you are responsible. If you want to help the server, just record and report hackers. Or you can try to apply for helper. :)

Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
There are a few things that kill this idea

1. I do not approve of non staff members having access to punishment commands since this would be available to everyone it would be nothing but chaos with dishonest players
2. Other than FFA and assinations you cant join games in progress so kinda useless to track a player
3. Some hackers will learn who these "anti hacker" people are and toggle their hacks off just for the game they are in
4. We dont need anymore ranks we have enough

Similar ideas have been suggested in the past and all have been denied


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Hi Guys,

If you love to play 1.8 (Team)Skywars or 1.8 (Team)Eggwars a lot you will come a cross quite a lot of hackers.
So is it a good idea to have a antihacker rank? A number of people who are normally playing on your network and are able to ban hackers if they encounter them.

A few commands that might be useful:
- /ban (Duh:rolleyes:) or /punish - or what you guys are using.
- Warning or kick - or what you guys are using.
- Being able to toggle your antihacker prefix on and off - Default off if you join a game.
- /find (Bungeecord) - If you're not sure if someone is hacking the first time you see him you can find him in his next game.
- /server - to join the suspects game as spectator and not be displayed at the (tab) player list.

Why i want to be one myself:
I play quite a lot of 1.8 Skywars, it's to hard to kill a hacker and my computer is not strong enough to record my gameplay but I still want to help you guys to get hackers of your network, so this idea came up. I have a pretty good knowledge of hacked clients and different hacks, also I'm polite and righteous so I will probably don't ban players unfair.
And I can help you with the enormous list of reports on the forums.

- JelmarNL
why do you think they have helper application in the first place

they find actual proper people who know how to ban properly
trust me they will ban pretty much everybody they feel like
count the amount of mods, Sr. mods, admins, and owners, there are
in total they can ban a LOT of players and there are new helpers coming in to also soon be mods the current best example is @Buuuddy he has recently become a helper and soon he will become a mod

this isn't a very good idea really
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Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space


Jan 26, 2017
my computer is not strong enough to record my gameplay
If you have a NVIDIA Graphic Card, try looking up ShadowPlay on YouTube. It lets you record the past 1 to 20 minutes that happened on your screen! I've reported over 30 hackers in a day with that useful software!


Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
This is the reason why there are Helper Applications (which can be found here). If this idea would be added you can just ban the Admins, Owners, Mods, Helpers, Devs etc. So I'm definitely not in for this idea. Just record the hackers (and yes I know they're very annoying) and report them here.
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