NOTE: This is a repost from my original post I made half a year ago. You can find that post here
I am going to make this shorter than the previously made thread: half a year ago I made a suggestion about MinerWare and how it should return to Java. A lot has happened in the mean time, but I think the arguments I made back then still stand. With the new Feedback Team, I think there is an actual chance to get the suggestion seen and responded by. Even though I am part of that team myself, I obviously do not go ahead and internally push this suggestion through to a discussion, so that's why I suggest it here again. I will bring a couple more arguments why I still think MinerWare should return on top of what already stands in the original post, please check that one out too.
first off, back to the graph again I showed in the original thread as well:
I drew a blue line at 4 players, which is the minimum amount of players to have a game go in countdown. Compared to the point I brought you last time, I don't want to talk about average player counts or peak player counts. Over time, I have learned the minimum is much more important. A game can have 6 players on average, but if it starts, why would this matter? The reason Parkour wasn't removed was because it doesn't require updates and only needs 1 player to start. MinerWare gets updates anyways, because bedrock makes it worth it, and the code is practically the same already.
This brings me right to my second point: Because the code has now been made equal across both networks, getting MinerWare back on Java should be a matter of copy-paste in essence. Obviously, this is not entirely true, but it should take very little developing time in general.
Thirdly and lastly for the new points compared to the ones mentioned in the previous thread, the network and their playercount has been pretty much stabilised. With currently 6 games on the network, of which 4 are multiplayer, we can see that each game has almost 100 players online on the screenshot below. This screenshot is obviously a specific, as this wouldn't probably be the case all the time, but all the games average about the same amount of players.
Without the stats, no way can I compare this to what it was before a ton of games got removed, but I can assure you the playerbase is stable as it is right now. What I think MinerWare adds to the table is a different group of players as well as players from these gamemodes. I believe that MinerWare can keep up with the amount of players on the other gamemodes, as well as attract new players and players that previously left. On Bedrock, the game is pretty big, and there has been unanimous support on the previous thread
In conclusion, I think it would not only be possible, but also beneficial to add MinerWare again. It brings variety to the network, something less competitive and less repetitive, and is widely accepted. There doesn't have to be a lot more development time assigned to this game than that what is already happening, as the code is equalised, and it would make a great addition compared to the other gamemodes of CubeCraft. I hope this time Team CubeCraft will actually see this and consider this thoroughly, and hopefully we will all play our favourite game of 2023 (according to the 2023 CC Awards) on java again too!
Bring Back - MinerWare
I am going to make this shorter than the previously made thread: half a year ago I made a suggestion about MinerWare and how it should return to Java. A lot has happened in the mean time, but I think the arguments I made back then still stand. With the new Feedback Team, I think there is an actual chance to get the suggestion seen and responded by. Even though I am part of that team myself, I obviously do not go ahead and internally push this suggestion through to a discussion, so that's why I suggest it here again. I will bring a couple more arguments why I still think MinerWare should return on top of what already stands in the original post, please check that one out too.
first off, back to the graph again I showed in the original thread as well:
This brings me right to my second point: Because the code has now been made equal across both networks, getting MinerWare back on Java should be a matter of copy-paste in essence. Obviously, this is not entirely true, but it should take very little developing time in general.
Thirdly and lastly for the new points compared to the ones mentioned in the previous thread, the network and their playercount has been pretty much stabilised. With currently 6 games on the network, of which 4 are multiplayer, we can see that each game has almost 100 players online on the screenshot below. This screenshot is obviously a specific, as this wouldn't probably be the case all the time, but all the games average about the same amount of players.
In conclusion, I think it would not only be possible, but also beneficial to add MinerWare again. It brings variety to the network, something less competitive and less repetitive, and is widely accepted. There doesn't have to be a lot more development time assigned to this game than that what is already happening, as the code is equalised, and it would make a great addition compared to the other gamemodes of CubeCraft. I hope this time Team CubeCraft will actually see this and consider this thoroughly, and hopefully we will all play our favourite game of 2023 (according to the 2023 CC Awards) on java again too!