I think a lot of us in the community would be pretty happy if this was implemented. My idea is a replay feature for bedrock edition. The way this would work is you would open the social menu and there will be an option titled "Replays" then when you have opened it, it would then give you options. (1. Recent games 2. search by ID) When you open the recent games tab it brings you all games played within the hour, so you can click on them. Then it would give you options to pause the replay, resume, exit the replay, toggle no clip (used for montages so you can't move through blocks) and the scoreboard will show a replay ID which could be a unique number, the point of the IDs are if you share a replay with someone, you can give them the and they could watch that replay. The whole reason for this is to report hackers or record montages. Some people may respond telling me that it's impossible on bedrock edition, but i know it is possible, because the server "NetherGames" has the same replay feature.