Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
I am not convinced that /report can't possibly work. Obviously you don't want to notify a moderator every time someone decides to use /report. It could be implemented as one of many parameters sentinel uses to decide if someone is legit or not. If someone triggers the anti cheat but doesn't receive a noticable number of /reports, it might be more likely to be false. If staff manually check the logs on someone and come to the conclusion they're legit, and the number of /reports doesn't go up after that, they probably didn't start using illegal modifications. Also it might feel good to use /report after getting killed by someone you suspect to be cheating, and maybe stop people from insulting them.
Now I don't know if there is any corellation between a player getting hackusated and a player cheating, but I wouldn't rule that out completely.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
staff need to be able to join games that have already started, otherwise the whole command wouldn't have a point
Lol, I have a very old screenshot suggesting that Marco had at one point planned to allow staff to join mid-session games and spectate players that were reported. My guess is that this idea was scrapped very quickly when the server exploded in popularity, making this impossible to pursue.
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Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
Lol, I have a very old screenshot suggesting that Marco had at one point planned to allow staff to join mid-session games and spectate players that were reported. My guess is that this idea was scrapped very quickly when the server exploded in popularity, making this impossible to pursue.
Are you sure it's not already implemented? I have the theory that staff can join running games for a while now but don't want us to know so we don't bug them all the time.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Are you sure it's not already implemented? I have the theory that staff can join running games for a while now but don't want us to know so we don't bug them all the time.
Interesting theory, but I doubt that's the case. I was never able to join any games mid-session, so unless it's a recent addition, I don't think so.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Most of what you said is correct, however /report can work in a similar way to the /wdr (/watchdogreport) in Hypixel. This way Sentinel can specifically focus that player over other players, and maybe even ban them (As MagnificentSpam said).
Having it actually notifying staff members is just plain annoying for them, as they are playing for their entertainment, as well as the occasional moderation. No need to take away their freedom of playing like a regular player even more.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Most of what you said is correct, however /report can work in a similar way to the /wdr (/watchdogreport) in Hypixel. This way Sentinel can specifically focus that player over other players, and maybe even ban them (As MagnificentSpam said).
Having it actually notifying staff members is just plain annoying for them, as they are playing for their entertainment, as well as the occasional moderation. No need to take away their freedom of playing like a regular player even more.
Yes, i was thinking that the report could go straight to the anti-cheat.
If the Anticheat catches on, it bans them.
If Sentinel is not 100%, it notifies staff that the player is acting strangely.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
I totally disagree on this whole thread. Since you're missing out some crucial points into this one.

Skip this if you're not interested about the coding part
First of all, I don't really understand why you added the code to this thread, since it's complete garbage, not trying to be rude or anything, just a heads up to you if you really want it to work.

First of all, you create a loop for all the online players, and inside that, you're trying to get the arguments length, like that's the opposite way of doing these kinds of things, first check arguments, then do whatever you want using your command. This code you published will check the arguments once a player with the permission punishment.receive has been found, it's completely useless and that is the first reason why you should check your arguments before proceeding the commands.

Another reason why it does not work is the following;
for(Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {

               if(args.length == 1){
                p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " reported player " + args[0] );
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Player " + args[0] + " reported.");
As you can see like I said the loop is wrong. Let me translate the code for you in normal English (or at least my best English)
  • You loop through online players, this means the code will execute for every online player
  • A good thing, you check if the player has a permission to view the reports, so the code will be executed a lot less since it filters out players without the correct permission
  • That doesn't make your code good since once the player has the permission, the other player (the command sender) receives the message Player JustThiemo reported. (JustThiemo is my username so I will use it as an example in here.
  • This means, for example, 15 players are online with the permission punishment.receive the command sender will get the message Player JustThiemo reported. 15 times since it executes every time an online player with the permission has been found.

Another thing, are you just too lazy to sort out your brackets because it seems you're missing out a few at the end, but I will just say you were too lazy to format the code correctly.
Quick note: If you are going to try this code legit working, use StringBuilder for the report reason because it will allow you to put in more than 1 argument for the report reason.
This is again, not for being rude or for pretending like I am a coding legend, just pointing out facts why this is not a correct way to tell /report is bad.

Continue reading if you skipped the coding part.
And now my opinion about this without any geeky talk or whatever, just straight to the point. Yes, /report works and it should be a thing. Why? Good question. /report allows the community to have more impact in what is going on, it allows them to help, support and overall make the server a less chaos.

Yes you fellow reader who doesn't agree with me, /report can be abused, it can be spammed, or used in wrong ways, but all of this can be prevented by the magic of coding. You can ban players from using the /report system when they abused it too many times. All of these reports can be easily saved for further review.
Will players spam /report you say? Yes they will, so why not add a cooldown on it for let's say 30 minutes, problem solved, players can't spam the crap out of it anymore.

You still think it will be abused? Add a punishment for creating multiple false reports, and that problem is also out of the way. You can do unlimited about of things with the code to make /report indeed useful and effective. And it should be a great add-on if it was added to the CubeCraftGames server. I've recently created a reporting system (that can be used by every player) for a big Dutch server and it's about to be released very soon, it has great features, and it stores a lot of information. So if I can do it, the developers at CubeCraft can do it.

Once again, just in case people misunderstand this even if I said it 2 times already, this is not meant to be a hate comment, but just a comment to get this discussion going, yes it works, and it will work. This is just my opinion and you can disagree, of course, but if you do disagree, please tell me why it's not a good thing.

Add a /report system that has been coded correctly. It works and it will help the server to have a better play experience.

Kind regards.
JustThiemo - Thiemo
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Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
I totally disagree on this whole thread. Since you're missing out some crucial points into this one.

Skip this if you're not interested about the coding part
First of all, I don't really understand why you added the code to this thread, since it's complete garbage, not trying to be rude or anything, just a heads up to you if you really want it to work.

First of all, you create a loop for all the online players, and inside that, you're trying to get the arguments length, like that's the opposite way of doing these kinds of things, first check arguments, then do whatever you want using your command. This code you published will check the arguments once a player with the permission punishment.receive has been found, it's completely useless and that is the first reason why you should check your arguments before proceeding the commands.

Another reason why it does not work is the following;
for(Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {

               if(args.length == 1){
                p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " reported player " + args[0] );
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Player " + args[0] + " reported.");
As you can see like I said the loop is wrong. Let me translate the code for you in normal English (or at least my best English)
  • You loop through online players, this means the code will execute for every online player
  • A good thing, you check if the player has a permission to view the reports, so the code will be executed a lot less since it filters out players without the correct permission
  • That doesn't make your code good since once the player has the permission, the other player (the command sender) receives the message Player JustThiemo reported. (JustThiemo is my username so I will use it as an example in here.
  • This means, for example, 15 players are online with the permission punishment.receive the command sender will get the message Player JustThiemo reported. 15 times since it executes every time an online player with the permission has been found.

Another thing, are you just too lazy to sort out your brackets because it seems you're missing out a few at the end, but I will just say you were too lazy to format the code correctly.
Quick note: If you are going to try this code legit working, use StringBuilder for the report reason because it will allow you to put in more than 1 argument for the report reason.
This is again, not for being rude or for pretending like I am a coding legend, just pointing out facts why this is not a correct way to tell /report is bad.

Continue reading if you skipped the coding part.
And now my opinion about this without any geeky talk or whatever, just straight to the point. Yes, /report works and it should be a thing. Why? Good question. /report allows the community to have more impact in what is going on, it allows them to help, support and overall make the server a less chaos.

Yes you fellow reader who doesn't agree with me, /report can be abused, it can be spammed, or used in wrong ways, but all of this can be prevented by the magic of coding. You can ban players from using the /report system when they abused it too many times. All of these reports can be easily saved for further review.
Will players spam /report you say? Yes they will, so why not add a cooldown on it for let's say 30 minutes, problem solved, players can't spam the crap out of it anymore.

You still think it will be abused? Add a punishment for creating multiple false reports, and that problem is also out of the way. You can do unlimited about of things with the code to make /report indeed useful and effective. And it should be a great add-on if it was added to the CubeCraftGames server. I've recently created a reporting system (that can be used by every player) for a big Dutch server and it's about to be released very soon, it has great features, and it stores a lot of information. So if I can do it, the developers at CubeCraft can do it.

Once again, just in case people misunderstand this even if I said it 2 times already, this is not meant to be a hate comment, but just a comment to get this discussion going, yes it works, and it will work. This is just my opinion and you can disagree, of course, but if you do disagree, please tell me why it's not a good thing.

Add a /report system that has been coded correctly. It works and it will help the server to have a better play experience.

Kind regards.
JustThiemo - Thiemo
I know the code is pretty bad and doesn't work properly. It's just garbage:
This was coded from a phone, and partially copied from a thread that I posted 10 months ago, when I just started coding.
Sincerly, the code that it's on the thread it's meant to be a placeholder, didn't expect you to review it, it was more to be an aexplanation :P
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
I know the code is pretty bad and doesn't work properly. It's just garbage:
This was coded from a phone, and partially copied from a thread that I posted 10 months ago, when I just started coding.
Sincerly, the code that it's on the thread it's meant to be a placeholder, didn't expect you to review it, it was more to be an aexplanation :p
I know, I was already expecting something like that, but just in case anyone wants to use any sort of that code.
Better safe than sorry. Just pointing some things out.
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