Hello! I’ve been working on this thread for a good while now, I’ve put in a lot of effort so please do consider my suggestions!
Now, as much as I’d like to see 1.10+ features I’ll refrain from suggesting any on this thread.
Diamond Kit:
I’d first like to start off with the diamond kit. We all know how useful it is - diamond leggings and a sword from a single block. (Or make an axe straight from the get go.)
Proposed change: Diamond kit yields 5 diamonds instead of one block.
Healer Kit:
The kit as it stands gives 3 instant-health potions. Now, how exactly is this super-useful midfight? Wouldn’t I just take the gapple kit instead?
Proposed changes: (Not all of these changes have to be made:)
1. User of kit is able to see teammate health.
2. Change from consumable to splash potions.
3. Include Regeneration potion.
4. Include a healing bow.
Barricade Kit:
I think this is a good kit. I like to be mean and trap players and let them live inside the cage for a while. But why not increase the amount of obsidian from 8 - 16?
Proposed Changes:
Add 8 extra obsidian to the kit.
Villager Kit:
I love this kit, if you’re lucky and get a villager tower you always have some extra emeralds to trade with. However 16 emeralds isn’t enough to trade with the 2 villagers we get.
Proposed Changes:
Increase emeralds to 32.
Builder Kit:
Since it’s a builder kit I’m not really a fan of there being only 16 blocks, especially if I can just use the TNT kit for blocks AND a fake lucky block.
Proposed Change:
10 Endstone
10 Bricks
10 Wool of random colour
Implement a 2 second animation before firing the weapon. The animation will serve as a warning to opponents to move out of range. Currently the weapon can spam several arrows at the enemy and kill them pretty easy. I am not against that, but at least give an opportunity for us to prepare. With that said, I am severely against a decrease in damage output or firerate.
Shotgun bow
Let’s talk about why this bow fails as a decent weapon. One, the arrow spread is too wide to hit the enemies in front of you. Two, damage output is too low and three, cooldown is too long.
First off, I think we should change how this bow fundamentally behaves.
Rather than have it shoot 5 arrows at various angles just have it shoot a cluster of arrows at the target. The angle deviation needs to be lesser than it is currently so we can actually hit multiple enemies.
Second, let the cooldown activate after firing every 3 shots.
Elytra needs a durability nerf as people really have a fun time flying around large team maps indefinitely, it seems. This is a big issue on the older maps which are basically camper heavens.
Dragon Breath Wand
I personally feel this wand is both broken and weak. I’m okay with some wands being weak however and I think that it doesn’t need a buff.
I don’t feel it was designed to be a really good wand? Btw the fire breath passes through shield wand shields so maybe fix that.
The other obvious big problem is the cat. I just wanted to mention it in my thread. I’m pretty sure we all hate it. Something ought to be done.
Let’s get to the good stuff now! The suggestions!
Skeleton Horse Mount☠
Spawns as a boss mob. Has a 5 second summoning animation, so get away while you can!
When it spawns in it will attempt to kill you by bodyslamming you. When it lands it displaces blocks around it . If you hit it as soon as it lands it gets stunned. Use this opportunity to climb atop and attempt to tame this beast.
Summons, from the unknown depths of the underworld the bony remains of what once was an ancient equine. The beast’s skeletal form lacks any evidence of tissue and organs. It appears to neither see, hear nor taste however it spares no effort to pursue human entities with a fury and vengeance unlike no other.
Zombie Horse Mount
It’s a pretty basic horse mount. Nothing special to see here. Summoned by the unknown power of the lucky block, it’s body reeks of decay. The creature itself seems unable to obey commands, perhaps due to it’s decayed brain.
This mob cannot be ridden. So much for being a mount. But, feed it a golden apple and a golden carrot, splash it with some regen and it’ll turn into a unicorn.
Unicorn Mount
Unicorn charge does damage, the horse has Jump Boost as well. Cool mount. Can’t be bothered to make a Bio for this one
Ghast mount
Wanna fly a ghast and shoot fireballs here’s your thing. 6 sec cooldown on ghast fireball. Be careful though, ghasts can’t breathe at high heights and also are easily shot down.
Drops ghast tear on death.
Here’s a picture of a new sugarcane structure!
View attachment 168420
I seriously think they ought to add some more food sources + source for leather!! (Cow spawn eggs aren’t enough nor are they common.)
Here’s this leached cow thing:
View attachment 168421
I’ve also included a mooshroom!
Presenting the netherwart structure! It’s only possible to brew awkward potions on ONE map - Orc, teams of four. This should make things easier, for me at least, I like doing crazy things on Lucky Islands.
View attachment 167913
Much like the Pig King and the Knight, Thunder McKing is a boss mob which drops The Tornado Tomahawk on death.
(Image - Thunder McKing in Screeching 60’s stage, spawning in a tornado.)View attachment 168422
Thunder McKing has 3 stages: Roaring 40’s , Furious 50’s and Screeching 60’s. Each stage get’s progressively harder.
Stage 1: Spawning
Thunder McKing attacks players with his axe and occasionally blocks.
10% chance to cause lightning strikes near players with his axe
Stage 2: Down to 2/3 health
Weather changes to Thunderstorm for 3 minutes. Now has 50% chance to strike nearby players with lightning every strike of his axe.
Stage 3: Final 3rd of health.
He now begins to spawn tornadoes out of his axe. The tornadoes will suck and throw nearby players away, if unlucky, into the void.
He’s designed to be the hardest boss-mob. If you don’t want to deal with him, run away.
His axe: the tornado tomahawk-
(Dropped as reward)
(Efficency 2 Diamond Axe)
If should have a custom texture. Right click to spawn tornado (cooldown 46sec) Make sure not to get caught in the tornado yourself!This is a basic sketch of an idea i have - basically it’ll spawn in 30 baby withers with 20 HP each, size set to small. If you can kill them, you’ll get the potion resistance chestplate which negates all ill potion effects!