Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Veteran
Aug 31, 2019
The Netherlands

Hi everyone! As you probably know CubeCraft Java will be updating to 1.12.2 on the 15th of June 2021 and will stop supporting 1.8-1.11. With this announcement and all new possible features, I became really excited. Which is why I decided to make a suggestion thread with new possible features, let’s hop into the suggestions:


New MicroGames:

With the 1.10 update, a fishing rod started pulling players. With this feature it’s possible to release a new Microgame called ‘Pull The Enemy’. All 12 players will be split into 2 teams: Team Red & Team Blue. Each team will spawn on their own platform with a fishing rod in their inventory. You’ll have to pull the enemy of their platform by using your fishing rod. The team with the most survivors at the end of the microgame will receive a point.

This Microgame will look similar to the already existing minigames called ‘Feed ? Chickens’, where you have to feed 5 chickens some seeds to get a point.

Since parrots die when they eat a cookie, a new microgame can be ‘Kill 5 Parrots’. A ton of parrots will spawn and everyone will receive a stack of cookies in their inventory and have to feed 5 parrots in order to win.

In the 1.12 update colour beds became a feature, which makes it possible to add multiple beds with a different colour. The microgame called ‘Get Some Rest’ will use 2 coloured beds: red and blue. All 12 players will get split in 2 different colors (Red and Blue). In the map there will spawn 8 (easy mode) or 6 (hard mode) beds. In easy mode there will spawn 4 red and 4 blue beds.

You’ll win the game and receive a point, when you made it in a bed of your own color in time. This means that a maximum of 8 players (easy mode) and 6 players (hard mode) will win this game.

All 12 players will spawn in a box filled with angry polar bears. The goal of this microgame is to survive 20/30 seconds without getting killed by the attacking Polar Bears.

When you get killed, you lose the microgame.
When you survive the attacking polar bears, you’ll win the microgame.

With the 1.11 update, Donkeys became an animal in Minecraft. Have you always wanted to race against your friends on a donkey? This microgame will make this dream become reality! Race against the other players on a donkey. If you did not reach the finish in time, you’ll lose the microgame and don’t get a point.

The parkour would be a bit harder than shown in the video, for instance with blocks blocking your way to the finish or some holes in the road.

All 12 players will spawn surrounded by a ton of iron blocks and a few chest including beacons. You’ll win this microgame by mining at least 9 iron blocks, build a square of it and place 1 beacon on top of it.

Change to an existing microgame:

There is a microgame called ‘Cook some Raw [food], where you have to go to a chest and find the mentioned raw food. When you have it, you have to cook it in a furnace and deliver it to a villager. However I think that there is 1 problem, you have too much time to finish this microgame. You have 45 seconds to finish this microgame, which is way too much. I suggest to change this to 25/30 seconds.

New Boss Battles:

Similar to the gamemode HiveMc used to have, I suggest to have ‘rebuild the build’ as a boss battle in MinerWare. This boss battle contains 3 rounds where you have to rebuild a building. The 3 players with the worst rebuilding will lose the round and can’t participate in the next round. At the end of the boss battle there will be 3 players left, all of them will win the boss battle.

An example of this boss battle is in this video:

I have seen multiple suggestions about adding Dropper as a gamemode for CubeCraft, although I don’t agree with this as a permanent gamemode. I do think that this can be a really fun Boss Battle. This boss battle will kind of be a copy of the version HiveMc used to have, but will include 3 rounds instead of 5.
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/a-real-dropper.247355/
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/please-add-dropper.284516/#post-1331417

SkyWars Map Change

Pacman is a Team SkyWars map with 4 teams of 8 players. The map is almost entirely made out of wool, which is one of the reasons that many players are team trolling in this map by using lava buckets or flint and steel.

With the update to 1.12.2, CubeCraft is able to use more blocks, including concrete. I suggest to replace the wool in this map on all starter islands with concrete. This will protect players against team trolling, since it’s not possible to put concrete on fire and fire spread isn’t working on concrete.


I have experienced many times that a player team trolled by putting their island on fire, which is really easy due to the fact that wool has fire spread enabled.

Lucky Islands

New Lucky Block Drops:

A Minecraft item which got released in the 1.10 update is the ‘Totem of Undying’. I would like to see a really small chance of receiving this out of a lucky block.

Isn’t this too overpowered?
Because of the fact that a Totem of Undying is really overpowered, I suggest that whenever a player dies, they will respawn without their loot, on their starter island. This prevents players from having a double life, without any consequences and that they can’t clean someone really fast.

A new mob called ‘Evoker’ got released with the 1.11 update and can be a loot drop in Lucky Islands. (Normal & Crazy mode only). Similar to the witch, an already existing loot drop, it will attack all players around him.

More information about this troop can be found here.


Curse of vanishing is an enchantment which let you curse an item in the game. The cursed item will disappear when a player dies in the game. I would like to see this as a loot drop in Lucky Island. 1 or 2 items in someone their inventory will get enchanted with the curse of vanishing enchantment.

I don’t think this enchantment should have a high chance to receive, because it isn’t a really fun item to get this over and over again. When there is a low chance of receiving this enchantment, it would make the game a bit more fun.

Since this is a loot drop which doesn’t badly affect yourself, the Curse of Vanishing will appear in normal, blessed and crazy mode.

Curse of Binding is an enchantment which makes it impossible for players to take off the enchanted piece of gear, once it has been equipped.

I would like to see this as a loot drop in Lucky Islands, because it adds more variation and a risk in opening a lucky block.
This enchantment will only be obtainable in normal and crazy mode, since it badly affect the player opening the lucky block.

What is cooler than having a llama as your personal buddy? With this lucky drop you’ll have a llama following you the whole game until they get killed. They will follow you attached to a lead.

An example of the loot drop:

Crazy Events:

With this crazy event the whole map will start to look like a North Pole. Around the whole map blocks are changing to snow, ice and packed ice blocks. As well as polar bears who are spawning and attacking players.


I hope you have enjoyed reading this suggestions and feel free to leave any feedback on my suggestions!

- ShinyArrow​
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
I definitely agree that they should change the wool blocks to concrete. There's always atleast one player in Pacman that's team trolling by using lava or flint and steel. The server will soon be updated to 1.12.2, so why not? Not will it only be good to counter team trolling, but it also will be a nice little revamp.


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
Hey! I really like well written threads like this, so I'm gonna try to give some feedback on stuff that I feel needs it.

Pull The Enemy
Sounds hilarious and a lot of fun, as long as the rods have a lot of pull to them (I wouldn't want it to be like the boss game where you'd have to rod someone several times to get them onto your side).
Get Some Rest
I'm not really sure about this one as it's really similar to the musical chairs microgame and it would mean certain texture packs would make that game unplayable.
Create a Beacon
This is the only one I just don't really like, mining 9 iron blocks would be really slow and take a bit away from the fast paced aspect of Minerware.
Find and cook some Raw [Food]
Yes :monkeylook:(don't necropost)

Totem of Undying
Definitely don't agree with this, it would be incredibly frustrating to get a kill on someone and see them respawn across the map.

Everything else is really great, good luck on getting this implemented!


Dedicated Member
Mar 12, 2016
proxy: bungeecord19, server: g9v06
In the 1.12 update colour beds became a feature, which makes it possible to add multiple beds with a different colour. The microgame called ‘Get Some Rest’ will use 2 coloured beds: red and blue. All 12 players will get split in 2 different colors (Red and Blue). In the map there will spawn 8 (easy mode) or 6 (hard mode) beds. In easy mode there will spawn 4 red and 4 blue beds.

You’ll win the game and receive a point, when you made it in a bed of your own color in time. This means that a maximum of 8 players (easy mode) and 6 players (hard mode) will win this game.
I think this gamemode should stay as it is as colored beds might be confusing to players (as Dean said already) with a different resourcepack and I think the current gamemode is hard enough for some players :)
Pacman is a Team SkyWars map with 4 teams of 8 players. The map is almost entirely made out of wool, which is one of the reasons that many players are team trolling in this map by using lava buckets or flint and steel.

With the update to 1.12.2, CubeCraft is able to use more blocks, including concrete. I suggest to replace the wool in this map on all starter islands with concrete. This will protect players against team trolling, since it’s not possible to put terracotta on fire and fire spread isn’t working on concrete.
Can't disagree, I have experience with this and it's very annoying. Though, I think, this was a plan already, but great feedback anyway :p
A Minecraft item which got released in the 1.10 update is the ‘Totem of Undying’. I would like to see a really small chance of receiving this out of a lucky block.

Isn’t this too overpowered?
Because of the fact that a Totem of Undying is really overpowered, I suggest that whenever a player dies, they will respawn without their loot, on their starter island. This prevents players from having a double life, without any consequences and that they can’t clean someone really fast.
I really like adding the totum of undying with a really rare chance, but what if the player's island was blown up by some tnt wands or anything related?

For the rest, I really like these addons and would love to see them ingame! Keep it up :)
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Forum Veteran
Aug 31, 2019
The Netherlands
Sounds hilarious and a lot of fun, as long as the rods have a lot of pull to them (I wouldn't want it to be like the boss game where you'd have to rod someone several times to get them onto your side).
I can’t agree more!
I'm not really sure about this one as it's really similar to the musical chairs microgame and it would mean certain texture packs would make that game unplayable.
I think this gamemode should stay as it is as colored beds might be confusing to players (as Dean said already) with a different resourcepack and I think the current gamemode is hard enough for some players :)
While I understand your point, I don’t think it’s a huge problem. With the last MinerWare update similar microgames of already existing microgames got added. For instance ‘the floor is dang cold’ & ‘the floor is lava‘, find the potato/carrot/etc & find the oak/jungle/etc tree.

To solve the resourcepack problem, would building red or blue terracotta underneath the beds solve this problem? In this way, it’s possible to get in the right bed by looking at the ground.
This is the only one I just don't really like, mining 9 iron blocks would be really slow and take a bit away from the fast paced aspect of Minerware.

Definitely don't agree with this, it would be incredibly frustrating to get a kill on someone and see them respawn across the map.
I totally agree with both of your concerns and have mixed feelings about both suggestions. I still think that both can be a fun addition, but definitely understand why this shouldn’t be implemented.

Can't disagree, I have experience with this and it's very annoying. Though, I think, this was a plan already, but great feedback anyway :p
I have missed the ‘announcement’ that this was already a plan, but if it’s true I’m more than happy.
I really like adding the totum of undying with a really rare chance, but what if the player's island was blown up by some tnt wands or anything related?
Reasons like this will make spawning on your own island again very hard. I have 2 scenarios which I think would be the best for such moments:
1) Spawning on a random place in the map, which solves this problem.
2) Making the totem of undying less overpowerd by keeping the risk that you won’t re-spawn if your island got blown up. With this players will probably get confused, which is why I don’t think this is the best option.

Thanks both for your feedback!
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what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
To solve the resourcepack problem, would building red or blue terracotta underneath the beds solve this problem? In this way, it’s possible to get in the right bed by looking at the ground.
I'd have to see it honestly, beds cover up most of the ground so it could be a pain to find the right color that way. Maybe if the terracotta is in placed on every block around the bed (oval type shape), but then they couldn't be within a block of each other.


Dedicated Member
Mar 12, 2016
proxy: bungeecord19, server: g9v06
To solve the resourcepack problem, would building red or blue terracotta underneath the beds solve this problem? In this way, it’s possible to get in the right bed by looking at the ground.
oh yes, smart 🤔 :p that would definitely solve the issue.
Reasons like this will make spawning on your own island again very hard. I have 2 scenarios which I think would be the best for such moments:
1) Spawning on a random place in the map, which solves this problem.
2) Making the totem of undying less overpowerd by keeping the risk that you won’t re-spawn if your island got blown up. With this players will probably get confused, which is why I don’t think this is the best option.
1. Yes, but they must make sure there's no player in 30 blocks range or something?
2. You could put it as actionbar or lore when holding (and getting) the totem.
Thanks both for your feedback!
No problem! Thanks for your suggetion, I hope it'll be added 😁

Edit: grats on forward :)


Novice Member
Oct 21, 2020
There're so many stuff they can add because of this migration, what is awesome, that's only a tip of the iceberg but still cool.
Aw snap, imagine illagers in tower defence :0


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Hi SpookyArrow,

We are very sorry for taking such a long time to reply back to your suggestion. We discussed the suggestion internally and decided to mark the suggestion as planned for now. We really like most of the ideas mentioned in the thread and we definitely want to look into adding these suggestions into future updates to these games. If it's all possible technically speaking we will be looking into implementing some of these suggestions!
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