Added a 4th option to the poll.
Where is "Yes, neither"?
I still think a report command might possibly be a useful metric for the anti cheat. Of course no player will be banned only for being reported and moderators won't be alerted every time somebody uses the command. But imagine the anti cheat suspecting a player of flying. Flying should be really obvious to other players, so if they don't get reported, It might be more likely that the player wasn't hacking. Generating an alert for a moderator when a lot of individual players report the same player sounds sensible, even if some clan decides to abuse that feature, they will have much more work with that than the moderator following the alert.
Additionally, players wouldn't feel as powerless and possibly feel less need to directly insult the player.
I'm not really sure if any of that is true, but it would be worth considerating.
On the other hand, I think a command to report chat offenses is definitely a good idea, it's
very easy to fake screenshots and this would remove any issues about that. Also it would be impossible to conveniently cut off context in the report. The command could possibly generate a link to the report page with the chat log automatically added as evidence, allowing the user to highlight and explain the relevant parts.