Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Add it?

  • Yes (All people can report)

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • No (Explain why)

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Yes (Only ranked people)

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 469419

Hi everyone,

Lately, I have been using the /report command (because there are many hackers in 1.8) and I've noticed that you can only report a player while she/he are in your game and that have a advantage and disadvantage, the advantage is that people can't abuse of this command but the disadvantage is the next: If you seen a hacker in one game, and don't have time to type the command, You cannot report the hacker.

In my opinion; Ranked people would be able to report any person in any moment. That will save community of hackers (At 40% at least!).

Okay, to people who is asking why people ranked can report at any moment and unranked people no.

Well, this is because the people who have rank if are reporting falsely have one important thing to lost, the rank. And consequently the money donated to the community.

I'm the first person to say that all people have the right to report, but this will be a possible solution to "report-in-same-game".

*** I think Cubecraft would add 2 more section to the report system;

- Trolling (That give you the privilege of report any person that is trolling in your game, If some staff can revise it, perfect, else you would can report it on forums)

- Inappropiate capes (The name says it).

Cubecraft would add a message that say:

* Abusing this command can lead to sanction

Deleted member 469419

In my opinion; Ranked people would be able to report any person in any moment. That will save community of hackers (At 40% at least!).

ONE IMPORTANT THING: With the poll I'm refering to this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2018
Planet Earth
Lately, I have been using the /report command (because there are many hackers in 1.8) and I've noticed that you can only report a player while she/he are in your game and that have a advantage and disadvantage, the advantage is that people can't abuse of this command but the disadvantage is the next: If you seen a hacker in one game, and don't have time to type the command, You cannot report the hacker.
Yeah, I agree with you that you can't report the hacker outside of your game. But at the same time, you'll become a spectator after u lose in a game and that will allow you to do the command against the hacker in-game. Just turn off autoplay to avoid joining automatically and then you're fine. I think staff added the command to be reported in the same server just because to get access to watch the hacker and then punish them (/whereami), so they didn't allow this command everywhere and only for players to do it with same proxy and server.

In my opinion; Ranked people would be able to report any person in any moment. That will save community of hackers (At 40% at least!).
With the reports daily limit, they are free to report anyone even if they are false reports. Daily limits make everything easier for staff to not get abused by ranked people. I highly recommend not making it for all players to be able to report because staff will get tired from the number of reports they'll receive. Also, forums exist, they can always go to reports website and report others.

2 more section to the report system;

- Trolling (That give you the privilege of report any person that is trolling in your game, If some staff can revise it, perfect, else you would can report it on forums)

- Inappropiate capes (The name says it).
Trolling is really needed to be added to the /report command list, as it is important for Tower Defense abusers and misplacers. I agree with you on this one. Moreover, I think adding "Inappropriate Capes" belongs to an inappropriate skin section. Can I ask how can people get inappropriate capes in Minecraft?

Deleted member 469419

Trolling is really needed to be added to the /report command list, as it is important for Tower Defense abusers and misplacers. I agree with you on this one. Moreover, I think adding "Inappropriate Capes" belongs to an inappropriate skin section. Can I ask how can people get inappropriate capes in Minecraft?

Yeah, you're right, this would be added, but in "skin" section.

Yeah, I agree with you that you can't report the hacker outside of your game. But at the same time, you'll become a spectator after u lose in a game and that will allow you to do the command against the hacker in-game. Just turn off autoplay to avoid joining automatically and then you're fine. I think staff added the command to be reported in the same server just because to get access to watch the hacker and then punish them (/whereami), so they didn't allow this command everywhere and only for players to do it with same proxy and server.

Depending of the situation, sometimes you have time to report him, and other times you cannot report him because the hacker has left the game.


Aug 10, 2019
First of all your rank should not get removed if you abuse it because people have paid for their rank.

If everyone could do this command it would be really hard for the moderators because it would be more reports that comes in for them to report and many low players in the game is going to Think that almost everyone is a hacker and use this command.

Hi everyone,

Lately, I have been using the /report command (because there are many hackers in 1.8) and I've noticed that you can only report a player while she/he are in your game and that have a advantage and disadvantage, the advantage is that people can't abuse of this command but the disadvantage is the next: If you seen a hacker in one game, and don't have time to type the command, You cannot report the hacker.

In my opinion; Ranked people would be able to report any person in any moment. That will save community of hackers (At 40% at least!).

Okay, to people who is asking why people ranked can report at any moment and unranked people no.

Well, this is because the people who have rank if are reporting falsely have one important thing to lost, the rank. And consequently the money donated to the community.

I'm the first person to say that all people have the right to report, but this will be a possible solution to "report-in-same-game".

*** I think Cubecraft would add 2 more section to the report system;

- Trolling (That give you the privilege of report any person that is trolling in your game, If some staff can revise it, perfect, else you would can report it on forums)

- Inappropiate capes (The name says it).

Cubecraft would add a message that say:

* Abusing this command can lead to sanction
Thats also why they would rather want you to report rule breakers on the report website.


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
The cape is a symbol, such a name or skin. If any player have any Inappropiate cape have to be punished
Nope, we don’t.

About the suggestion itself. We currently have a very small moderation team and can barely handle the current amount of /report-s, let stand when we give everyone /report permission AND add new categories. For now it’s a no from me, I might change thoughts when we have a bigger moderation team.
Also, /trolling shouldn’t be added. Considering not all reports get handled immediately there’s quite a big chance that, when a mod comes to spectate, the player is in a new game.

The /whereami has nothing to do with moderation. We don’t need a /whereami output to spectate a player.
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Deleted member 469419

Nope, we don’t

Are you serious?

Are you telling me that If you see an a player with a Inappropiate cape (with Inappropiate element you don't punish them) I think that must to be added to the rules (skin section), anyway that is the same. An inappropiate element ...

I remember that other staffs in 2019 punished it.


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Are you serious?

Are you telling me that If you see an a player with a Inappropiate cape (with Inappropiate element you don't punish them) I think that must to be added to the rules (skin section), anyway that is the same. An inappropiate element ...

As capes are not an official Mojang thing we fo not punish for them.

Deleted member 469419


As capes are not an official Mojang thing we fo not punish for them.

(Sorry for the link and no photo).

Yesterday, I saw this guy with that cape, so for the people who have optifine that is irrespectful (And many people have optifine), so yeah, I already know that is allowed because isn't a mojang element, but I think that should be banned until change the cape. Only think in the children who have optfine.

But, of course, I don't gonna win this topic, but only think about it.
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Dubby Plays

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2019
If everyone would be able to use the command, the staff would see 999999 reports at second. And even if you may say "then punish who abuse of it", the problem would be:
1) They can't punish all the player who does it because they're too many.
2) If they punish them, the server would have only 30 players instead of 3000.

It's better if only people with a Rank, or that are in Leaderboard, can use /report (for the same thing you said).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
I disagree with inappropriate capes, what happens if someone give his cape to another player and then he got banned?.
I agree with trolling section, and i would suggest “camping”.

Deleted member 469419

I disagree with inappropriate capes, what happens if someone give his cape to another player and then he got banned?.
I agree with trolling section, and i would suggest “camping”.

Yeah, Inappropiate capes it's a great problem, but that is solved. Respect to add "Camping section" would be a great idea, people, do camp in 1.9. But the command obviously would be added to both platfotms.

Deleted member 492126

i would suggest “camping”.
Respect to add "Camping section" would be a great idea, people, do camp in 1.9. But the command obviously would be added to both platfotms.
I don't think this should be added. Camping isn't something a player will do every game (just like Trolling). In-game reports usually take more than 5 minutes to be looked at - by the time a staff member comes to spectate, the player has joined a different game & stopped camping
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