A new lead in the “mystery of the rocket boots” showed itself the other day! xd YouTuber Ufosxm had them in his inventory at the end of a game, but either didn’t see them or choose not to comment on it. So this is THE THIRD time he has these boots in his vids. As far as I know, NO ONE ELSE has gotten these orange thingys, which lends support to the theory that it’s some sort of resource pack or texture pack that Ufosxm has.
I also noticed that he got white leather armor on an armor stand in-game. I’ve never gotten that. And in the Lucky Islands lobby, all miniatures on the leaderboards have white leather armor instead of the original brown when he plays. So he definitively has some kind of tweaks on the armor textures, which of course makes the appearance of rocket boots suspicious.
I posted all the theories on one of his vids some time ago, and he replied: “And the conspiracy theories begins! :D”
What do you think?